
Ode To Osabarimba Brandful

Sun, 5 Jun 2011 Source: Sakyi, Kwesi Atta

Let the drum-beats dance to their own rhythm,

Let the gong-gongs cling their tongues to their roofs,

Let all musical paraphernalia rise up on their feet and clap their hands,

But for us, we are torn between mixed feelings of joy and sadness

Let it be known far and wide, Osabarimba Brandful, like Caesar, came, saw and conquered,

He traversed the length and breadth of Zambia, seeking out the Ghanaian to unite

He deployed his diplomatic phalanx and rounded up all Ghanaians to the clarion call of Mother Ghana

He gave hope to the hopeless hobbling in the ocean of despair in the diaspora,

He put the dying Ghana Association on a drip, injecting energy into VAGIZ

To resuscitate it from its dying bed,

Indeed, he administered a helluva shot in the arm of the Voluntary Association of Ghanaians in Zambia

And provided a lifeline to the Constitution,

Yeah, Osabarimba Brandful has done it,

He has done a yeoman’s service in record time

Shout it out from the rooftops

Honk it on your car horns

Let it echo and reverberate across the dambos and miombos of Zambia,

Let his accolades and triumphs resonate

And be etched in glittering letters of gold on stone ramparts

Let the memories of his candour and humility re-energise our flagging spirits

To soar like the proverbial eagle above our problems

Go well illustrious son of Mother Ghana,

Ride on to conquer higher heights,

Indeed, Osabarimba Brandful has proved himself a man of ideas and deeds,

Indeed, a flaming torch has he lit on our otherwise gloomy path,

Henceforth, we shall not walk alone,

His torch and flame will guide our path to survive as we keep it alive

Allow me to confer on him the title of Osabarimba, Okogyeabuo, Akomeahene, Dr. William George Kobina Brandful,

Okobran twa par a woma no mbo!

Thursday, 17th March, 2011

By Kwesi Atta Sakyi

Columnist: Sakyi, Kwesi Atta