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Did you know that men who die without the full complement of all their facial hairs—on their heads and as delineated for them in beards, moustaches, sideburns, etc, by their Maker—would not be admitted into the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym to live with Him in eternity, after the soon-coming end of the world-which will usher a select few of mankind into this glorious and endless eternity?
If you did not know this—that by always willfully doing away with any of your facial hairs-you would be depriving yourself of ever living with Yahuwah Elohiym in eternity—then you must count yourself blessed to be reading this article, since you may now know this truth, and thus, may be prepared, before the great day of Yahuwah Elohiym comes as a surprise to you, by always keeping all your facial hairs visible and within their border limits determined by your Maker, unto your death!
So then, just read me critically in this article and take seriously its revelations; for it is all for your good that I labor to teach you the will of Yahuwah Elohiym for your life concerning the facial hairs, which He labored to grow on your face at His appointed times in your life as you grew toward your grave!
It is commonly known that anyone on Earth who harbors sin in his spirit cannot even enter the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym in prayer, praise or worship! And so, the reason why any beardless or bald-headed men will be barred from coming into the presence of Elohiym to live with Him throughout the coming period of never-ending Eternity is because of sin!
In other words, it is a sin for any man not to keep all his facial hairs in place, just as they are given to him by his Creator! Every sin committed by mankind while on Earth always attracts punishment, with a temporal separation from Elohiym until one repents and is then again restored to have fellowship with Him by His tender mercies and compassion, and may thus be received to live with Him in Eternity after one’s passing when found without sin in him!
Now, because self-inflicted bald-headedness and beardlessness are unknown by most men to be sins of disobedience against their Maker, they die while indulging in this sin and so must definitely be punished with a permanent denial of life in Eternity in the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym, if they depart Earth unrepentant!!
Christians pride themselves in their thinking that they are the most holy of all religious people on Earth and, therefore, claim they must be those who are qualified to stay through Eternity in the presence of Elohiym after death! Sadly, however, Christians are hardly appreciative of why their Maker ever gave beards and other facial hairs to them in the first place, and so would almost on a daily basis make themselves bald and beardless, oblivious of the fact that they annoy their Maker by this!
I think it would be wise for Christians to take a very critical look at all of their beliefs, the false assurances they hold concerning their salvation and their confidence of making it to spend Eternity with Yahuwah Elohiym in the light of this article and many others of this column!
Well, it must be pointed out that a daily act of self-inflicted beardlessness and or baldness on any man’s head is a sin; for no one owns his body but must know it (his body) belongs to its Maker! You see, certain kinds of sin are not always as obvious to many who fall prey to committing them as other kinds like say adultery, stealing or lying are, and so those who commit them may never even be irked to repent of them! One such sin is self-inflicted baldness and beardlessness, a fast-growing fashion among men today.
And so, I have the mandate of Yahuwah Elohiym to make it known to all men that it is a sin to shave off any of their facial hairs as a daily or very regular routine; and that over an appreciable length of time, that act becomes chronic sin that may never draw repentance, since the one committing it may hardly know it to be sin!!
You see, whenever one indulges in any daily routine for a long time, that indulgence becomes a trait in his character and affects his overall lifestyle! And if he never deems a particular sinful routine as sin, then his entire lifestyle, cut out with this act of routine, becomes chronically sinful!!
Sadly, sinful lifestyles always lead to chronic incurable diseases in the bodies of mankind; diseases that cannot be diagnosed!! Such diseases are chronic and incurable simply because the sin that causes them, very often, is not regarded as sin at all, but are seen as a normal thing that everyone indulges in, and so repentance from it is never even thought of; oblivious of the fact that it displeases Yahuwah Elohiym and, therefore, must attract His punishment!
Very often, when one who suffers a chronic health challenge later on changes his/her sinful lifestyle—consciously or unconsciously—the disease, in many cases, always vanishes without medical treatment. I suppose that more than 95% of sicknesses are caused by lifestyles that are sinful in the eyes of Yahuwah Elohiym and yet, sadly, such lifestyles may never be deemed the causes of the disease conditions which one may be suffering from!
This 95% of disease conditions result from chronic lifestyles that are built on bitterness, envy, unforgiving, cheating, backbiting, etc—all of which are deep-seated issues that emanate from a man’s heart (spirit)—which people indulge in often, with a self-justifying spirit! These lifestyles are as a result of what filthy hearts (spirits) we keep within us which pollute our bodies—cf. MattithYahu (Matthew?) 15:17-20, Mishle (Proverbs?) 4:23, 27:19!
