
NPP must be consistent in the application of its constitution

Tue, 8 Dec 2015 Source: Antwi, Danny Opoku

It breaks my spine to observe that the New Patriotic Party is selectively applying its constitution to its members at this critical moment of its political life. When petitions based on perceptions are brought to the party, depending on the tag the party puts on you, it is either swept under the carpet or dealt with powerfully and swiftly. Those perceived to be from the Kufuor’s camp are dealt with without any hesitation but the Akufo Addo’s camp boys who have clearly violated the NPP constitution and are also involved in acts of criminality have petitions against put away in silence.

What has happened to Nana Ohene Ntow committee report on the illegal opening and operation of a party account at Ecobank? Why has same not been published even though it has been duly submitted to the party? Proceedings at the committee’s sittings have it that Freddy Blay, First National Vice Chairman and Abankwa Yeboah, National Treasurer pleaded guilty to the charges of operating the said Ecobank account without proper authorization. They both agreed that their conducts variously and collectively amounted to insubordination. If so, why is Rev. Asante Antwi pretending to be asleep on the report? What is stopping action on the report? I shedder to think that it is a conscious orientation of the Akufo Addo cabal to shield these criminal elements in the party and also to promote constitutional lawlessness. Why can’t our Flagbearer, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo bite the bullet and allow the disciplinary committee to activate action on the Ohene Ntow report? Sadly, we heard Nana Obiri Boahen categorically lying to the media that Nana Ohene Ntow did not chair this investigative committee. Is it because the cabal wants to massage the report to shield the criminals? They should be warned that if they try massaging the report, some of us will be forced to produce audio tapes of the proceeding of the committee. It should be in the interest of Mr. Francis Asenso,aide to Nana Addo to tell the world what his responses were and are regarding the existence of two reports on this matter; one by the 4MPs and the one signed by the chairman of the committee. In fact, both reports indicted Freddy Blay and Abankwa Yeboah. Freddy Blay can’t deny being told that by his conduct, he was usurping the powers of the National Council. This is just an indication that I know what I am talking about.

The Minority leader and his Deputy, Hon. Osei Mensah Bonsu and Hon. Dominic Nitiwul respectively openly and shamefully declared support and campaigned for Hon. A.S.K Bagbin of NDC in violation of Article 3 H (1) of the NPP constitution. The same constitutional provision makes it clear that both MPs must not hold themselves as NPP members; this does not even require a committee sitting. Petitions have been filed with the party so what is keeping action on it at the dark side of the party? I challenge Rev. Asante Antwi to show that he is not stooge in his capacity as chairman of the disciplinary committee by activating the work of the disciplinary committee in this regard. It cannot speak well of a man of God if he presides over what is clearly a sin, crime and injustice to the party. The persons petitioned against are not and cannot be more relevant than the petitioners in the Party. In fact, all the petitions were filed with the party about the same period with the one against the General Secretary, Kwabena Agyei Agyepong. Where lies justice in channeling all energies into dealing with that of the General secretary but activate the silence mode on the rest of the petitions? Why are they pretending in the media that the General Secretary has pleaded guilty to the charges preferred against when they know that it is a cheap lie? Selective justice can only be poison for this party.

This cabal of wicked enemies of progress in our party who have chosen suspension as their tool for killing descent in the party should have a deeper reflection of their actions. They have to know that the NPP can not get power without unity of purpose and efforts. Are they aware that suspending people at this critical 11th hour amongst to suspending votes and reducing the otherwise bright chance of winning? No one should imagine that activating the culture of silence through intimidations, threat of suspension and suspension can win us power. They must be reminded that the reintroduction of the culture of silence in the party by the same Akufo Addo elements may just have the ball they threw against the party in 1979 bouncing back to them in 2016.

It has been extremely difficult to notice or feel the leadership of our Flagbearer, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo in these trying times of the party. His silence is causing anxiety in the party and giving rise to speculations. Is it the case that his power brokers are sitting on his leadership qualities or that he is the brain behind all these indiscipline, financial malfeasance and injustice going on in the party? Is it possible that he is unaware that it is his aide, Musah superior that has petitioned against the General Secretary, Kwabena Agyei Agyepong? If he is aware of that, should his silence be a confirmation that Musah Superior carried out an Akufo Addo sanctioned petition? I am reliably informed that Nana Akufo Addo has copies of all the petitions and the report of the Nana Ohene Ntow committee submitted to the party. Why is he silent over them?

Does Nana Akufo Addo hear his boys constantly taking former president Kufuor to the cleaners? How come he has never made any comment about it? I do not want to believe the view that the Flagbearer is in full support of the insults slapped on former president Kufuor by Akufo Addo boys. Is the party lost to the fact that it is on Kufuor’s legacy it will campaign for power in 2016? If people are sleeping on this fact, they better wake up before 2016. I am calling on the Flagbearer, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo not to wait to show leadership only when he is president because displayed effective leadership will lead to his becoming president.

The National Chairman, Paul Afoko should equally accept my commendation for resorting to thecourt for proper interpretation of the NPP constitution instead of resorting to violence just to make his point. I urge him to remain calm as he seeks redress.

Long live the New Patriotic Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long live Patriotism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Long live Ghana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danny Opoku Antwi

NPP Activist, USA



1. H.E John Agyekum Kufuor

Former President

2. Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo


3. Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, General Secretary,NPP

4. Rev. Asante Antwi, Chairman, National Disciplinary Committee- NPP

5. All media houses

Columnist: Antwi, Danny Opoku