
NDC and Tsatsu Tsikata are Crumbling like a Pack of Cards

Sat, 18 May 2013 Source: Adofo, Rockson

I very well understand the old saying, "when a long rope falls into an unwitty hand, it does not take long to form a noose for him to hang himself" The utter defeat of the NDC and Lawyer Tsatsu Tsikata as well as the Electoral Commission in the ongoing Election 2012 court proceedings is written boldly on the wall and in the sky. Those that have sensitive eyesight and interpretive understanding of the signs and times of the seasons can attest to my assertion.

Lawyer Tsatsu Tsikata, alias "Mr Quote Quote", walked into the Supreme Court as the Lead Counsel for the NDC, in high spirits with a chip on his shoulder, resolutely determined to win the case for his client at the word Go. Decidedly, he was going to prove to the whole world that yes, he is the No.1 Ghanaian acclaimed legal luminary. Unfortunately for him, Dr Bawumia from the witness box has whittled down Tsatsu's vainglory very miserably. He has been reduced to Mr "Ordinary", enwrapped in shame. His Tsatsu mystification has departed him. We are now all witnesses to how empty his intellectual elevation and prowess as a defence lawyer are. In the eyes of the NDC he is still a hero to worship.

Does he continue to cross-examine Dr Bawumia when indeed he has nothing more intelligent to ask? He should learn from his other colleagues (Tony Lithur and Quarshie-Idun) who knew when to stop. He had better do exactly as they wisely did. He should not keep on disgracing himself by persistently asking the same question over and over again in different shapes or forms.

Many a person watching his cross-examination does not only find his questions boring but also, a complete nuisance. The Supreme Court had better draw the curtain on his cross examinations to give others the chance to cross-examine Dr Kwadwo Afari Gyan and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, alias General Mosquito.

The office of Gloria Akuffo, a member of the Petitioner's legal team has been ransacked and personal computers (PC) plus backup USB sticks stolen. This is the second time assailants have broken into her office since she was announced a member of the petitioner's legal time. What does this indicate to Ghanaians?

Are some people so desperate to stay in power hence, making attempts to obliterate incriminating credible evidences? Who is behind the election 2012-related documents or materials that are being stolen every now and then? The perpetrators of these heinous crimes shall be brought to book no matter how long it takes to get them.

The NDC like Tsatsu Tsikata have messed up their chance to prove to Ghanaians they are worthy of everyone's trust. Discerning Ghanaians have lost confidence in them. They are no longer ready to entrust their safety and lives into the hands of NDC and President Mahama, as inimical as they are.

Tsatsu, the NDC mighty tree has fallen like a pack of cards. He had better get serious for once!

Rockson Adofo

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson