
Mr. President, your “ship” is sinking deeper – and deeper

Mon, 2 Apr 2012 Source: Amponsah, Jerry

In the spirit of “Heroes’ Fund,” guns – and other deadly weapons – go gaga.

The state of Atta Mills is deeply silent, unconcerned. Hear no evil; see no evil – as he looks on whereas his political party followers sow seeds of chaos in a peaceful country.

Words of President Atta Mills on his less-than-a-month visit to the White House: “We have an election this year, but we are going to ensure there is peace before, during, and after. When there is no peace, it is not the leaders who suffer; it is the ordinary people who have elected us into office. So we have a big challenge, and we know that some of our friends in Africa are looking up to us, and we dare not fail them.”

Mr. President, pointing to your words above in relation to the painful experiences confronting the “ordinary people,” you have “failed” our friends in Africa – and disappointed President Obama and the White House.

There is one thing President Atta Mills failed to learn from Washington: Non-violent political practices.

You overwhelmingly took all the credits and praises showered on you. Now, be bold, step forward, and take the blame.

He appears to be on the side of the people, but seems more out of touch than any leader in the history of Ghana.

The “big challenge” Atta Mills, admitted, facing him in Ghana is bigger than him – self. Amid reports emitting from one of Africa’s most peaceful countries are, too, dangerous to speak about – under the leadership of one who has self-proclaimed to be peace-loving. In the face of intimidations, violence episodes, and brutalities that have besieged the electoral registration exercises, the “father-for-all” president, Atta Mills, is sitting down and feeling comfy – unconcerned. The see-no-evil, hear-no-evil titular leader hasn’t come out to publicly condemn these ugly spectacles the registration exercise immersed in. His deep silence – without making an effort – is a clear indication that he’s OK with the intimidations and terrorisms orchestrated by his NDC party followers. President Mills is just like ancient Roman Emperor Nero: He was smoking pipe whilst Rome was burning.

On Saturday, 24th February, when the national biometric voters’ registration exercise took off, four people were shot while two others were hacked with machetes at Arugu, in the West Mamprusi District. Guns have been disturbingly displayed at Offinso North and Asunafo South. Another high-profile gun related incident occurred in Offoase Kokoben, Bekwai, leaving a 12-year-old poor innocent boy fatally shot. And that gunshot was fired by an NDC agent, Justice Opoku.

This particular voters’ registration exercise with its high level of violence the country has never seen before has grabbed headlines.

Recent press accounts have questioned the unprecedented influx of guns in this year voters’ registration exercise.

As a country boasting of model of democracy, this is a bad news to the rest of Africa. The red terror details that have surfaced relating to the registration exercise are quite alarming ahead of the December elections.

Now, Ghana, which has successfully found a foothold in democracy, is being sped into violent tainted elections – killing our success story. Most citizens are worried and left with pressing questions as to how will the elections end without war – as the political tensions heightens.

The professor president’s competence on law, justice, and order is highly questionable. Questions that come to mind: Has he lost grip in leading the country, or he is being hypocritical about the whole situation?

In a recent visit to White House, President Atta Mills said that Ghana and US “share same values of democracy.” Now, in light of some heinous incidents that have characterized our politics, can he equate Ghana with US? President Atta Mills is fully aware of how political violence has ruined other Africa countries. Ghana is not an exception. He ought to walk his wildly proclaimed title: “Asomdweehen.”

As the first sub-Saharan African country to gain independence and a democratic icon for Africa, the rest of the world’s attention is focused in our general elections, this year. As a model in democratic practices, we must press for free, fair, and violent-free elections.

In this ultra-modern age of technology (You Tube, Facebook, Twitter and many more), anyone can record event and play it to the world. The NDC political party’s aim is to draw NPP supporters into dangerous and exhausting showdowns.

If the NDC political party leaders think they can easily carry out their already-planned evil acts (intimidations, brutalities, guns flashing and shootings) to subvert the choice of the good people, then they ought to think again. “The net and the social networking are very powerful tools. And are more powerful than Mills outdoored Special Force,” posted on Facebook by Richard Diedong Dombo from England.

Litmus test: Mr. President, the elections you are facing with President Obama: His ship is sailing smoothly; yours is sinking deeper – and deeper.

Jerry Amponsah (Sabbato)

NPP Communications Directorate New York

Columnist: Amponsah, Jerry