
Nduom should Resign

Sun, 4 Jan 2009 Source: Ohene, Ama Adumea


I, Ms Ama Ohene, General Secretary of the CPP-Ultra, a pressure group within the Convention Peoples Party, and a 1996 presidential aspirant of the PCP (predecessor of the current CPP,) presently a college professor living in exile in the United States, call for the resignation of Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, erstwhile flagbearer of the CPP at the just ended Ghana General Elections.

Furthermore, I call for the resignation of the entire CPP National Executive, due to, among other charges, showing gross negligence, failing to interpret, apply and uphold the rules and regulations of the party's disciplinary codes, allowing the flagbearer to favor his political cronies and in the process, mismanaging the electoral chances of the party, and exposing the party to public ridicule and humiliation.

I cite possible criminal collusion of the CPP leadership in deal-making, cover-up, and compromise, as factors culminating in the party's loss of national credibility, and the humiliating defeat suffered at both the presidential and parliamentary polls.

I observe that leadership by the flagbearer and national executive, undermine and compromise the integrity, reputation, and future fortunes of the party. I therefore advocate immediate measures to redress this leadership crisis and its negative trends in order to situate the party and its prospective presidential and parliamentary candidates for a better showing at the 2012 General Elections.

In the past, particularly in African, Asian and European civilizations, leaders of armies who lost wars were obligated to resign or simply committed suicide as a sign of honor. In modern days, political leaders do not commit suicide, they honorably resign after massive and humiliating defeats at the polls, or after massive charges of corruption and misconduct have been made and found against them.

Protocol in international politics mandate the practice of instant resignations in countries like Japan, India, Israel, and Italy where political party leaders promptly resigned after leading their parties to abysmal and humiliating defeats at the polls, or when irrefutable findings of corruption and public malfeasance have been found against them. With the SFO report hanging around his neck and the humiliating defeat he ensured, protocol if not decency mandates that post election, Nduom makes a statement of honorable resignation, and acceptance of culpability for the party's dismal showing.

A close examination of some of the guiding principles of the CPP reveals: "The supremacy of the party: This is the principle on which party discipline is built. And it ties up with the principle of democratic centralism.. ...Nkrumah teaches that a closely knit political party, (organized on taught principles,) should pursue the conquest of political power with singleness of purpose and with dedication. He rejects collaboration with the enemy absolutely." (Some Essentials Features of Nkrumaism, pgs. 95-96)

" A policy of collaboration and appeasement would get us no-where in our struggle.." (GHANA:The Autobiography of Kwame Nkrumah, p.85)

The former flagbearer has engaged in recreational and mundane activities such as feting schoolchildren and undertaking "thank you" tours, taking the liberty to make his infamous "policy of neutrality" on the run-offs to the elections, and making non-essential press conferences.

Dr. Nduom has irresponsibly preoccupied himself with public relations schemes aimed at situating himself for the 2012 elections by "launching" his next campaign, still as the flagbearer on the ticket of the CPP. There is no attempt to admit or accept blame for the party's diminished fortunes or the fact that the misfortunes of the CPP are the direct result of his less than sterling leadership. He provided the kind of negative leadership which was marked by gross opportunism, cronyism and compromise. His close alliance and dealings with the leadership of the National Patriotic Party (NPP) exposed the CPP to suspicion, distrust and ridicule, ultimately resulting in its humiliating defeat at the polls.


1. Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom's complicity in the cover-ups concerning his possible criminal culpability in the instances of the SFO findings against him, the real findings thus far been suppressed and never allowed on the public domain.

2. Dr. Nduom¢s engagement in a "quid pro quo" agreement and collusion with Hon. Freddy Blay, the just defeated Member of Parliament for Elembele Constituency of the Western Region, which bargain agreement led to deal-cutting in total contravention, and gross compromise of the rules and regulations of party discipline and integrity.

3. The diminished image and credibility of the CPP and its leadership, especially that of the flagbearer and incumbent members of Parliament, namely, Freddy, Kojo Armah and Papa Kwesi Nduom, and as indicated in the two above, resulted in the Ghanaian populace refusing to give their mandate to the CPP and its flagbearer.

4. The National Executive was complicit in the series of cover-ups and collusions involving Dr. Nduom and Mr. Freddy Blay. They did not complete the vetting of both of these candidates in accordance to the rules and regulations of the party. Neither did they enforce the rules of party discipline regarding the charges of improper behaviour levelled against Mr. Blay concerning his controversial support and sympathies for the NPP flagbearer in complete aberration and contempt for party loyalty; which case went through the judicial system with prejudice against the party, in addition to other charges of impropriety, collusion and abuse of office.

In all the above instances, It had become clear that the party's executive and leadership could neither promulgate nor enforce party discipline, thereby rendering themselves ineffective in the pursuit and discharge of their duties. It is therefore in order for the Central Committee of the party, in accordance with the constitution, the rules and regulations of the party, to call upon the National Executive to resign honorably or be suspended for gross negligence resulting in diminished returns to the party at the just concluded elections.

That at the 2008 General Elections, the people of Ghana showed through the ballot box, that they have no confidence in the present leadership of the Convention Peoples Party and its national executive. That the fact that the only win for the party was the single seat won at the Jomoro constituency by Ms. Samia Nkrumah, daughter of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and founder of the CPP, renders further indictment against the present leadership of the party.

I am therefore leading the charge by calling for the immediate resignation of the erstwhile flagbearer of the CPP, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom and the entire National Executive of the party.

I also urge the Central Committee to convene an emergency national Delegates Conference in the nearest possible time to select and mandate an interim secretariat and leadership to see to the day to day administration of the party, while they plan for a convening of the next Congress to select a substantive national executive.

As a way forward, the party must select new and dynamic leadership for the CPP, and situate itself for a positive and significant showing at the 2012 General Elections.

- Ms Ama Adumea Ohene,

General Secretary, CPP-Ultra, Former Presidential Aspirant, Card-bearing Member CPP.

Columnist: Ohene, Ama Adumea