The remaining 5% of sickness come from without the body through poor environmental hygiene and bad or poor dietary issues! So, after all, the real enemy to a man’s good health is within rather than from without his body. This is the reason why all health challenges must be dealt with by spiritually dealing with (healing) the human spirit (heart??), instead of depending on so-called man-made remedies such as dangerous capsules of anti-biotic (anti-bio, anti-life??) made to explode toxins and or poisons into a man’s body!
I wish I were the ruler of my country; I would not have been building more hospitals but rather would have led all to think outside the box by ensuring their hearts (spirits) are in excellent condition in order to ensure perfect health; pro bono!!
A daily shaving off of any of one’s facial hairs—first thing every morning, and just as fast as the Creator causes them to grow overnight—is one of such chronic sins which may never be seen as such, and is thus never regarded as something that could be a cause of one’s chronic sickness!
Of course, the most damaging thing to anyone’s wellbeing—spiritual, physical, and economic—is any lifestyle which he develops painstakingly for himself and enjoys living out, but sadly, unknown to him, is one that is not approved of or acceptable by his Maker!
Thankfully, whatever mankind failed to do by way of commonsense in developing a good and safe lifestyle for himself, Yahuwah Elohiym has made up for man through His explicit laws and instructions (Torah) which He has given to him (mankind) to live by!
So then, where commonsense eluded mankind with regards to the keeping and maintaining of his facial hairs, the Torah of Yahuwah Elohiym came to his rescue. But alas, man did not benefit from the Torah of his Maker and therefore lives in ignorance or reckless violation of the Torah concerning the shaving of facial hairs!
Part II
Just consider this thing of common sense: A man asks for his daily bread from his Maker and happily goes to bed every night well-fed. During his sleep in the night, his bread-Provider converts the food he eats into living substances in order to repair any damaged body tissues in the man’s body, provides him with a store of energy for the next day's activities, and grows new parts such as facial hairs.
Then the man wakes up in the morning and, without thought, takes a razor to undo the work his Maker did for him in making his hairs grow while he slept, thus, causing his Maker to have labored in vain!! If you were the maker of such a man, my dear reader, would you be happy with him or judge him sensible??
Nonetheless, where commonsense failed a man and thus caused him to displease his Maker, he had the Torah of his Maker to save him—if only he knows of this Torah of his Maker about facial hairs and keeps it!
So then, in now wanting to know and be led by Torah-law so as to please your Maker, you will have to consider yet again, this time with both of your physical eyes shut as firmly as you can so you may black-out the sight of all men on Earth today; most of whom are baldheaded and beardless.
At the same time, open your spiritual eyes wide so as to behold the faces of men in a worship assembly in the Holy Land city of YahuSalem in the first century when Yahushua was also a participant!
What common feature do you see on all the faces of these holy men in worship?? Of course, the common feature on the faces of these men would be the full complement of their facial hairs in colors of black, grey, white, and mixes of these colors; for Torah-law mandated all men of the spiritual accountable age of twenty to sport full beards and keep all other facial hairs!!
For the over 1,500 years before the coming to Earth of Yahushua that the Torah led every aspect of the lives of Yisroel, after it was received directly from Yahuwah Elohiym through Mosh’El on Har Sinai, every son of Yisroel of the biologically- and militarily-mature and beard-bearing age of twenty kept a full beard, complete with a moustache and sideburns; and with all other hairs like eyebrows and eyelashes as made by his Maker, clearly visible on his face at all times—whether he was at home, at work in the fields, at the war front or at worship in the Beit HaMikdash (the House of Yahuwah)!
And so, it was not just the physical presence of Yahushua as a participant of the spiritual and cultural life of the children of Yisroel [determined for them by the Torah] that made the wearing of beards so visible in his days! However, because Yahushua is the full embodiment of the Torah and, therefore, completely manifested it as such all his days on Earth, it was not possible that any spiritually alive men around him could show disobedience to the written Torah!
All of Yisroel, even before the coming of Yahushua into their midst was already a beard-wearing people because they obeyed the Torah of Yahuwah Elohiym! You see, whatever Yahuwah Elohiym instructs for mankind to do according to His Torah, He is Himself already involved in doing that same instruction to perfection; so He can punish those who disobey His Torah! And so, all must see obedience to the Torah as pro-life; and any disobedience of it as a cause of death—spiritually and physically!!
