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NPP 'Azar' Promises And Corruption (part 1)

Wed, 13 Aug 2008 Source: Mensah, Humphrey Tettey

The Kufuor administration and the NPP as a cocaine party is the most corrupt government ever in the history of Ghana and they have no shame to stand in front of the good people of Ghana to promise them again when they know what they are saying is not true. They are the worse government ever. VOTE THESE CROOKS OUT.

When an NPP leader, especially the crack head Akuffo-Addo tells you to look up, your safest bet is to look left, right, and down; never up because of their sturdy AZAR PROMISES. For 40 years these clowns and thieves with outmoded aspirations have waxed themselves croaky labeling Dr. Nkrumah and Dr. J.J.Rawlings as dictators. And so Ghanaians decided in 2000 to give them a chance to exhibit their democratic fortitude. But theirs has been a incessant stream of thwarting episodes of larceny, forgery, deceit, obstruction of justice, impersonation, unethical, nepotism, misappropriation of funds, bribes, drug dealing, illegal receipt of kickbacks from public contracts, hooliganism (remember Legon 2005 and 2007?), adultery, wife snatching, favoritisms and sheer incompetence. Recently, the president summoned his Minister for National Security to his house Which he uses the tax payers money to renovate and flippantly fired him with these fancy words “fri ha, fri mi fie”. For a president who waxes inspired about the democratic credentials of his government and his party, one would expect some regard for the people who made him what he is today. A president with democratic proclivities would have asked his office to make a statement to Ghanaians to explain why our National Security Chief was fired like a ‘nobody’ and up till today the good people of Ghana do not know why he was fired. If Dr.J.J.Rawlings or Dr.Nkrumah had behaved similarly, they would be labeled dictators by the NPP.

To add insult to our credulity, Kufuor sent a squad of police and military officers to place the dismissed Francis Poku under house arrest. If Dr. J.J.Rawlings or Dr. Nkrumah had behaved alike, they would be labeled dictators. No one really knows where John Agyekum Kufuor got his powers to place Ghanaians under military-enforced house arrest. Our democratic constitution did not bestow such capricious powers of detention on the president. They can only come from a president with dictatorial proclivities. Taking us for idiots, Kufuor and his party flew the dismissed Francis Poku out of the country under cover of darkness. No record of Poku’s exit from Ghana exists in any register of embarkation/disembarkation at any of Ghana’s ports.. It’s as if Kufuor had turned magician. One moment he tells you to take a good look at Francis Poku, the next moment he asked you to close your eyes and when you opened them Mr. Poku had disappeared into oblivion. If Dr.J.J.Rawlings or Nkrumah had done similar, they would be labeled dictators on top of being magicians.

Ladies and Gentlemen: our constitution gives Kufuor the power to dismiss his hirelings, but it does not give him the power to place such hirelings under house arrest without a warrant from the courts. Our constitution does not give Kufuor the power to smuggle Ghanaians out of the country in order to silence them from telling the public the embarrassing details of the president’s dubious activities. So, where did Kufuor get these powers from? Where did Kufuor get his dictatorial powers from?

In the past 71/2 years, NPP has constantly dredged up NDC’s record of supposed misdeeds to justify the current illegal activities of its own leaders. In a perverted logic which would not stand scrutiny anywhere but Ghana, NPP has shown that the reason it came to power was not to improve upon anything they came to meet. Rather, it came to dredge up NDC’s supposed misdeeds to justify and excuse their actions and misdeed. Kufuors claims he has solid democratic credentials but his behavior depicts otherwise. Poku was summarily dismissed, placed under armed house arrest and then he shipped from the country under cover of darkness. Does this not read like Idi Amin or Mobutu? Or will NPP again justify Kufuor’s dictatorial tendencies with ‘…and Dr. J.J.Rawlings did a similar thing”? My brothers and sisters this NPP is so vicious and callous. Can you afford to look up when NPP tells you to look up or would you do the sensible thing and look down, left and right? They have a 71/2 year record of speaking one thing but doing the exact opposite. They have a seven year record of invoking the name, J.J.Rawlings, as an excuse anytime they are caught stealing, dealing drugs or receiving kickbacks. They have a seven year record. A record of a president who is the exact opposite of what Ghanaian expected him to be.

