
My take on Zebilla Hospital road

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Mon, 12 Oct 2015 Source: Mr. Bombs

Honourable District Chief Executive of Zebilla district, I’ve been wanting to write this for a while, but any day, any time “T” I put my pen to my paper, my friends caution me to exercise a little bit of constrain because I may incur your wrath. I want to use this medium to plant into your “medulla Oblongata” that, I am not scared of your wrath because I am not under the pay roll of any political party but I’ve sworn with the last drop of my blood to uncover the “covered”.

Mr. D.C.E, being a native of Zebilla and having been appointed by the president to represent him at the district level, I put it to you that you are not be served instead, you are to sere the people. My understanding is that, you ply the Zebilla hospital road at any time but you have deliberately refused to see the bad nature of the road. Anyway, I am not surprised. A bird whispered into my years that, the Toyota Land cruiser 4X4 car (V8) is immune to dusty and bumpy road.

Hey, I do not pray for that but I will urge you to park your vehicle and walk down the street towards the hospital in the name of receiving medical treatment any time you fall sick so you can have a feel of how the sick people go through.

Your posture and position reminds me of a story my grandmother once upon the time told me. She said, “If you own both a goat and a dog and thieves invade your house in the middle of the night, and the goat “barks” instead of the dog, then it is a “CAPITAL INSULT” to the dog. What it means is that, the dog does not know its work.

The bottom line is that you do not need a rank and file like me to tell you to fix the hospital road either than that you will put your self in the shoes of the above mentioned dog. I am compelled to use this platform because all attempts to get to your office physically proved futile.

A friend of mine said to me that you are waiting for 2016 to approach so you can score political points but I have to be honest with you, if in deed that is your motive then I can say it on authority that you have failed in advance.

Mr. D.C.E, I wanted to go to “Timonde” but due to some circumstances beyond my control I decided to alight at “Tanga”.

Whatever the reasons may be, the people of Zebilla and their environs deserve to have the hospital road fixed unconditionally.

God bless all my readers, God bless mother Ghana.

Mr. Bombs

Columnist: Mr. Bombs