Before the coming of Yahushua to Earth, a few holy neviim (prophets?) of Yisroel saw Yahuwah Elohiym physically; and yet did not die, but lived to describe His facial features to those of us not so holy children of HaAv (The Father), so that we too may have a picture of Him in our minds and be properly composed and focused in our minds when we pray to Yahuwah Elohiym through Yahushua!
So, YeshaYahu (Isaiah??), a holy navi (prophet??) saw Yahuwah Elohiym and gave us a vivid description of what He was seated on and what He wore and the activities of holy malakim (angels?) around Him in order to share his awesome experience with us; but left out a description of His face, maybe due to fear or in holy reverence—cf. YeshaYahu (Isaiah??) 6:1-13! Please, read these verses.
Most thankfully, however, when navi Dani’El (Daniel?) met with Yahuwah Elohiym, he recorded for us a vivid facial description of Him and also of His environment and some particular activities that were going on!!
In his record in Dani’El (Daniel) 7:9-10, we read “I was beholding until kisot (thrones) were placed, and the Atik Yomin (Ancient of Days, i.e. Yahuwah Elohiym) did sit, whose raiment was like white snow, and His Rosh (hair) like pure wool; His kes (throne) was like the fiery flames and its wheels like burning eish (fire?). A river of eish was flowing and came forth from before Him; thousand thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him; the court sat, and the sfarim (books) were opened”—Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB); emphasis mine. This is just too awesome!
You may want to read from The Restored Names King James Version Bible (RNKJVB) another “version” of these verses for a comparison with the above quotation—“I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him: thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened”—cf. Daniel 7:9-10, (RNKJVB).
So then, the Atik Yomin keeps all His facial hairs just as He instructs in His Torah for all men to do! The facial hairs of the Atik Yomin are the whitest of all facial hairs so as to, obviously, befit His status as the Head of all Creation. As you must know, Yahushua, HaBen (the Son), because he is truly begotten by Yahuwah Elohiym, looks perfectly like his Av (Father?).
And so, he can say to Philippos thus: “. . . Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?”—YahuKhanan (John??) 14:9, RNKJVB.
Furthermore and to plainly establish this truth, let us read from Hisgalus (Revelation?) 1:13-15 the following: “And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters”—RNKJVB.
So then, Yahushua is as bearded and as hairy as his Av, simply because they are both committed to living by their own Torah-law as they have commanded all mankind to obey! This is what we term leadership by example. Never command anyone to do what you are not doing or willing do to perfection! And, if the Makers—Av Yahuwah Elohiym and HaBen Yahushua—of mankind and the entire universe would keep beards, why won’t all mankind do same??
It is no wonder that even a crude portrait, common today, showing Yahushua at the dining table with his talmidim (disciples) shows all of them having Torah-compliant beards and all other facial hairs in their right delineations on their faces!
I suppose you will agree with me that in the days of the Savior on Earth, none of his talmidim was in him in the sense in which Christians even claim to be in him (Savior)! These talmidim were only with him! And yet, by simply imitating him and his Av by obeying their Torah, all these talmidim bore the good fruit as they looked like his perfect image, facially!!
Part III
If Christians claim to be living in the Savior, moving and having their being in him, and yet don’t have his image—the one common and easiest trait of him that they can possess by virtue of their so-called new birth—then are they not lying or deceiving themselves?? If Christians suppose and tout it about that they are “members” of the Savior’s “body, of his flesh, and of his bones”—cf. Eph’siyim (Ephesians?) 5:30, RNKJVB—then what oneness with the Savior are they talking about if they cannot even look physically like him, facially?? Shouldn’t a true branch (Christian), if indeed it is of or belongs to the True Vine (Yahushua)—cf. YahuKhanan (John?) 15:5—be the same as the True Vine or even be its look alike?? I think Christians must seriously rethink their faith!
As I write now, there is no evidence that a single Christian will be admitted into the presence of the Most High One to spend Eternity with Him or has already made it to the bosom of Avraham awaiting to enter the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym in due time! This is all because Christians don’t profess or live by the Torah which is the only way of life determined for all who ever get to the bosom of Avraham, a stopover location to the life in Eternity in the presence of Elohiym!
And so, Torah-life not only establishes a man in the body of the Savior but is also the ONLY way to the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym! Torah is HaDerekh (The Way); and Torah is Yahushua! And, transgressing the Torah is SIN—cf. YahuKhanan Aleph (First John??) 3:4; and sin, as stated earlier, is the ONLY barrier to the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym!