Indeed, the President Opulence Kufour himself had in his “waa…waa” speech in Cape Coast conceded that corruption had been with us since the days of Adam and that, by inference, his promise to implement a policy of “zero tolerance for corruption” in Ghana had been made merely to score cheap political points. Thanks to Mr. Opulence for accepting the fact that the NPP is corrupt and callous.

In that same speech, the President further revealed that attempts had been made to bribe him. And that, his reaction had been that of asking such persons “to go and come again”. YEA RIGHT… The question as to whether those persons had gone and returned remains unrequited. AZAR POLITICIAN Again, the former chairman of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Haruna Esseku, prior to his removal from office, had also disclosed in a recorded statement that, bribes (kick-backs) on contracts were being paid directly to the President at the Castle, Osu and that he, himself, while in office, had been going to the seat of government to receive his share for operations at the party headquarters. The President has since never denied that allegation. The controversy surrounding the importation of 69 4X4 vehicles in 2001 for the government by African Automobile Ltd is seeing no end after seven years of haggling. The sad aspect of the saga is that when the warehouse of African Automobile Ltd was opened recently, some of the cars had suffered serious depreciation.

Mr. Jake Otanka Obetsebi Lamptey, Chairman of the New Patriotic Party Campaign Committee, says Nana Addo Danwkah Akufo-Addo does not smoke or drink alcohol, let alone take hard drugs as alleged by his opponents. This is pathetic and ignomorous on the part of the naïve Jake. What did this uncouth man take Ghanaians for? Why is he putting dust into our eyes? Akufffo-Addo was in rehab at New York last year so what is he talking about. They continue their lies and azar promises.

It is absurd that at a time when people are finding it difficult to pay school fees for their children, when our taps have dried up in some instances for a year now and when an announced (load shedding) is being carried out, how can president Kufuor spend $ 1.4 million on (medals) that do not in any way address the bread and butter issues that face the ordinary people in this country. What does this NPP take us for? Our chiefs must forever be grateful to the NDC, for insisting that the institution be retained, under the Republican constitution. It is a remnant for the youth of today. Apart from that, the disputes, scuffles, and quarrels associated with affairs of the institution, were not conducive to the country’s progress. Look at what is going on at eastern region when somebody from the chief’s palace instructed the NDC supporters not to post any NDC posters because of the royal drug addict Akufo-Addo. What a shame. All these atrocities are happening under the watch of the NPP. Worse still were cases of murders, which had become part of funeral ceremonies of some chiefs. The infamous Kyebi Ritual murder case, in which some “royals” were involved, was still fresh in the minds of the people. AKUFO-ADDO COME CLEAN… The worthless chieftaincy disputes, which have resulted in the loss of lives and property, could have been avoided, if the Palaces had been turned into classrooms and social centers. Above all, what is even more sickening is the way some chiefs tend to lose their balance, when they meet top officials of government. They talk garbage.

I also challenged the NPP Government to account for the 25 million dollars spent on the 50th anniversary celebration and provide evidence of the hundreds of places of convenience that were supposed to be built along major highways during the golden jubilee celebration.

Other issues were the whereabouts of the 50 state-of-the-art Mercedes Benz, Chrysler and BMW saloon cars that were purported to have been acquired for the use of dignitaries during the 50th anniversary. The citizenry also demanding from the government the current owners of Ga lands acquired by the state at the La Wireless area for the construction of villas for the visiting dignitaries during the African Union summit and Ghana@50 celebrations. They have sold it to themselves at a cheaper rate. NPP RENDER ACCOUNTS TO GHANAIANS…some of the NPP gurus told me that the cars were sold to them at a cheaper rate. PEOPLE KNOW….

"How much was paid to the La Traditional Council, owners of the land and the Ga state in general? Tell the good people of Ghana.

The bizarre actions and expenditures include the use of GH¢1.4 million on the national award medals and insignia and refusal of President John Agyekum Kufuor to use an executive jet bought by his predecessor when he assumed office yet has decided to order two luxurious jets. What about his masterminding of the removal of NDC poster in the Akyem district through a certain chief?

The nation does not need a toothless and brainless chicken who will divide the nation.

Others are the benefit derived from about 175 foreign trips by the President since January 7, 2001, the use of large presidential convoy at a time when the nation is grappling with fuel crisis and economic hardship, and the procurement of goods and services in the name of the incoming government.


The NPP promised the good people of Ghana heaven on earth and I hope Akuffo-Addo’s campaign team will respond to the following questions before adding more fuzzy and empty ones like the vague promise he preached at Kasoa recently.

