
Open Letter To Mills Boys And Girls

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Tue, 9 Dec 2014 Source: Amenga-Etego, Sacut

Dear brothers and sisters,


I am overjoyed in my greetings to you this morning. I am sure you will understand me, as you have been here before. One cannot hide the joy of sweet victory over one's political opponents - even if they are one's brothers and sisters.

We have noticed your inability to congratulate us for cleaning up the you front. We can understand you people. We have been there before. But remember, you have no cause to complain. You people are organizing these internal elections. You people are the referees, you appoint the electoral commissioners. The only thing you cannot do is to manipulate the minds of the party delegates. It is a fair game. Just use your minds.

We understand this game to be like a musical chairs. To remain on the stage, one must make sure that by the time the music stops, you are not left alone without a chair. Once you are left without a chair, you got to bow out gracefully. And you people should know this by now having gone through this cycle.

Why the murmuring? Why the scheming? Why all these useless and dangerous tantrums from Yaw Boateng Gyan? Do you people believe you can pass this test?

My brothers and sisters, is this a do and die affair? President Evans Atta Mills (of blessed memory) was a father for all. That was his mantra. If you people claim to be his children, why do you people insists on playing divide and rule tactics among all of us?

I am still wondering why you people insists on fighting this internal political battle not with your own physical and mental strength - as we the NDC foot soldiers are doing - but rather depending on the sympathy of the people on the account of the late President?

When people are hungry, they forget about the death of their father in one week. Two years is such a long time.

Please, my brothers and sisters, the late President cannot help you people whether you loved him and he loved you more than the rest of us when he was alive or not, the late President Mills unfortunately is dead. He is no more a factor in NDC politics in the present - future. Only in its history. I am shocked that you people don't seem to realize this and accept and change your plans..

Anyways, we know that you people will rather die than have Kofi Adams elected national organizer. In furtherance of this, you people have even started swearing on the grave of Atta Mills, With Yaw Boateng Gyan promising to tell us the people who killed President Mills, etc.

So what Yaw Gyan is saying to our dear party delegates and party faithful is that you people know that the Late President, who was under your very own care, was killed, and yet, you have kept it a secret from the people. Are you not also telling the people that you are the same KILLERS? Only the killers are interested in keeping his killing secret. Or?

My brothers and sisters, this your plan is very dangerous. Be very careful you people don't commit suicide. It is the people who own this NDC party. When the people want to change their leadership, they will do so no matter the number of spirits you people will invoke. The voice of the people is the voice of God.

It is obvious the people want Kofi Adams as national organizer of the NDC. Some of us have been around the country, and the people have spoken already into our "chosen ears". There is a house cleaning taking place.

Please allow the house cleaning to take its natural course..

Your brother from Another Mother


Columnist: Amenga-Etego, Sacut