
NDC And Woyome Connived To "Rape Maame Ghana"

Sun, 18 Dec 2011 Source: Sarpong, Justice

Sarpong, Justice

"Did A-G Disregard Court Order By Asking State To Pay Woyome GHC42m Instead Of GHC17m?"

This was the headline at peacefm website regarding how NDC and his A-G teamed up to disreagrd a court order and rather gave Woyome a bonanza of 41 million instead of 17 million Ghana New cedis.

"There is empirical evidence to show that contrary to a court order that the state should pay NDC stalwart and businessman, Alfred Woyome an amount of GHC17 million, the Attorney-General rather instructed the state to pay Mr Woyome, GHC42 million. Court documents produced on Friday by Randy Abbey, host of Metro TV’s “Good Morning Ghana” programme, indicate that the A-G might have disregarded the court order."

Ghanaians are being 'raped' by the so called social democrats in NDC and they are doing it without any respect to Ghanaians because they believe the citizens are stupid. My fellow countrymen, there is a connection between this bribe and the NDC 20 million dollars Party headquarters at Adabraka. Yes, it is a bribe and not a real court judgement to Woyome who is the money man for NDC. He is holding this money in trust for the socialist NDC Party.

When the NDC Headquarters building story came out, it was alleged the NDC wanted Woyome to claim the building as his own which he is donating to NDC but coming in the heels of the huge court judgement or bribe given to him, they decided it was not wise to do it and that is why NDC cannot come out and tell Ghanaians where it got the money to build this monstrous edifice. We should continue to bombard NDC to come out and tell Ghanaians where it got the money to build this montrosity

According to Randy Abbey, host of Metro TV’s “Good Morning Ghana” programme,The NDC guru who reportedly contributed extremely generously at a recent fund-raising ceremony for the party and also funded some officials of the NDC to witness the 2010 World Cup in South Africa claims he won the huge amount squarely, because the Kufuor administration ditched him after winning the contract to execute a job in connection with the renovation of the two leading stadia in the country, and the construction of an additional two. "Mr Woyome, a businessman, financial engineer and a former Deputy Consul of Austria, brought a case against the state on April 19, 2011, claiming he was wrongfully denied a contract to build stadia for the Ghana 2008 tournament and in lieu of that claimed GHC51,283,480.59 in damages."

Why did Woyome wait till April 2011, almost two and half years after NDC came to power to file this case against the state? I can understand why the guy did not file a case in 2007 when the contract was yanked from him because he might not have felt he has any chance of winning a judgement in NPP regime but why did he wait two and half years after NDC came to power to file this case? This is where the conniving between the NDC and Woyome comes into play.

"But reports indicate that the judgment was given in default of a defence by the Attorney General’s Department. Some critics, have therefore, accused officials of the AG’s Department of deliberately refusing to defend the state to enable Mr. Woyome secured a default judgement of GHC51,283,480.59."

One has to wonder why the state failed to defend against this claim and awarded Woyome more than 25 million dollars in default judgement because your NDC Attorney General was in the loop to give this bribe finely clothed in court judgement to this crook called Woyome who in turn will use part of this money to finance the NDC 2012 election. Did anybody read what the stupid Ofosu Kwakye, the so called Oil Expert doing "LALA SULALA" at the castle said about the 20 million dollars Party headquarters? He said NDC raised that amount during its fund raising activities and who was mentioned as contributing generously at that fund raising? Your guess is as good as mine, the fraudster Woyome.

"The A-G subsequently filed a stay of execution to “enable them defend the claim on the merits of the case.” Wasn't the A-G served summons as a defendant in Woyome versus the state of Ghana? Why did it abdicate its responsibility to defend Ghan the first time and wait till a Judgement has been issued to file for stay of execution? Folks, NDC Attorney General and its Finance Ministry is playing a typical Good Cop Bad Cop game on Ghanaians thinking they in NDC are smarter than everybody else. Why will you pay somebody a judgement amount if you intend to file an Appeal? Anyway, how do you file an appeal in a case you first decided not to defend? Do you realise the kind of stupid lawyers and con game NDC is playing on Ghanaians? This is why these fools continue to lose court cases and turn around and blame it on 'NPP' so called Judges. We have NDC lawyers who seem to have bought their law certificates on mushroom universities on line.

"The judge, Justice I. O. Tanko Amadu, granted the stay of execution albeit in part and conditionally. He said since the Defendants filed their writ and the stay of execution after due date for the payment of the first installment of GHC17 million to Mr Woyome, the A-G should pay that money with the interest accrued subject to the Plaintiff also filing an undertaking to return the money in full should the A-G succeed in his defence and should the Plaintiff lose his case."

]The defendant, that is the state of Ghana intentionally failed to file stay of execution on time so that Woyome could collect the first instalment of 17 million Ghana cedis, but an official from the Finace Ministry decided to pay the whole 41 million Ghana cedis to Woyome against the court decision.

This case smells so bad even Kwesi Pratt who has never seen any NDC corruption in his life is calling for the government to investigate why the government decided not to contest this case in court when it was filed. Anyway, why will the government even approve any payment in a case it is appealing? How can the Judge instruct Woyome to sign a conditional form to return the money paid to him in case the government wins its appeal? HUH? Where in the world do they pay a civil judgement when the case is still in appeal? This stealing called judgement smell so bad I can even smell it all the way to my humble abode in Katy, Houston.

Does Woyome even have a case against the people of Ghana? Do we owe him a contract? I can understand him recovering some amount if he did any work on such contract but he did not even dig a pit anywhere for him to be awarded a dime, but the thieves in NDC in their own wisdom decided to give Woyome a bonanza and this is even better than winning an American powerball lottery that starts at 20 million dollars. What a handsome 'armed robbery' by Woyome and his underlings at NDC.

If Ghanaians think this is bad, wait till they make a mistake and vote for these armed robbers turned politicians in NDC in 2012 and it will be so bad Ghanaians will flock Somalia and Bangladesh Embassies seeking visas to check out of our beloved Ghana. NDC has raped mother Ghana enough we should not allow mother Ghana to born bastard Children from this rape. We should rescue "MAAME" Ghana from the NDC 'rapists'.

Justice Sarpong

Houston, Texas

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice