
Okyeame On The Beat: A rapist at the Presidency?

Tue, 12 Aug 2014 Source: The Informer

So is it true that Ghana’s Presidency is harbouring a known rapist? What is this Okyeame is hearing?

So there is a rapist who is arrogantly throwing his weight about at the seat of Government as being alleged by IMAN’s Kofi Bentil? My goodness!

It is said in Ghanaian parlance that, when one has cotton wool up his anus, it becomes dangerous jumping over fire. So as being purported; Stan Dogbe was all along having cotton wool up there but decided to jump over IMANI’s Kofi Bentil’s fire?

I read last week, the hot exchanges of invectives between the deputy head of IMANI-Ghana, Kofi Bentil and Stan Dogbe and I was shocked to the marrow.

What on earth prompted Stan to fire the first salvo? What is it that is making Stan believe that he can flaunt his stinking arrogance at everybody and get away with it?

Stan may be away with his arrogance at the Presidency, but he most certainly cannot have his way on Facebook. If the people at the Presidency are scared stiff of Stan’s arrogance; those on Facebook don’t give a toss about Stan Dogbe.

Honestly, Kofi Bentil tore Stan into shreds even though he was only making an allegation. Whaaaat!!! So Kofi Bentil was bold to raise the supposed rape issue again?

Okyeame thought the alleged rape issue had died long time ago. Was it not the same rape allegation that got Stan to be thrown out of Joy FM? So why has Stan allowed his stinking arrogance to resurrect a completely dead issue?

Are you not told that if you live in a glass house you do not throw stones? Well, Stan has annoyed Kofi Bentil to bring up the alleged rape issue and it is up to Stan Dogbe to defend himself and his badly damaged image (that is if he has any image at all).

If Stan is not able to clear the issue once and for all, then he is not doing his image any good; and by extension, not fit to be at the Presidency.

Indeed, Okyeame is calling on Prosper Bani, the Chief of Staff at the Presidency, to look critically into the allegation made because the image of the President is at stake.

If the Chief of Staff allows the issue to fester without any action, he should know that Okyeame will not spare him if President Mahama’s image is dented.

If Stan Dogbe is not fit to be at the Presidency, he should be thrown out immediately so that the President can have his peace of mind to work.

Stan is causing too many problems for President Mahama, and enough is enough. Stan Dogbe; you have allowed your stinking arrogance to set your anus up in flames, and nobody will help you quench the fire.

As we say in Ghana; “Na who cause am?” Pride, surely comes before a big fall!

Columnist: The Informer