Let all know that HaDerekh (The Way) had been followed and lived by the children of Yisroel for over 1,500 on their way toward being in the presence of Elohiym, before the physical presence of the Savior on Earth. This means that, before the coming of the Savior, a privileged mankind (of the seed of Yisroel) was and could be saved; all by HaDerekh (The Way) or by the Ruwakh (Spirit) of Yahushua who is the Ruwakh of the Torah!
When the Savior, Yahushua is his name given to him by his Av in Shamayim (Heaven) upon his birth and long before his coming to Earth [and not the man-made name “JESUS CHRIST” of Greek origin], alluded to being HaDerekh (The Way)—cf. YahuKhanan (John??) 14:6—his audience knew he was laying claim to being the Torah manifested visibly and tangibly before their eyes; and that if they obeyed him they would get to live in the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym in Eternity!
Note that Yahushua made his authoritative claim to being HaDerekh (The Way) somewhere at the end of the third decade of the First Century; whereas Christianity and its JESUS CHRIST became established among Goyim (Gentiles) in the second decade of the Fourth Century!
So then, the JESUS CHRIST of Christianity is not the same as Yahushua of HaDerekh! So also is HaDerekh not the same as Christianity. Therefore, for anyone to accept the false equalization of HaDerekh (The Way) to Christianity, as the way, is to display naivety at its most absurd level! Once HaDerekh is The Way (in fact the ONLY way), Christianity CANNOT be “The Way”; for there has never been a case or situation of “either” “or” with Yahuwah Elohiym!
If a man is in Yahushua and Yahushua is in the man, that man will be led to keep with pride his gift of beard and all other facial hairs in show of love to his Maker, the Giver of all perfect and holy gifts! But this is not so for the man who is possessed by and with the phantom “JESUS CHRIST”, a creation of man under the direction of Lucifer!
The one who loves his Maker obeys His Torah, period!! And the Torah of Yahuwah commands the sporting of all facial hairs He gives freely in love to the recipient!
If you are a Christian wielding the English Bible as your choice of truth, ask your leaders—archbishops, apostles, pastors, evangelists, bishops, general overseers, elders, deacons, etc,—why they have thrown away their beards, as if they were unholy gifts from Yahuwah Elohiym??
Ask those leaders who keep only portions of their facial hairs in their sporting of a TBJoshua-type goatee beard, Hitler-type moustaches, trimmed sideburns and moustaches, realigned eye brows, etc, why they do as they do and thus give themselves an image unlike the one their Maker gave them??
Ask to know if, by redesigning the borderlines of their facial hairs, they seek to prove to their Maker that they are better than He is at designing a man’s face??
Ask to know from those Christian leaders who dye their facial hairs in order to change its natural color or claim to “enhance” its natural color if by doing so they mean for their Maker to eat back His words translated for Him in MattitYahu (Matthew?) 5:36, thus, “Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black”—emphasis mine.
Ask to know from those Christian leaders who dye their grey or hoary hairs black whether they deserve the honor and respect of younger people, in the light of what we read in Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:32 thus: “Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy Elohim: I am YHWH (Note that YHWH, in fact, stands for Yahuwah)”—RNKJVB; explanatory words in parenthesis are mine.
Ask to know from those Christian leaders, Reverend Ministers et al, who sport baldheads made as hairless as eggshells whether, if their Maker came to have fellowship with them and asked to know the whereabouts of the hairs on their head which He had counted and numbered among His properties, they would have an answer for Him in the light of MattithYahu (Matthew?) 10:29-31, which states: “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows”—RNKJVB; emphasis mine.
In continuing our questioning of Christian clergymen, may we ask them to know what they think is the reason why their Maker made facial hairs for mankind anyway; and why do they deem them superfluous and so must be shaved off just as fast as He makes them to grow?? Would Elohiym labor to do anything for mankind that was not important to Him or needful to him (mankind)?? Do Christian clergymen not know that the crop of hair on the head of a man is a kingly crown of wisdom and authority to him?? Note we are yet to talk about a queenly crown some day! Have reasoning and common sense fled to dogs?? How sad!
Now, let us read the following verses from Vayikra (Leviticus?) and try to do a serious meditation on them to further enlighten our discourse: 19:27 Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard. 21:5 They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh—Vayikra (Leviticus?) 19:27 and 21:5, RNKJVB.
