
NPP'S Campaign Message For 2004

Thu, 9 Sep 2004 Source: Ghanaman

The performance of the NPP government so far is a betrayal of it's numerous supporters and sympathizers. Lets take issue by issue:

Where are the jobs we promised the street hawkers? Their nos are increasing Where is the housing we promised workers? Where is the good governance we promised? 1. VAT: The NPP opposed VAT and 5 people died in the "kume preko" demo. VAT is still on and they have even increased it. Whilst education suffers, the GETFUND is been diverted for what no one knows.

2. CASH AND CARRY: It's still on and even harsher.

3. FUNDING EDUCATION: The NPP was always on the side of NUGS, but now they are talking of full cost recovery and have just increased fees by 100%

4. ROADS: We have not seen any major road projects completed under NPP

5. RAILWAYS: This sector has not seen any improvement as promised

6. MASS TRANSPORT: A cosmetic move has been made, but the impact is almost minimal.

7. FUEL PRICES: We used to argue against fuel price increases, but we have increased fuel prices by about 200% since 2001

8. UTILITIES: We have increased prices by about 300%

9. CORRUPTION: Thanks to the press, we hear of massive corruption daily and no one seems to care (VRA, ssnit/obotan, GPHA).

10. MURDER: A whole paramount chief (YAA-NA) was murdered, at his palace, together with 34 others in broad daylight whilst the security refused to act and to date (over 1yr) the perpetrators have not been apprehended.

11. DIVESTITURE: The NDC was criticized, but we are now even talking of water privatization and GCB.

12. MINISTERS: We criticized the no. of ministers and appointees, but now we can't even count the number of ministers, not to talk of SPECIAL ASSISTANTS and SPOKESMEN. Please how many ministers do we have ?

13. CARS: A HIPC country has been able to buy new cars for all ministers and special assistants and MPs.

14. TRIBALISM: We accused the NDC of this, but now if you are not an ashanti/akan you don't get any post. Ashanti and Eastern/BA regions between them have 17 cabinet ministers. Heads of all state institutions are ashantis/akans. Please dispute this for me.

14. BNI: The BNI is used to terrorize the people. Dan Lartey was harassed, Edward Mahama has been harassed, two parliamentarians have been harassed and even the CHRAJ commissioner was questioned for a speech he delivered. Who is free?

15. POLICE BRUTALITY: The police are killing people arbitrary from taifa, Osu, Kumasi and Sunyani.

16. MOTORCADES: The presidential motorcades are a nuisance, yet we can't complain. Those unlucky to cross these motorcades are put behind bars. There have been too many accidents involving the motorcades.

17. HIPC: We criticized the NDC for SAP and IMF conditionality. Now we have accepted a degrading name of HIPC. We are even proud to display ''HIPC BENEFIT'' on the KVIPS.

18. AGRICULTURE: This sector has seen no changes despite the noise we made while in opposition. We still import food.

19. MANUFACTURING: This sector has seen no boosts

20. FREEBIES: Appointees are still on freebies than even b4.(fuel, housing, utilities, cars etc.)

21. DEBT: The national debt both domestic and foreign is soaring yet we don't see the impact.

22. CORRUPTION: Is still rampant at CEPS, DVLA, PASSPORT OFFICE etc.

23. SPORTS: Our sports is at an all time low. Now politics has been introduced to our club football.

24. TREATMENTS ABROAD: We still treat our officials abroad despite all the criticism NDC got for this. Meanwhile korle-bu still crying for help.

25. COMMISSIONS: At the least we set up commissions whose recommendations are never implemented. People now see commissions as means of silencing issues. What happened to wuako, taifa, boat disaster etc.

26. BOARDS OF DIRECTORS: Numerous boards with people of dubious records and backgrounds are draining state organizations. Most of the boards are now avenues wealth amassing.

27. AUCTIONS: Vehicles are still seized at the ports sold to party functionaries with chits from the CASTLE. 28. TRAVELS: The president and ministers still travel aimlessly despite the criticism Rawlings got for this.

29. CONTRACTS: Contracts are now awarded to favorites and the rates are about 50 times the real values, no longer 10%

30. RENOVATIONS: Ministers now have their homes and offices renovated at dubious contract prices. C700m to renovate Veeps house and it is normal. The taxpayers are at the mercy.

31. HOSPITALS: Our hospitals are still in deplorable state. Please visit the maternity ward at korle-bu and you would weep. Tamale hospital has even been closed down, meanwhile we have money to buy $90,000 car for speaker of parliament and renovate their houses. Ministers have just had brand new Peugeot cars.

32. HELICOPTER FLIGHTS: The senior minister now travels to cape coast in a helicopter.

33. AGREEMENTS: The Telenor agreement stinks. How can we pay $600,000 for a biz plan? and to a company which is to implement the plan...

34. PRESIDENTIAL JET: We made so much noise about the gulf stream but 4YRS on, we have not said anything definite about what went wrong or the next move.

35. STATE MEDIA: They have become more sycophantic than under NDC.

37. DCES: They are mostly inept and corrupt. The president has sacked about five without prosecuting them.

38. SSNIT, OBOTAN, GPHA, VRA: Who would prosecute these people. Is it a case of selective justice?

39. LOANS FOR ASHANTIMAN: Who would speak for the other traditional councils?

40. GOLDEN AGE OF BUSSINES: What is the reality on the ground?

41. EDIF, SIF etc: These loans are granted to dubious favorites who would definitely not pay back.


43. GAGGING OF MEDIA: A bill was drafted to gag the media. The GJA had to fight this out.

44. STRIKES: Doctors, nurses, lecturers etc are still striking.

45. PARLIAMENT: We have noted that they are all there for their personal benefit, hence they are of no consequence.

Now the answer to any shortcomings of the govt. is ''NDC too did IT''.

Well if they did all these things and were voted out, why would the NPP be repeating and even surpassing NDC in some of these shortfalls? The govt has really been a disappointment to ghanains. Ghanaians have indeed been short changed. We did not vote for negative change. Ghanains have indeed lost hope in politicians. We did not imagine that the npp would turn to be more wicked in policies than the ndc. May be we need another confession from the catholic j. A kuffuor.


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Columnist: Ghanaman