Koku Anyidoho, former Communications Director for the late Atta-Mills
By: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.
I bet Koku Anyidoho heaved a thunderous sigh of relief, once he realized that the large batch of Akufo-Addo deputy cabinet appointees whose pictures appeared in the newspapers, and which he had immediately mistaken for the mug-shots of some freshly arrested armed robbers, did not include his own. The fact of the matter is that the Trokosi nationalist goon is not manly enough to tell us this portion of his initial anxiety, as this would expose him for the craven coward that he veritably is. I also hope that he hasn’t so soon forgotten that there is a Special Prosecutor awaiting crooks and charlatans like himself (See “One-Term President Akufo-Addo Distributing Positions Like Confetti – Anyidoho” Kasapafmonline.com / Ghanaweb.com 3/18/17).
The former Communications Director of President John Evans Atta-Mills has yet to tell Ghanaians and the world at large precisely under what circumstances his former boss met his death. All he has been doing is hallucinating and telling these cock-and-bull stories about having dreamed about the late president, and the latter flashing him a Colgate-clean toothy grin and telling him of doing very well wherever the drug-infected mind of Mr. Anyidoho tells the latter his boss presently is.
Then just the other day, a visibly bitter Mr. Anyidoho shamelessly took to the airwaves claiming that he had worked for President Mills with love and happiness but had only worked for former President John Dramani Mahama perfunctorily or without any particular interest or enjoyment. Like anybody really cares. The fact of the matter is that he probably had no choice, if he wanted to keep his mediocre party sinecure as General-Secretary Johnson Asiedu-Nketia’s second-bananas. He also has yet to tell his supporters and sympathizers why President Mahama had bluntly refused to shower him with the sort of confetti he wistfully claims President Akufo-Addo has been showering his friends and associates recklessly in the form of cabinet appointments. Did Mr. Mahama become a one-term president because he had refused to spray confetti on the Trokosi squadron leader, because he found his qualifications not to be worth half the sheepskin on which they had been printed?
Needless to say, I have personally carped President Akufo-Addo for creating a pool of cabinet appointees that is likely to slow down the efficient and smooth running of his clearly ambitious development agenda for the country. Nevertheless, I dare Mr. Anyidoho to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the caliber of cabinet appointees selected by President Akufo-Addo with those of former President Mahama and present the nation with the results. He could do the same with the cabinet appointees of his late boss and those of former President John Agyekum-Kufuor and present his results squarely within the context of the growth and development of the country. I have decided to exempt Chairman Jerry John Rawlings because, after all, his legacy of the “Rawlings Necklace” is already globally renowned.
In all the preceding, what is most fascinating and amusing in no small measure is the fact that the Trokosi nationalists, having sworn by the gonads of their Notsie rag-doll priests and prophets that Nana Akufo-Addo would never become President of the Great Republic of Ghana and miserably failed, as the Great and only one God of the Akan, Nyankoropong, put them to shame, are back at their dirty tricks again. And now having barely half-recovered from their epic defeat and humiliation, these Trokosi nationalists have resorted to the clinical fool’s wishful thinking of having Akufo-Addo become a one-term president. On the latter count, too, no doubt, these Notsie mythical scumbags will be defeated once again.
By: Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.
English Department, SUNY-Nassau
Garden City, New York
E-mail: okoampaahoofe@optimum.net
*Visit my blog at: kwameokoampaahoofe.wordpress.com Ghanaffairs