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Commentary: Martin Amidu Is A Big Albatross!!!

Wed, 4 Jan 2012 Source: The Informer

Straight to the point, President Atta Mills' Attorney General & Justice Minister, Mr. Martin Amidu, is a big disappointment and an albatross hanging around the neck of the Better Ghana agenda.

Many were those convinced that Martin Amidu, because of his long working years at the AG's office, and knowing the working nuances of the place, would be a much better AG than Betty Mould Iddrisu, who was not known to be a courtroom lawyer.

Alas, Martin Amidu has become the biggest disappointment in the Mills Administration.

We thought Betty was not good; Martin is worse!

We have heard from very reliable sources that Martin Amidu says that he will not be the “hatchet man” for the Mills Administration.

Hatchet man?

Where hatchet man means what?

Is that why even though the police have prepared a docket for egg-head cocaine-snorting Kennedy Agyepong to be prosecuted for threatening to kill Alhaji Bature, Martin Amidu has refused to go to court?

If an idiot threatens to kill an innocent citizen and is prosecuted by the State, what is a “hatchet job” about that?

So, because of Martin Amidu’s silly decision not to be a “hatchet man”, moronic Kennedy Agyepong is walking free after threatening to kill Alhaji Bature. Because Martin Amidu does not want to be a “hatchet man”, many NPP thieves who should have been in court are walking free.

On the issue of judgment debt (which the NPP wants to hang around the neck of the NDC), if Martin Amidu had been working and hauling NPP operatives before the court for being the main cause of the payment of judgment debts, the likes of Kwadwo Mpiani wouldn’t have had the audacity to open their traps of mouths and say stupid things about the Mills Administration.

Mr. Kufuor and his gang of thieves deliberately caused huge financial loss to the state running into billions of dollars via the payment of huge sums to Malaysia Telecom, Construction Pioneers and some other companies, because of wrongful abrogation of contracts, yet Martin Amidu is doing nothing about taking them to court.

Instead of working to prosecute the NPP thieves, Martin Amidu is rather interested in panning Betty Mould Iddrisu out as a criminal who committed crimes, when she was AG.

We were all mad at Betty for keeping the NPP’s structure in place when she was AG.

Well, Martin Amidu has not only kept the NPP structure in place, he has empowered them to be sabotaging Government.

How on earth can Martin Amidu sit down and allow Legislative Instruments (LI’s) to be written wrongly?

Just before Parliament went on recess in December last year, Martin Amidu sat down and allowed the NPP agents to sabotage LI meant for the creation of new districts.

In other words, Martin Amidu sabotaged the Government that appointed him. For goodness sake, how can Martin Amidu be working with the daughter of Odoi Sykes (former National Chairman of the NPP), the wife of Yaw Barimah (former NPP MP and former Minister in the Kufuor Administration) and the wife of Fred Oware (the current Vice Chairman of the NPP and owner of Choice FM; one of the NPP radio stations that has specialised in insulting President Atta Mills).

What on earth is Martin Amidu doing with these NPP agents?

When the NPP won in 2000, did they leave Martin Amidu at the AG’s Department? Would we be wrong to say that Martin Amidu is an NPP agent himself? Is this the man that was going to become Vice President if the NDC had won in 2000?

Honestly, if Martin Amidu is not prepared to work, His Excellency President Atta Mills must SACK him immediately.

We have had enough of people who are sabotaging the Mills Administration and in this election year, we will not sit down and allow such gross wickedness to go unpunished.

Anybody who thinks that he does not want to be a “hatchet man/woman” must be sacked for those who want to work to be given the chance to support President Atta Mills to succeed.

The Informer is going to wage a relentless war on all the NDC functionaries who are sabotaging President Atta Mills, and if such persons don’t want to have sleepless nights, they better turn a new leaf this year or face the wrath of The Informer and thousands of NDC foot-soldiers from all over the country.

We have served notice; nobody should dare attempt to stop us when we wage our crusade to save the Mills Administration from the hands of people who say they don’t want to be “hatchet men/women”.

Columnist: The Informer