
Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo: The epitome of peace (1)

Akufo Addo 12.08Nana Akufo-Addo

Fri, 5 Aug 2016 Source: Dabbousi, Fadi

It has long been trending that Africans are war mongerers and self-destructive. In all, it is the colonial way of stigmatising Africa with untold hardships just to cow people and subdue puppet governments that have mushroomed with calls for democracy, but are quick to mute whenever elections do not go their way.

Since the precedent of attaining independence in sub-Saharan Africa was set by Ghana on March 6, 1957, the continent has not seen peace. Stratocracies ruffled the tranquil of Africa's peace and unleashed hell on her people over and over again.

Foreign agencies instigated these events, but were quick to deny, even in light of the massive evidence available. That notwithstanding, the Liberian, Sierra Leonean, Ivorian, Congolese, South Sudanese, Somalian wars are just a few of the many that have raged on resulting in the deaths of millions of our Africans, the worst ever been the Rwandan civil war.

In Ghana, we have a leader who has saved the day whenever the call was his. Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo-Addo has long suffered the evil machinations of people who have no love for Ghana and Africa. These people would steal any mandate to remain in Power to create loot and share the resources of our nation.

In 2008, the elections were rigged badly. Nana threw in the towel without a fight for fear of what the consequences would be on the nation. He has always loved Ghana. His lineage of Royalty endured his will to keep the country intact. A Nationalist patriot with such a great yearning for the prosperity of his people was certainly not going to be the one to destablise the country.

When Johnson Asiedu Nketia, the current NDC General Secretary, marched to picket the Electoral Commission with criminals wielding matchets and rifles, they intended to terrorise the nation. Even the late President Atta Mills insinuated that Ghana would be another Liberia if the elections went against him in 2008.

Seeing the determined terrorism and murderous intentions of the NDC, Nana Akufo-Addo backed down. In 2012, when the people said "YES" to him, the NDC rigged the elections with STL. The evidence was beyond reasonable doubt. People were irate, so much so that they declared a sit in demonstration like that that took place in Egypt at Tahrir Square.

The need for peace came begging, and Nana responded. He addressed aggrieved Ghanaians and declared that he would contest the results in court, not on the streets. Such an exemplary politician must be honoured by Ghanaians lest it be spoken that we are ungrateful people. He dedicated his entire life to the wellbeing of humanity, and the progress of Ghana.

When no one could stand up to Jerry John Rawlings, he did! When no one dared speak a word against the PNDC, and its offspring the NDC, he did! When no one had the guts to speak against the libel law, he stormed parliament with his call for freedom of speech and achieved it for us. That is how come unfashionable freaks of nature as Kokoon Anyidoho, Kofi Adams, et al, can be bold enough to insult elders and seasoned politicians with impunity.

However, the limits are drawn where the lives of people are threatened. That is why Mugabe Maasi and his criminal partners went to jail having made contemptuous utterances of rape and death on the Supreme Court Judges. Nana Akufo-Addo is responsible for the peace that we enjoy in Ghana today.

If he had resorted to violence, where would this country be today? What would the death toll be at? How deep would Ghanaians be swimming in their own blood? If you fail to see this, then you are blind! If you fail to accept this, then you are ungrateful! If you fail to acknowledge that Nana is responsible for this peace that we are in, then you have insulted mother Ghana and done her great disservice.

Those who are falsely smearing him with hate campaigns, claiming that he is violent should watch out for GOD's wrath. After all, GOD has been Nana Akufo-Addo's shield. The full-mouthed NDC charlatan, Peter Otokunor, lost his wife shortly after falsely alleging that Nana killed his wife in 1993.

A man who accused Nana of urinating in a mosque died of urine retention soon after. A foot soldier, who shouted at the top of his voice that unless he dies Nana would never become President, died a few hours after his fit of madness.

Is that not divine protection? That should tell all discerning people that Nana Akufo-Addo is a Godsend. He is the gift that GOD is urging us to elect to save this nation from the blood-stained hands of the murderous NDC. We need to be saved from the incompetence of John Dramani Mahama and his idiotic government.

If we failed Nana this time, we would be shooting ourselves in the foot. After all, at his age, he is not coming to steal the coffers and enrich himself. He wants to stop the suffering brought upon Ghanaians by John Mahama and his babies with sharp teeth. Nana Akufo-Addo is the man who will govern Ghana with integrity and impeccable incorruptibility.

My favourite quote of his is, "GOD did not put us on this rich land to be poor, it is bad leadership that makes us poor". It urgently speaks to the poverty and crisis that John Mahama has plunged Ghana into.

Nana Akufo-Addo is the epitome of Peace and stability that Ghana has long yearned for.

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi