
NDC's governanace failures are opportunities for NPP to make a positive difference

Ndc Nppflags Flags of NDC and NPP

Sun, 23 Apr 2017 Source: Kwame Attakora Abrefah

A successful society is defined by the opportunities that are available to its people to live life to their fullest potential. Consequently, the government’s role is to ensure a secure and stable environment for its citizens to live in freedom and to eradicate conditions such as corruption, poverty, violence, intimidation, racketeering and oppression, which undermine freedoms.

The 2016 general election was momentous because it allowed the people to choose a political party that would enable them to have fair opportunities and choices in life.

Thus, the election gave Ghanaians the opportunity to choose between alternative visions of growth and development of the two major parties, the NPP and the NDC. The NDC proposed to promote economic growth by investing in infrastructural development such as roads, highways, seaports and hospitals.

The NPP, on the other hand, promised to invest in people by revamping the faltering National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), investing in education, rebuilding the Zongo communities, and investing in agriculture. Thus, the elections were a contest between infrastructural development and human development.

The verdict was clear. Ghanaians voted overwhelmingly for Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP.

So, what exactly did Ghanaians vote for when they elected Nana Akufo-Addo and the NPP? And what exactly did Ghanaians reject when they voted against the NDC government? First, I will briefly address why Ghanaians voted out the NDC.

I will then offer ideas about how the NPP government can meet the high expectations of the people by balancing economic growth with sustainable human development strategies to improve both the short and the long-term conditions of the people.

Infrastructure is the foundation upon which every economy is built. In other words, it is a precursor and part of economic growth.

Therefore, the NDC government was right in directing a portion of the nation’s wealth to building roads, highways and hospitals. Nonetheless, an infrastructure driven development model is notorious for breeding corruption, stifling creativity and creating huge public debts. Corruption occurs in construction projects because contractors pay to obtain contracts at inflated prices. In fact, it is estimated that the average cost of infrastructure projects is inflated by anywhere between 20%-35% just to pay corrupt officials.

The NDC’s infrastructure driven development model failed because:

1) corruption became endemic as public officials redesigned and proposed new projects with few public benefits and many opportunities for kickbacks and racketeering;

2) a handful of political elites and highly connected people captured key state institutions to influence public policy to their advantage; and

3) bribery and corruption induced apathy and stifled creativity in public management as technocrats looked on helplessly while the few elites looted the state.

In short, NDC’s infrastructure development agenda was elite-driven, ‘benefited’ a few, and left the masses behind!

The NDC also lost power because senior members of the government developed an inflated sense of power and control, seemingly to a delusional level.

They believed they could control outcomes beyond their capacities. Why not? Ultimately, as we often say in the local parlance, money talks!

They had accumulated so much wealth that they believed they could win the election by buying off the very people they have abandoned in their quest to build infrastructure. Thus, in their delusion, the government underestimated the level of public anger, resentment and mistrust towards it.

The intensity of the election campaign was a clear sign of the struggle to either maintain the status quo or to change the direction of the country.

The public’s vigilance at the polls showed that the Ghanaian people were determined to prevent corruption in the electoral process in order to reclaim the state from a few elites who had captured it for their selfish gains.

In sum, the NDC lost the election because its leadership had become too corrupt, insensitive, arrogant and delusional about the extent of their power. When leaders become, selfish and begin to make decisions in the interests of their cronies and families, their power can disappear very quickly.

The outcome of the elections was a demonstration of the people’s discontent for the NDC’s self-congratulatory infrastructure development and their acceptance of a new paradigm that focusses on human development The incoming NPP government now has an obligation to govern wisely in order to meet the high expectations of the people and maintain their trust.

This means the NPP has the serious and unenviable responsibility of transforming the economy that is stagnating under high public debt on infrastructure, renewing public trust in our democratic institutions, and improving the people’s living conditions.

As daunting as these responsibilities are, it is still the people’s aspirations that provide the clearest lens for understanding the development process that must be undertaken to alleviate their suffering.

In essence, the people’s struggle for a future free of political corruption, arrogance, and oppression should form the basis for the new vision and strategies of the President-Elect and his team. The future of Ghana must be built on the strengths of all Ghanaians and not the expertise of a selected few.

Indeed, the NPP’s Manifesto articulates this vision and serves to carry forward people-centred programs to transform the country.

It must, however, be emphasized that the bulk of the work that will develop the country from the perspective of the poor, the marginalized and the middle class still needs to be done, and must be done with experienced hands, in close consultation with the people, and in an atmosphere of respect. What follows are a few suggestions about how to meet the people’s expectations.

The NPP’s Manifesto focuses on how to provide better opportunities for the people to expand the richness of their lives, rather than the richness of the country -- often quantified by GDP.

So how does the NPP approach differ from the NDC agenda if both parties seek to improve the living conditions of the people? Whereas the NDC sought to increase economic growth through building projects, the NPP’s approach is that the peoples’ wellbeing should be the ultimate criteria for evaluating the country’s development, not economic and infrastructural development alone. In other words, infrastructural development should emanate from the people’s ingenuity and not be imposed.

The people’s ownership of the development process would be the surest bet to NPP’s success.

The NPP Manifesto thus remains a useful platform for articulating the objectives of human development. That said, the government must adopt specific strategies and initiatives to reduce poverty and improve the people’s living conditions in tangible ways. The government’s policies must be guided by the principles that:

1. Economic growth is an essential but not sufficient condition for poverty reduction. Poverty reduction requires strategic initiatives. It involves transformation of institutions, laws, regulations and practices that accentuate and perpetuate poverty;

2. The law must be applied fairly and consistently to guarantee human rights and to prevent discrimination based on ethnicity, political affiliation, and social status;

3. Community partnerships must be forged to build collective responsibility and leadership, and to ensure citizen engagement and participation in governance;

4. Public awareness of, and sensitivity to issues related to poverty must be enhanced;

5. There must be a shift away from the current antagonistic nature of our public discourse, which has been characterized by a pattern of insults of late.

When policymakers resist, stereotyping based on political and ethnic affiliation, a space for listening with respect and tolerance will open up and thereby elevate public policy discussions to encompass a more complex and nuanced understanding of the choices we have to make to address our challenges.

The incoming NPP government must be careful not to repeat the mistakes of the NDC, but rather focus on reconciling the diverse interests and values in the country to promote integration and national unity.

Two complementary questions must drive the NPP’s human development agenda. First, how can the economy work for everybody by reducing taxes, creating growth and employment? Second, how can the nation maximize its human capital to improve everyone’s living conditions? Ultimately, the government must work to the most vulnerable members of society and ensure the health and wellbeing of families and children.

This should be an important objective regardless of the rate of growth of the economy. Not only is it the right of the vulnerable to survive but it is a moral and ethical obligation of the government to ensure same for these groups.

It is essential for the NPP government to pursue policies that promote robust economic growth while adopting specific strategies to reduce poverty, protect the vulnerable and support families. The people have embraced the NPP’s message of hope and it is time for the Akufo-Addo government to make a positive difference in the lives of the people. The new government, I believe, have what it takes to do just that.

Columnist: Kwame Attakora Abrefah