
NDC Gurus are confused and are Gyrating like Headless Chicken

Wed, 19 Oct 2011 Source: Adofo, Rockson

"Like father like son" The NDC party is an offspring of the PNDC. The NDC not being only an offspring but a spitting image of the PNDC has all the inherent charlatanry characteristics of the parent. The parent party, thus, the PNDC, was born out of total confusion, deceit and corruption. No wonder the entirety of the NDC apparatchik is far worse confused than the confused rivers meandering in the Amazon forest. Whoa!

To buttress my contention, I will cite a few instances emphasising the confused gyrating by some NDC gurus. The sole Father and Founder of the NDC travelled the length and breadth of Ghana conducting vigorous campaign for the NDC to win back power during the 2008 Parliamentary and Presidential elections. Amid the campaign messages, he threatened Ghanaians with the rain of brimstone in the event of NDC failing to wrestle power from the NPP. He punched the air and hit his chest several times with full fist shouting, "I have come back, I have come back", when the NDC won the elections. He thought Mr. Evans Atta Mills, his former Deputy, mentee and probably pupil (Schoolboy), was going to be a puppet through which he, Rawlings, could rule Ghana again. No sooner had Mr Atta Mills taken the Presidential Oath of office than he reneged on his years back promise to consult Rawlings 24/7 hours a week on any policy, he, Atta, undertakes or initiates. He quickly sidelined Rawlings to become his own man.

Rawlings saw Atta's behaviour as completely snobbish, an affront on his credibility, and vowed to punish him. He went public castigating him; calling him all sorts of degrading names. He called him, "Atta Mortuary man", "who had born dog", "Atta Go Slow", "Konongo Kaya" etc. The more he insulted President Atta Mills, the stronger his resolve to shun the Rawlingses became. Rawlings became so confused that he thought he needed to intensify his attack on not only Atta but also his government. He started calling the members of Atta's government "greedy parasitic bastards", "mediocre", and incompetent persons who have wormed themselves through and into the NDC party and government to amass illegal wealth. The more he attacked, revealing the far worse corruption going on within the NDC government and party, the more Atta lined up his array of defensive missiles in the persons of his foul-mouthed Deputy Ministers to counteract Rawlings boot for boot and bumper to bumper. They counteracted Rawlings' offensive missiles by raining insults on him, divested him of his title of, "The Father and Founder of the NDC party"

Baba Jamal, as confused, incompetent and a great liar as he is, advised NDC activists to go out exaggerating the achievements of President Mill's government. He advised them to lie by saying; President Mills has bought us 4 x 4 cars when it is actually a bicycle, a cow when it is a goat, bags of rice when it is simply a cup of rice. He thinks Ghanaians are all stupid as he may be.

Asiedu Nketia, that emaciated mosquito with poisonous proboscis, although sitting on the Bui Dam Project Board as a member, still finds it smart to sell cement blocks at twice the ongoing price to a contractor/firm working on the dam. What a probable conflict of interest crime he is committing! This same man once the best friend of Rawlings now calls him "a barking dog" that has been chased out of the NDC party. What a scenario of "quick buck goes as quick as it comes" Rawlings full of criminal intentions to rule Ghana with iron hands until he dies, forms the NDC out of the blue with State funds. Among the repercussions of dubiously taking State money to form, the NDC party is his ongoing ex-communication from the NDC. . Macho men chased out Nana Agyemang Konadu Rawlings from Cape Coast. They saw her rounds of "Thank you tour" throughout the nation as mischievous and with intent to undermine the re-election of President Mills and the NDC party.

Nana Agyemang Konadu Rawlings intends to put on trial the government of President Mills if she had won the NDC's Congress election held in Sunyani. She continuously until today accuses President Mills and his government as corrupt. Their corruption, she says, is far worse than ugliness that cuts deeper across the bones. Comparatively, NPP's corruption is like beauty, which is only skin-deep. How then do Ghanaians expect these confused entities trading insults and allegations of corruption against one another to continue to rule Ghana beyond December 2012?

Now President Mills and his government are trying hard to woo over Rawlings upon the realisation that without Rawlings campaigning for him, he will surely lose the 2012 general elections. Upon all the humiliations and insults hurled on the Rawlingses from within, the NDC fold, while President Mills watches gleefully, Rawlings will be the biggest fool on earth to allow freebies to bait him. How can he undo all the insults and allegations of corrupt practices he has made against Atta Mills' government? Will he still want such an incompetent President to continue to rule Ghana? If he does, then he is eating his own vomit, as does the dog.

How will President Mills feel standing on the same platform hugging Rawlings with that sly intention to get him to campaign for him? Once he wins 2012 elections, he shows Rawlings the exit again. He will treat Rawlings far worse than Rawlings is seeing or going through now under his first term of office.

To Rawlings, I say, "Once bitten twice shy" Ghanaians are not that stupid to be deceived any further by the incompetent, money-grabbing NDC party. Ghanaians with the NDC foot soldiers inclusive are suffering yet, the likes of Obed Asamoah, Asiedu Nketiah, Agyenim Boateng and Kobby Acheampong want the NDC to be re-elected at the 2012 elections. "Tofiakwa"!

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson