
Celebrating the man Kenneth Agyei Kuranchie

41982439 Kenneth Agyei Kuranchie

Wed, 16 Nov 2022 Source: Samuel Tindanbil

From the block factory to the Ghana Bar; an inspiration to all!

Hail thee my brother for you deserve it. Celebrating a mortal like you means defying the gods, but you deserve it given where you have journeyed from. It is often said that not all of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouths, yes! Ironically some of the greatest men and women were born into underprivileged families.

Your achievement epitomizes a man who took his destiny by the horn and weathered the storm. When all hope was lost in your life’s journey, you proved to the doubting Thomases that one could always define his destiny by remaining focused.

I am celebrating you today because we have come a long way and you deserve to be celebrated for not giving up on life in spite of the many of life’s challenges you had had to endure. On your own, you were compelled to face life at a very tender age due to the icy hands of death.

Your hope of even completing Secondary School was dashed particularly when you had to learn the ropes of life filled with fear of failure, but just as Okonkwo captured in his book ‘Things fall apart’! “Perhaps down in your heart (Okonkwo) was not a cruel soul. But a life dominated by fear, the fear of failure and of weakness because you had no one to look up to.

Though your fear was deeper and more intimate than the fear of evil and capricious gods and magic, it empowered you to learn that you are now on your own with God as your helper.

This fear of failure perhaps toughened you and prepared you for the world. Your life as a block moulder, a stringer with the then PNP newspaper, becoming Editor of the then Weekend Chronicle, and later setting up the authoritative Daily Searchlight newspaper are all worth celebrating.

In spite of the challenges, you were fraught with, here you are having accomplished your push to be called to the Ghana Bar. As a finance person, a Marketer and Chartered Insurer, the one word that I have come to know and appreciate is persistence. You have persisted and deserve commendation.

Ayikoo Lawyer Kenneth Agyei Kuranchie! May the pursuit of justice for humanity remain your focus and having known you all this while, I have no doubt in my mind that, you would succeed!

Columnist: Samuel Tindanbil