I suppose these verses of the Torah are clear and so simple to obey by all that any disobedience of them should not be forgiven in order to earn anyone who disobeys them the wonderful life in the presence of Elohiym in the soon-coming Eternity!
It may be heart-warming for you my dear reader to know that there are many serious-minded salvation seekers who do not want to miss spending Eternity with Elohiym, and so, have taken their obedience of these Torah instructions to a higher level in vowing the vow of a Nazir (Nazarite?), as defined in Bamidbar (Numbers?) 6:1-5, just to be certain of life in Eternity with Elohiym.
You see, the most serious of all vows and also the most challenging ones to keep, are the vows of a Nazir; and yet, all of these vows must be kept together and lived concurrently! All these vows are about keeping all of one’s facial hairs in dedication and consecration to the honor and glory of Yahuwah Elohiym.
Part IV
The Nazir enters into a covenant with Yahuwah Elohiym that he will allow Him to keep for him all his (or her) facial hairs in their natural state and to grow them according to the way and will of Yahuwah Elohiym! The Nazir covenants with Yahuwah Elohiym that he will tend his facial hair all by himself (herself) over a reasonably long period of time during which he determines to keep the vow; without any man-made equipment or tools, only with his bare hands, and definitely, without the use of barbers or hairdressers to do any work on his (her) hair!
This seems like jungle life! Yes, indeed, it does seem so; for it makes the face of the male Nazir as bushy as the bushes!! And this facial look of the Nazir is in great contrast to those of his fellow men who may in ignorance “clean shave” just so they may tease the Nazir as a “bush man”!!
Oh, what a world, where habitual “clean shaven” people who are much too far away from life in Eternity in the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym would tease to scorn the holy bushy-haired image of the Nazir who is making a calculated and determined effort not to miss Eternity in the presence of Elohiym!
A Nazir would normally vow his vows to have a lifespan of at least one year; after which he shaves off all his facial hairs, though not necessarily egg-shell smooth (clean shaven?), and then may renew the vows all over again and for an even longer time frame.
Please, don’t forget Shimshon (Samson?) and YahuKhanan Ben ZakharYahu (John the Baptist?)—two of the most renowned servants and vessels of honor, wisdom, and strength of Elohiym—who were Nazir by ordination of Yahwah Elohiym, even at conception and when they were in their mother’s wombs and throughout all their days of service to Him—Shofetim (Judges?) 13:2-14 and Lukas (Luke?) 1:15, respectively!
If these servants of Yahuwah Elohiym kept the vows of a Nazir throughout their lives on Earth—never combing or brushing their hair but allowing it to grow freely and naturally into curls and locks, as all animals of the fields must allow their Maker to keep their hairs for them, what would you lose in allowing your Maker to keep your facial hairs for you, for just one year, in the manner that He likes??
May it be told that every aspect of the culture of the children of Yisroel is dictated by Torah law and does not permit a servant of the melekh (king?) to come into his presence to minister to him without his beard in its natural condition, just as the Kohen Gadol (high priest) or any of his subordinates may not engage in any activities in the Beit HaMikdash (House of Elohiym) without his facial hairs!
When, in the days of melekh Dovid of Yisroel, the ruler of the Goyim people of Ammon, by name Khanum, did evil things to the beards of the ambassadors melekh Dovid had sent to him, they (the ambassadors) could not be permitted into the presence of melekh Dovid while in that evil and disfigured (reconfigured, redesigned border lines) state of their beards!
They (the ambassadors) did not even have the option of completely shaving off their disfigured beards to the skin in order to be received by melekh Dovid, but had to stay temporarily in Yericho upon their return from Ammon for their hairs to grow out before being allowed into the presence of melekh Dovid again!
Let us read about this in Shmu’El Beth (Second Samuel?)10:4-5 thus: “Wherefore Hanun (Khanum) took David's (Dovid’s) servants, and shaved off the one half of their beards, and cut off their garments in the middle, even to their buttocks, and sent them away. When they told it unto David (Dovid), he sent to meet them, because the men were greatly ashamed: and the king said, Tarry at Jericho (Yericho) until your beards be grown, and then return”—RNKJVB; words in parenthesis are mine.
Since it was Yahuwah Elohiym and HaBen, Yahushua, who ruled as Melekh in and through Dovid, and it was never permitted for men with disfigured beards or any who were altogether beardless to appear before him, how would men who have purposefully made their heads bald, disfigured or reconfigured their beards, or completely shaved off their beards think to be permitted in the presence of the only true Melekh of the universe—Yahuwah Elohiym and HaBen??
