
Nyaho-Tamakloe Is An NDC Mole

Wed, 1 Jul 2015 Source: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

Garden City, New York

May 10, 2015


I don't know this Eugene Boakye-Antwi guy, and do not endorse his allegedly anti-ethnic tirades against Fantes or any other ethnic and sub-ethnic groups. But what I can say, with absolutely no fear of contradiction, is that the editors and publishers of the trashy Catalyst newspaper have no moral authority to presume to expose Mr. Boakye-Antwi to scorn. The late Prof. Kofi Nyidevu Awoonor did his protracted bit of anti-Akan bigotry with panache and literary poignancy and received the highest accolades from Trokosi nationalist newspapers like the Catalyst, Daily Post and the Informer. And so, really, what is new here?

It ought to be clear to the operatives of the aforementioned rags by now that playing the "tribal card," in hopes of erasing the proud and globally recognized Akan ethnic identity, will not wash. And these Trokosi Boys fully recognize this fact; and yet their seemingly incurable penchant for anti-Akanism, verging on genocide, fools them into believing that their relentless maligning of the Akan people would, somehow, eventually cause Akans to be completely extirpated from the face of the Earth. And so the Trokosi Cynics have their work cut out for them.

Then also, the neurotic operators of the Trokosi newspapers have a passion for ineffectually attempting to use their single most brazen NDC mole among the vanguard ranks of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to make Ghana's largest and most progressive political party seem like the now-defunct odious regime of Apartheid South Africa, in a bid to ensuring that the NPP languishes on the penurious margins of opposition politics, while the Trokosi kleptocrats and their reprobate sponsors among the Akan ethnic majority facilitate the wanton fleecing of the country's wealth under the criminally false pretense of national unity. This incontrovertible reality is what Mr. Yaw Osafo-Maafo boldly and dispassionately pointed out at the party's Koforidua strategy session, which set a predictable firestorm of anger and protest marches around the country, particularly in the Greater-Accra Region.

And so it is rather absurd for the Quisling likes of Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe to insist on their inalienable right to malign the nonesuch democratic principles of the New Patriotic Party, but somehow deny the same free-speech rights of the Akan ethnic majority among the ranks of the membership of the NPP. This is what psychologists and political scientists call AKANOCIDE, the genocidal death wish of the Trokosi Nationalists for all ethnic Akans, irrespective of ideological affiliation. This is what 20 years of Mr. Rawlings' anti-Akan faux-revolution taught the editors and publishers of anti-Akan genocidal propaganda media establishments such as the Daily Post, the Informer and the Catalyst.

Indeed, Mr. Boakye-Antwi may have some of his moral and cultural values grossly distorted, but on the question of the chronic projection of inferiorty complex among the Trokosi Boys, the outspoken NPP operative cannot be rationally contradicted. I mean, here we are with a rag-tag band of bandits whose most celebrated icon barbarically executed Akan-descended Supreme Court judges, primarily because of their ethnic identities, accusing their victims of the very crimes which only these accusers have demonstrated themselves to be capable of committing. What is more, throughot the Election 2012 Presidential Petition, Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe shamelessly crossed party lines to shill for his relative and then-Interim President John Dramani Mahama. Of course, that was his inalienable right all right. But don't turn round and hope to be treated with respect and love.

Nobody should think of expelling Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe from the New Patriotic Party, for doing so would make the former Ghana Ambassador to the Balkans feel far more important than he is in the scheme of NPP affairs. Just ignore him. And as it is the way with all humanity, in due time, the perennial scourge that is the irredeemably treacherous Dr. Nyaho-Tamakloe will vanish from the face of the Earth, with only the Trokosi Nationalist Newspapers left behind to do him homage.


Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame