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Open letter to Ghanaian leaders; now and tomorrow

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Fri, 14 Jun 2024 Source: Abdulrahim Shaibu-Issah

Dear Now and Future Leaders of Ghana,

I write to you with a heavy heart, but also with hope for a brighter future for our beloved nation. Ghana, rich in culture, potential, and natural resources, deserves leaders who inspire hope and confidence in the younger generation.

It pains me to say that the actions of many in positions of power have not lived up to this standard. Corruption, neglect of duty, and misplaced pride have eroded the trust and faith of the people, especially the youth, in our leadership.

Recent events, such as the trending social media post where a Ghanaian-Dutch citizen expressed preference for his Dutch passport over a PhD acquired in Ghana, serve as a stark reminder of the disillusionment felt by many young Ghanaians. The fact that this sentiment resonated with so many is alarming and speaks volumes about the state of affairs in our country.

Now, more than ever, we need leaders who can restore hope and belief in the promise of Ghana. We, as political, civil, and business leaders, including myself, must rise to this challenge. It's crucial to recognize that the inspiration of hope starts with political leadership, as they are the most visible. We must lead with integrity, transparency, and a genuine commitment to the welfare of all citizens, regardless of their background or status.

Inspiring hope is not just about rhetoric; it's about taking concrete actions to address the root causes of disillusionment and inequality. It's about investing in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and job creation to give every Ghanaian the opportunity to fulfill their potential and contribute meaningfully to society.

By inspiring hope, we can unlock the full potential of our nation and change the fortunes of Ghana for the better. But this can only happen if we, as leaders, rise above self-interest and prioritize the common good.

To the now and future leaders of Ghana, I urge us all to heed this call. The future of our nation depends on our ability to inspire hope and lead with courage, compassion, and vision.

Columnist: Abdulrahim Shaibu-Issah