
Not The NDC Rawlings Founded

Sun, 12 Feb 2012 Source: Afevi, Kormi

The septuagenarians who dare not touch a penny of our money under the eagle eyes of Chairman Rawlings in the eighties and nineties have found the castle a safe net under the clueless watch of president mills. Lacking any vision or commitment to the long term future of the NDC, their singular agenda is to accrue as much as possible for their spoilt and pampered families before they retire. Their modus operandi is simple; create as many factions as possible within the NDC party to enhance internal strife and friction and take advantage to loot as much as you can.

Aided by their dogs of war in the media, they tried to throw dust into our eyes by positioning Rawlings as a power hungry ex-president whose time is long gone. Unofficial spokesperson of the Awhoi’s once described him on a Saturday morning as suffering from messianic delusion. So Rawlings’ time is past but not Ato Awhoi. Not Totobi Quakyi. Not kojo Tsikata. Not P.V. Obeng.What sort of logic is this?

Today, a tradition that dealt decisively with the likes of Flt. Lt. Kojo Lee and Richard Nii Amoo Addy (President Rawlings’ Nephew) without fear or favor has earned for itself the unenviable reputation of covering up serious crimes committed by its members. This is certainly not the NDC Jerry Rawlings founded. I feel so sad for him. The principles he stood for and was prepared to die for have now become rags that Mills, Betty Mould, Tetteh Kpoda,Asiedu Nketia and co step on everyday as they enter their various offices. Looking at the level of corruption surrounding the NDC, it is safe to conclude that probity and accountability are principles long thrown out of the window.

Folks, there is however a big lesson to learn from developments in the NDC.The sacred truth of life is like a cork. You can direct all energies at submerging it but it will definitely rise one day. The Awhoi brothers, their cohorts and the presidency put all efforts into destroying the legacy of Jerry Rawlings.The enquirer at a point in time was rented to publish lies and very damaging stories about his family.

Today, Rawlings has been vindicated. Everything he warned the mills administration about has come to pass with the exception of his prediction that that the president will be a one time president If he does not sort out the mess around him. Any wonder that his popularity keeps on soaring and his words are being recollected everyday?

As for Betty Mould, the hitherto unknown former copyright administrator who shot to fame once the former first family mentioned her as their choice for the running mate slot, she will never know peace until she goes back to render an unqualified apology to the former first family. It has to also be mentioned authoritatively, that the fate that befell Betty is marking time at the doorstep of E.T. Mensah, the Awhois, Asiedu Nketiah, Tetteh Kpoda, Victor Smith etc. In this life, you do not bite the hand that fed you when you were hungry.

The current generation of NDC party and govt officials including the president have done irreparable damage to the very foundation of the NDC party and by extension the principles of the A.F.R.C and P.N.D.C. Until they accept the truth and wake up to the realities of our political history they will always be haunted by the blood of all those who laid down their lives in the defense of the principles on which the NDC party is founded. For me, whether we win or lose 2012, Ghanaians will forever see us as jokers if we ever mount the platform to talk about corruption, probity and accountability. I am getting sick and tired of this party of mine. It remains a sinking titanic whose captain is out of touch of reality and whose other crew members are living in a utopian world.

The only good news for me is the visit of my old Auntie Daavi Abla from Hatorgodo.she this weekend. All she has ever wanted is to see with her naked eyes the place of abode of her idol Efo Korshie Dzato.We will be taking a drive through Ridge after church on Sunday where from a distance I can point out Efo’s residence. I will not brief her on the new fraud perpetrated on the Ghanaian tax payer via a Nigerian bank at BOST because she is still convalescing from the shocks of the Woyome scandal. Our conversation will also centre on the fact that so long as Jerry Rawlings lives, probity and accountability lives. Long after he is gone, these principles will continue to make an impact on the lives of generations yet unborn. As for Daavi Abla, I and many others, we do not have to belong to a political party to espouse these principles.

Columnist: Afevi, Kormi