Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, Flag bearer of the National Democratic Party (NDP)
She should never have been permitted to vote in the country, much less found a political party and run for President of Ghana. Nothing could be more insulting to the intelligence of well-meaning and forward-looking Ghanaian citizens. And so it comes as nothing short of plain annoying to hear the Deputy Communications Director of Mrs. Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings’ so-called National Democratic Party (NDP), presumptuously accusing the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC), Mrs. Charlotte Kesson-Smith Osei, of “tarnishing the image of our multiparty democracy in the country” (See “We’ll Strip EC Boss ‘Naked’ for Disqualifying Us – NDP” / 10/10/16).
Maybe Mr. Ernest Owusu-Bempah would do his boss and the wife of Ghana’s longest-reigning dictator great favor by explaining precisely what major role Mrs. Agyeman-Rawlings played in the epic battle to return the country to a constitutionally democratic culture. But, perhaps, what bears significantly recalling here are the reasons that prompted the bloody bedmate of Chairman Jerry John Rawlings to split from the equally bloody National Democratic Congress (NDC), whose founding is officially credited to her husband, to form the National Democratic Party. They had absolutely nothing, whatsoever, to do with the socioeconomic, cultural, technological and political advancement of the country. Rather, they had everything to do with the raw and primitive politics of revenge, or retribution, in Shakespearean parlance, and abject megalomania.
Having mischievously used their eldest daughter, Dr. Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings, to vindictively unseat Mr. Nii Armah Ashitey, the NDC’s Member of Parliament for the Klottey-Korle Constituency and former Greater-Accra Regional Minister, and before the latter Tema Municipal Chief Executive or Mayor, in a criminally rigged parliamentary primary that both flabbergasted and traumatized many progressive-thinking Ghanaians, the Rawlingses and their surrogates would also bulldoze their way through the judicial system, most notably ride roughshod over the Wood Supreme Court to crown their daughter Her Majesty, the Parliamentary Queen of Klottey-Korle. Of course, the endgame is to have Dr. Zanetor Rawlings succeed her father, the Ruthless-Butcher-of-Sogakope, to the presidency, very likely as the first woman president of Ghana.
Needless to say, if Mrs. Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings ever entertained the quixotic idea of being elected President of our august Republic, then she had better see a psychiatrist for prompt examination and treatment. I know the person who put such scandalous idea into the former First Lady’s dwarf’s brain that she could, indeed, ever be elected President of Ghana. It was none other than the pathologically opportunistic Dr. Obed Asamoah who, in a bid to finessing President John Evans Atta-Mills, his intellectual and professional superior from their Legon days, put out the patent and fetid guff that, somehow, Nana Konadu had contributed far more to the foundation and establishment of the National Democratic Congress’ juggernaut than any of the party’s stalwarts.
Well, as I have stated and repeated time and again, the obviously greatest contribution of Mrs. Agyeman-Rawlings to both the establishment of the NDC and before the latter, the so-called Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC), is providing Chairman Rawlings with conjugal comfort and strategically muffing up the single-minded and blatantly anti-Akan agenda of the Trokosi Nationalist Revolution (TNR). In Native-American political parlance, Nana Konadu would be aptly envisaged as Pocahontas, the primal traitor of the destiny and inviolable cause of her own people.
As of this writing, an appeal launched for the revocation of her disqualification from running for the presidency was widely reported to have been roundly dismissed by an Accra High Court. Conversely, the disqualified candidacy of Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, the founding-proprietor of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) breakaway the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), was reported to have been quashed by another Accra High Court. We shall have a bit more to say about the judicial validation of the presidential candidacy of the renowned business mogul. In the meantime, let’s put on record the quite amusing decision by Mrs. Rawlings to appeal the Accra High Court’s ruling against her as one that is decidedly DOA (or Dead-On-Arrival). A DOA presidential ambition, that is.
We must also promptly add with unflappable conviction that blackmailing of the sort indulged by Mrs. Rawlings against the EC’s Chairperson has never been known to be a constructive approach for remedying perceived injustice. But that Nana Konadu would use a doubly registered and proscribed voter as one of the subscribers or endorsers of her presidential candidacy, tells us more about the caliber of candidate Ghanaians are apt to have in her than the fact of the patent criminal duplicity that these subscribers represent. And here, of course, I am thinking of this tired old maxim: “Show me your friend, Nana Konadu.”
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