
NPP’S Communist Inferior Tactics With Woyome Case Fails

Wed, 18 Jul 2012 Source: Dailypost

The NPP’s hope of using the brouhaha surrounding the

payment of judgement debt to Mr.Alfred Woyome to hoodwink Ghanaians into voting

for it this December in the Presidential and parliamentary election has been

dashed with revelations the past few days that the NPP paid a whopping

GH¢100million as judgemnet debt in 2008 alone to its cronies and that indeed,

some of the payments were made on January 7, 2009, the very day Prof. Mills was

sworn in as President of Ghana.

The opposition party’s guilt in the saga involving

judgement debts the nation has been saddled with was further exacerbated by

hard core evidence produced which shows that their pettiness and vindictiveness

led to Ghana being left with the choice of either paying €94million to CP, a

German firm or have its properties in other countries seized and sold to defray

the debts in addition to the seizure of its United Nations Accounts.

The nation therefore, thanks to the NPP, had to part

with €94million to CP to protect its properties around the world.

As if that is not enough, more evidence was released

the last few days to show how Ghana may be forced to pay a whopping $1.5 billion

to African Automobile Limited(AAL) because the NPP government refused to pay

for the 110 Galloper Vehicles that the company had supplied the Government of

Ghana (GOG) upon request.

On the heels of the AAL case against Ghana came

another matter involving the same NPP government and a Spanish company called

Isotofon SA. After Kwadwo Mpiani, the Chief of Staff in the NPP Administration

unilaterally abrogated a legal contract between the GOG and Isotofon, the latter

dragged the GOG to court. The court ruled in their favour and awarded a cost of

$1,300,000.00 against the GOG. The GOG has so far paid only $400,000 which saw

Isotofon going back to court for the remaining $900,000. The account of the

Ministry for Agriculture has been garnisheed as a result.

Just last week, seven offices belonging to the Accra

Metropolitan Authority (AMA) were ordered sold by an Accra High Court to defray

the Assembly’s indebtedness to City & Country Waste Limited (CCWL). The

debt arose out of the refusal of the then NPP government to pay money it owed CCWL.

Unable to

provide tangible answers or even excuses for their recklessness that has saddled

the state with all these debts, the NPP has been trying to stoke the fire in

the Woyome case to incite Ghanaians against the NDC in spite of the fact that

though the payment was made to him by the NDC government, the cause of the debt

owed him was again the result of the NPP government’s refusal to pay for work


A day after

Mrs. Betty Mould-Iddrisu stormed the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of

Parliament and exposed the NPP’s recklessness that led to the payment of €94million

to CP, the NPP sponsored newspaper,

‘Daily Guide’, ran the bold banner

headline BETTY DODGES WOYOME in a lame attempt to keep the Woyome matter on

the front burner. But, only a few desperados in the NPP had their libidos

excited by the mention of the name Woyome. The masses obviously would not be

fooled by this communist inferior strategy by the NPP.

“We cannot

pretend that everything is wrong with the GH¢51million paid to Woyome but is

right with the payment of a whopping €94million to a foreign firm. My God!

€94million! We are concerned about those who received these huge monies but we

are more concerned about those who caused it. Yes, we want to know those who

created these huge liabilities for us,” Kwame Asenso, a student at the

University of Ghana told the Daily Post.

His question, “Who caused the debts?” will make the

NPP quake in their boots just like an old lady will tremble at the mention of dry


Columnist: Dailypost