
Mr. President, please dare Dr. Annin

Thu, 19 Nov 2009 Source: Agyemang, Frank

Dr. Emmanuel Kwesi Annin is one person no reporter or journalist will ever get bored talking to on security issues. He does not only do the talking but proves or supports such interactions with documents and researched works. I interacted with him as far back as 2002-2003 as a reporter then at CHOICE FM.

By his nature and the way I knew him, one will never have expected him to come public as he did on Joy FM’s evening News Programme on Monday 2nd November 2009. He is always on the quiet side providing vital information and hints on security issues. For him to have now showed public interest in providing his expertise to finding solution to the security challenges up North means this man is serious and ready to work. “Tell the president to appoint me to solve it for him”, boldly declared Dr. Annin on Joy Fm.

Dr. Kwesi Annin is one man sycophants and hypocrites cannot stand because he tells it as it is and for me as a forward looking Ghanaian I think it is time we look out for such persons. Though they might not be the panacea to our numerous challenges, they can certainly make significant contributions to our national development.

Mr. President, if for nothing at all, just offer Dr. Annin the opportunity which in a way could become a challenge to people of his caliber to prove their worth or shut up and learn that theoretical works are different from practical or realities.

Frank Agyemang

Columnist: Agyemang, Frank