
Mrs. Naadu Mills is a wolf in sheep clothing!

Sun, 9 Jan 2011 Source: Amenga-Etego, SaCut

They say that behind every successful man, there is a woman. What we don’t often

hear is that a man’s true nature is largely attributable to the nature of the

woman behind him. Little is known about the real nature of Naadu Mills, wife of

president Mills partly because many who know her have been loudly silent.

However, it is important that we expose the nature and character of the woman

who largely influences the actions or even thoughts of our president on minute


Ernestina Naadu Mills has been talked about very much lately—but privately. And

much of the talk has largely come from people who worked with her prior to the

year 2000 when Prof. Mills was still vice president and chairman of the police

council under President Jerry Rawlings. There are also a lot of murmurings among

people who work with the presidency today about the true nature of the first

lady of Ghana. She is widely described among people who worked, and still work

with her as a bully, a snobbish personality, suffering from a certain complex,

quick tempered and lacking basic public engagement etiquette as a public figure.

She is also fond of courting public ignominy for herself. Many people believe

she bears a large responsibility for her husband’s inability to win the 2000

presidential elections. Why? She already had begun to lord it over the people

around her husband when Prof. Mills was selected as flag bearer prior to the

elections in the year 2000. She began to defy basic state protocol precedents

that had been set earlier. She even started threatening people and causing the

arbitrary transfer and dismissal of some castle and state protocol staff.

According to one senior man in the NDC 1 regime, many NDC people got afraid of

having an Atta Mills presidency after the year 2000 because of the appalling

attitude of Mrs. Mills. Many senior appointees expressed the fear they could not

work with her under her husband’s presidency. And this feeling introduced a lot

of apathy from people who otherwise would have worked hard to retain power for

the NDC in the year 2000. The feeling is not different today—may be even worse.

An incident happened last year in an international forum in Brasils, Belgium

involving the first lady Mrs. Naadu Mills which sounded really unbelievable to

many Ghanaians—but which clearly defined the real nature of this woman. During

an international forum that brought together both current and former first

ladies, Mrs. Mills decided to create public spectacle at that international

forum where she behaved as though she was total strangers to the other high

level Ghanaian participants such as Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings the former

first lady of Ghana and wife of the NDC founder and other high powered

delegates. That incident made the headlines in Ghana and many people could not

believe the first lady was capable of creating such public ridicule for herself

at such an international forum. I was one such blind fellow until my eyes got


A man said to me not to be naïve enough to think that the first lady is an angel

and incapable of what had been reported in the media about her. He was sure

because he had witnessed a similar drama created by Mrs. Mills in the year 2000

during a public durbar to commission a day care centre of the 31st DWM in Ada in

the greater Accra region. During the time of the incident, Joshua Alabi was then

the greater Accra regional minister and was also present and witnessed at this

durbar where Mrs. Naadu Mills first made a public ridicule of herself and can

corroborate this story—if he is a man of integrity. It was here at Ada that

Mrs. Mills decided to drive into a durbar ground—and this was a gathering of the

chiefs and people of the Ada traditional area—without regard to the dust that

her moving convoy would have put in the faces of the seated guests. She wanted

her convoy to drive to the dais where she would just alight and sit down

without having to walk—a practice that was avoided by the then regime and which

was widely known by the police men on duty at the durbar grounds. According to

the story, the police men on duty at the durbar ground tried to prevent the

driver of the vehicle carrying Mrs. Mills from driving to the podium in

accordance with the usual practice of the regime but this did not please Mrs.

Mills who stormed out of her vehicle and began publicly and in the full glare of

the gathering to castigate and threaten the policemen on duty and 31st December

women present. Not even the kneeling down publicly by these women could pacify

Mrs. Mills and calm her nerves down. She was also very rude and insulting to the

then police commander who tried to explain things to her. In her anger, she

shouted all the while and kept throwing tantrums to the hearing of the entire


As if that was not enough, it is said that Mrs. Naadu Mills even refused to

greet the chiefs and people who had gathered to welcome her to the durbar just

because she was prevented by these experienced policemen from driving into the

durbar ground. One would think that this alone was enough public ridicule. But

no. The first lady still had more drama to unfold true to her nature.

She refused to smile throughout the durbar. Not only that. When it was time for

her to address the people—people she had invited to come and wait for her—she

was duly introduced but lo she was ready for further ignominy. She refused to

stand up let alone speak. Someone else had to quickly step in and speak for

her—immediately creating an excuse for her inability to address the gathering

even though she had been introduced as the next speaker. This spectacle left the

entire gathering of chiefs and people completely stupefied. At the end of the

durbar—the first of a series of durbars for that day—she even refused to

ceremonially commission the day care centre for which reason she was at Ada. And

the rest of the day’s itinerary had to be cancelled because of her refusal to

follow simple public etiquette.

Mrs. Naadu Mills got so bitter that she went as far as getting her husband, then

vice President Mills and chairman of the police council to immediately transfer

away from Accra the two police men on duty at the durbar ground who prevented

her as a matter of duty from driving into the durbar ground at Ada. She could

not forgive them for not allowing her put dust in the faces of the seated


After hearing this story, it became clear to me that Mrs. Naadu Mills is a wolf

in sheep clothing. Like her husband, she only appears humble and lovable but she

is neither sober nor kind. Indeed, she is repulsive. And the people who work

with her can testify that she is almost always angry with everyone around her.

Let truth be told.

SaCut Amenga-Etego

(NDC youth with conviction of principle)

Columnist: Amenga-Etego, SaCut