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Nyantekyi, Pappoe, Abbey; Cough Out The Monies!!!

Kwesi Nyantakyi @GFA11.06

Mon, 6 Apr 2009 Source: Biakoye, Nana

So it is not only Kufuor, Sekyi-Hughes and co, who were part of the looting brigade huh?

So it was not only the known politicians who were chopping our monies waa waa waa huh?

Whiles Kufuor and co were looting our monies, some other people were also hiding behind football to loot our monies isn’t it?

Ow Ghana!!! I really weep for this country of ours.

So, for 8 years, all that went on, was, looting, looting, looting.

What is this we are hearing to the effect that the GFA has been exposed for being an integral part of the NPP’s looting brigade?

So, Kwesi Nyantekyi, Fred Pappoe and the big bellied Randy Abbey, are also in the business of looting isn’t it?

Honestly, I have always wondered where all the sponsorship monies have been going to and I think that I now have an answer to the question that has been agitating my mind for so long.

The answer is simple; the sponsorship monies have been ending up in the pockets and bellies of certain individuals.

I remember how Alhaji Grusah, in a fit of anger about a year ago, said that, instead of Randy Abbey and the GFA concentrating on building the Black Stars, they are rather concentrating on building their stomachs.

I must say that I cannot agree less with Alhaji Grusah with his assessment of what Randy and co were doing at the GFA.

Alhaji Grusah may not have gone to school but he has a measure of home wisdom.

Just take a look at the size of Randy Abbey’s stomach, and it would be clear that the guy has really invested on the size of the stomach.

How on earth can the GFA receive millions of dollars in sponsorship, and still present a budget to the Government for feeding and lodging for the Black Stars?

Those sponsorship packages; they are specifically for the Black Stars and no other national team.

Indeed, the sponsorship packages state in very clear terms what the monies should be used for.

For example, the recent Globacom sponsorship package is specifically for accommodation, feeding and allowances for the Black Stars.

And that is only one sponsorship package ooo!!!

If you add the other sponsorship packages, it is quite clear that the Black Stars has more than enough money to cater for all expenses.

Yet, the GFA’s looting brigade made up of Kwesi Nyantekyi, Fred Pappoe and Randy Abbey, still present budgets to the Government for monies.

Can you imagine the amount of monies that have been looted by the looting brigade over the period that they have been running the GFA?

Of course, the NPP government had no qualms supporting the looting agenda of the GFA because stealing is the major pivot around which the NPP’s property owning philosophy revolves.

What really astonishes me, is the extent to which the looting agenda knows no bounds.

Look at the way the GFA quoted between $300 & $400 for a room, when the rooms cost around $139 per night.

I am referring to the cost of a room at the Kumasi Golden Tulip hotel where the Stars lodged when they played the Squirrels of Benin.

If this has been the modus operandi of Nyantekyi and co, only God knows the colossal amount of money that has ended up in their pockets and bellies.

No wonder just after he returned from the World Cup in Germany, Randy Abbey purchased a brand new custom made Toyota Land Cruiser.

When you ask him, he will tell you he bought it with his own money.

Of course, when you loot money and you are not caught, it becomes yours doesn’t it?

Honestly, change is good ooo change is good.

If the change had not come, and President John Atta Milsl given the nod to execute his CHANGE agenda and build a Better Ghana, I don’t think it would have been possible to uncover the looting agenda of the GFA.

With Akufo-Addo’s dangerous “Moving Forward” agenda, the Nyanteky, Pappoe, Abbey axis of looting, would have moved forward in ripping the nation off.

All I am saying is that, let is cut open Randy Abbey’s mountain-of-a-belly, and we shall get a fair idea of the monies that the GFA has stolen.

One by one, we shall expose all the members of the NPP’s looting brigade and little by little, we shall get to the bottom of the NPP’s looting agenda.

By the way, does FIFA not frown upon corrupt Football Associations? Is corruption not a key factor in disbanding Football Associations?

I rest my case on this matter for now; but it is a matter that will not die until we expose the looting agenda of the GFA.

Nana Biakoye

Columnist: Biakoye, Nana