Even earthly palaces and courts have codes guiding how their members, workers and visitors must appear within them! Similarly, in the supreme courts of countries which were once under British rule, their justices must wear an official costume according to a prescribed dress code whenever in any gatherings where their Head of State is present.
In Ghana, my country, this dress code includes an elaborate man-made wig of natural-looking grey hair that covers the entire head and cheeks of justices of the Supreme Court of Ghana (SCOGh); and droops down along their cheeks, long enough to make a complete beard-like appearance if these drooping parts of the wig were placed one over the other and held in position beneath the chin!
Of course, this wig worn over their heads gives these justices an awesome, reverential, and frightening demeanor, commanding obedience, respect, and good behavior of all around them! I’d say these are the “Yes, my Lord” people—men or women!
This wig-wearing courtroom culture, I suppose, must have been developed intuitively with knowledge of what Elohiym did for Adam, the only man who was begotten to Earth as a mature man—mature with a crop of grey and bushy facial hair all over him, which he never even shaved all his life—so as to give him the needed reverence in a scary and dreadful look which enabled him to rule over all the mosquitoes, insects, and beasts living with him in the garden right from his first day on Earth!
If this supposition of mine is correct, then, I would further suppose that only lady justices of the SCOGh ought to be so costumed with these wigs since their Maker never gave them beards and sideburns, which all kings are naturally endowed with by their Maker to enable them function indeed as kings who must judge in wisdom and boldness in their courts over their people!
Why would male justices of the SCOGh have to cover up what natural gifts of facial hairs their Maker has endowed them with, with man-made wigs?? Do they seek to spite their Maker by this?? I am sad these justices may even have beneath their wigs a kind of self-inflicted baldness! May Yahuwah Elohiym show us His mercy!
Sad to say, “My Lord Justices” of the SCOGh look on, seemingly unconcerned, while most civil servants of our dear republic have their human rights violated! I am told one cannot sport a beard and sideburns while employed by the state in the military, police service, immigration service, financial institutions, etc!!
I learn there are laws in these institutions barring men from sporting bushy facial hairs; they must, as it were, be “clean shaven” outside; but unperturbed if inside and within themselves, they are not clean enough to please their Maker so as to qualify them for life in His presence in Eternity!! Like seriously??
For me, I’d say that, even for all the tea of China, such institutions can keep their jobs! I am sad this violation of people’s human rights has gone on for so long; long enough to have become an acceptable norm, even for Christian clergymen! Oh, cry my beloved Christians, many of whom walk zealously, following after their so-called Reverend Ministers into unquenchable fires unawares!!
In conclusion, let me say that Yahuwah Elohiym purposely gave facial hairs to mankind as gifts. Since He cannot give a useless or invaluable gift to mankind who represents Him on Earth over His creation, mankind must be grateful and thankful to Him for them and keep them in all reverence, instead of always shaving them off his head almost as fast as they are made to grow.
Also, since Yahuwah Elohiym gave mankind laws regarding how he must keep His gift of facial hairs, he must know that a violation of these laws constitute a sin situation that is punishable with a denial of life in His presence in Eternity!
Because of the vows of a Nazir, by which a man (or woman) consecrates and dedicates his (her) facial hairs in commitment to living a holy life in love of his Maker, a rare crop of worshippers of Yahuwah Elohiym of past generations have been blessed with an assurance of living in the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym in a soon-coming Eternity, and therefore these vows ought also to be made in similar fashion and for the same goal by mankind in today’s so-called civilized world!
Now, because life in the presence of Yahuwah Elohiym would, as in days of Noach and Lot, be available to less than 1% of all mankind who ever lived on Earth, all salvation seekers of the world ought to always make every conscious effort to obey all of His Torah in order to make it into His presence for the life with Him throughout a soon-coming Eternity!
As a shofar (ram-horn trumpet) blower of Elohiym, I am by this article dutifully warning mankind according to His Word in Yechezk’El (Ezekiel?) 33:6-7; and this, I do in love for my readers. Will this generation heed the Word of Elohiym?
Dear reader, my prayer is that your spiritual eyes become opened to the truth so you may be delivered from the deception of Lucifer and by the name JESUS CHRIST, and the man-made religion called Christianity. Shalom aleikhem.