
NDC alleges Nana Akuffo-Addo Desecrates a Mosque with Urine

Wed, 7 Dec 2011 Source: Rockson Adofo

The mosque like any other place of religious worship is sacrosanct. It is therefore sacrilegious for anyone irrespective of his or her status within a community to attempt to commit any act that will place the church, the mosque or the fetish shrine in disrepute.

Unfortunately, the politics in Ghana has descended into the gutter with many doing gutter politics. The NDC sycophants who are resolute in their determination to ensure, though, as weakling as President Mills is, wins a second term in office come 2012 elections, have resorted to this excessive gutter politics. They are wallowing in ignorance, underestimation of their own intelligence and portrayal of utter stupidity by dwelling in, and feeding on extreme politics of propaganda. They are doing this not because they have the interest of Ghana at heart but just that they can enrich themselves illegally. Their employers, thus, the NDC government and party, pay them to behave irresponsibly in attempt to tarnish the reputation of their responsible rival counterparts in the NPP.

How do they think to score political points and votes by falsely accusing Nana Dankwah Akuffo-Addo of baring his manhood in public to urinate onto the wall of a mosque in the Northern part of Ghana? Whoever came up with this cheap propaganda is the silliest thing ever to come out of the womb of his mum. The person should bow down his head in shame for bringing shame upon not only him but also the very womb that conceived him. He had intended to turn the Muslims against Nana Akuffo-Addo and the NPP. He knows very well how the Muslims are very sensitive to any act that may seem to desecrate their religion and prophet.

In some countries, the Muslims go the extra mile to protect their religion, prophet, Koran and their fellow Muslims by threatening, maiming, and even killing those they perceive to be deriding their religion in a way or the other. Whoever reported on Nana Addo in relation to causing Islamic blasphemy had intended to turn the country's Muslims against the NPP. In a vain attempt to score winning votes for the NDC and the seemingly lame duck President, this person is unknowingly about to add more fuel to the simmering political and tribal embers. That fire, if it does escalate and propagate beyond our reach, intelligence, technological expertise and scope of fire-fighting equipment availability, the conflagration will consume that inadvertent doomsayer as well.

Fire, Fire, Fire ee! Fire will burn you. When the NDC realise how they have deliberate or not, allowed political ignorance to consume them, it would be too late. Enough is enough with the NDC's dirty politicking. NDC are corrupt, and abound in greedy mediocre bastards as Former President Rawlings truthfully says. It hurts to tell the truth but in the end, it brings comfort.

Will falsely but gleefully accusing Nana Akuffo-Addo of urinating on or at the back of a Mosque resolve the surmounting problems facing Ghana? Will such accusation quench the hunger of Ghanaians by putting food on their table? NDC are desperately trying to divert our attention from their complete incompetence at steering the country out of the sea of poverty. They are diverting our attention from that ocean of corruption and embezzlement that is engulfing them in each passing day. When they are eating, easing themselves, dreaming or having fun, all they see and think about is how to bring Nana Addo down. The NDC should understand that he who God has blessed; no human being could pull him or her down.

Whatever the NDC and the hypocrite "nhwe hann" President do, it is "Naana Na. Nana sure!" for 2012 come December 2012.

Fellow Ghanaians, please do not let NDC deceive you. They have nothing good to offer Ghana but corruption and embezzlement that have reached the gates of Hell. They are only good at lying their way through and through but this time around stop them in their tracks. While the NDC fool the poverty-stricken foot soldiers to follow them without recompense, the likes of the once emaciated General Mosquito Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, Obese Koku Anyidoho, Foul-mouthed Kobby Acheampong and Baby-face Agyenim Boateng are putting up mansions left, right, centre forward etc.

Muslims, please do not let the NDC's propaganda fool you. They are only playing on your intelligence. They hope to get your precious votes for cheap through such anger-inciting or provocative falsehoods. They are all political propaganda, they will tell you one day. Be matured, my fellow Ghanaian Muslims. See the NDC as the usual sly fox that has nothing good to offer but to steal, kill and destroy. Shame on NDC!

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Rockson Adofo