1. What happened to the jobs promised to the youth? DRUG PEDDLING

2. What happened to the size of government, which they said was too big when the NDC was in power? BRIBERY

3. What happened to the cost of living, which they promised to reduce when voted into office? KALABULE

4. What happened to the affordability theory in relation to the pricing of utilities, fuel, and services? A JOKE

5. What happened to their zero tolerance for corruption? KICKBACKS

6. What happen to selective justice? EXECUTIVE ORDER FROM K4

7. What happen to armed robbery? PROMISED FULFILLED

8. What happen to security? THIEFERY

9. What happen to fairness? CRONYISM

10. What happen to good governance? INTIMIDATION

And, in an attempt to make penitence for the deceit, NPP officials are now preaching on platforms that lorry fares won’t be increased between now and December, as if they have now taken full control on the pricing of fuel. In any case, how are these men going to control the heavy charges on the carting of foodstuffs by drivers , who barrage on the newly-asphalted but worn-out feeder roads, which have developed large pot-holes and pro-long one-hour journey to five hours and beyond.

I am calling on Nana Akuffo- Addo the Presidential Candidate of the NPP propaganda machinery who has been perpetually lying to the electorates to answer these questions. In claiming to be the champions of democratic governance and the rule of law, surely the Leader of the NPP is acquainted with the challenges the concept of collective responsibility imposes on government and its leadership.

It has become necessary for me to send out this advice; because at the recent NPP rally at Kasoa, I heard Nana Akufo Addo promising Ghanaians that when elected he will make Secondary or High School education in the country absolutely free of charge, amongst many other promises. These crooks continue to promise Ghanaians. They don’t have a shame. Akuffo-Addo why not free education now ALAKPATOR… don’t take us for fools please. SE KWATREKOR SE OBEMAWO NTAMA TIENIDEN

What Nana Addo failed to add was at least a single sentence explaining how he was going to fund such a project. They always promise the good people of Ghana just to get elected. WE ARE TIRED OF YOUR LIES…

I am basing my argument on the fact that at the recent IEA Presidential forum organized for Nana Addo, a questioner asked Nana Addo to explain why the NPP promised to make the position of DCE/MCE’s an elective one, but have not been able to implement that policy. Nana Addo’s answer essentially was to the effect that when they got into office they realized that it was not feasible to implement it.

The list of such examples are infinite including President Kufour’s own affirmation that he could not reduced the number of his ministers as promised during his campaign for the 2000 elections. “A physician who does not diagnose his patient well before prescribing medication can at best be described as a quark doctor-and that is NPP for you”

Therefore if Nana Addo is promising Ghanaians “Heaven on Earth”, I wish to advise Ghanaians not to take such promises seriously but rather asks the relevant questions of how he is going to fund such projects and schemes. I believe, the era of fuzzy promises by politicians is passed and gone forever.

On the sale of 70 per cent share of government in Ghana Telecom, I condemned and challenged the NPP to come clean. I believe the NPP has collected kickbacks from the investors for their campaign.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) flag-bearer, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has promise again that he would deal with the canker of drugs, saying he would create a Drug Czar for Ghana by elevating the Head of the Narcotics Control Board (NACOB) to Cabinet status when he becomes President. Does it make sense to you? Elevating the position to cabinet level will make the matter worse because the NPP cabinet and the vice president are in serious drug racketeering so the question is HOW CAN A THIEF CATCH ANOTHER THIEF? Once a thief always a thief. VOTERS REJECT THE NPP FOR A BETTER GHANA. I know for a fact that Arthur Kennedy is trying very hard to make himself relevant in Ghana’s political equation but he must tread cautiously lest he crash lands. He is full of himself and one of the ignorant crooks in the NPP. For somebody who went to congress and got only one vote even his wife and girlfriends voted against him, one would have hoped that Arthur Kennedy would be doing everything possible not draw unnecessary attention to himself. However, it seems like Arthur Kennedy is joining small brains like Jake, Apraku, Osafo Maafo and the other nonentities and really getting his pants soiled badly in the process. Watch out my friend. Voters never again would you allow NPP to sweet talk you. Vote them out because they are taking us for fools.



Humphrey T. Mensah (booker tee) Email: htmensah@yahoo.com

Columnist: Mensah, Humphrey Tettey