
Open letter to Ghanaians

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Thu, 27 Oct 2022 Source: Nana Kwame Kwafo

Fellow Ghanaians, It is with a heavy heart that l sit to write this. The state of the economy and the desperation that has hit our beloved country is one that generations before me can not even compare to that of 1983 and or the Kalabuley days, which occupants of the jubilee house know too well. Ghanaian mothers, many of whom are the real managers of Ghanaian homes are having to do the unthinkable in some cases to put food on the table for their families, all because an economic management team appointed by the NPP-led Government has failed woefully to help resolve the crisis our country faces. But let us all pause, and try to understand how we all got here as a country when economic indicators showed us all from the word get-go that excessive borrowing without us manufacturing anything would turn around and bite us in the back., and yet we had a corrupt media space that avoided these indicators and continued to propagate to Ghanaians that all was well, in fact, the stories they put out was all cooked by men who’s egos were measured by the cars they drove. Today, every sector of the Ghanaian economy is rotten, and the men and women that head these sectors have all sold their conscience to banks outside the country. As a Ghanaian, l ask myself the question, why do these foreign governments that receive or allow stolen monies to be laundered into their countries turn around and draw horrible pictures about us when it comes to our integrity and dignity as humans? The British Government, along with its French, German and American governments are all benefactors of stolen monies from Ghana, and with a few clicks of the mouse they can pull out raw data of all the illicit funds that come into their economics from Thieves clothed in public service jobs. The Ghanaian youth would have loved for these thieves to at least activate the Robin Hood Syndrome by using their ill-gotten wealth to set up Manufacturing firms that can employ them, strengthen the Ghanaian economy and add to the livelihood of our people as a whole, have not reached a tipping point where civil disobedience seems to the only door open for them. The Ghanaian security forces have themselves been compromised so much that it would take a complete purge to correct the wrongs that this NPP-led Administration meted on the people of Ghana. To end, Fellow Ghanaians, I dare say that our media houses filled with tribal bigots and political party hoodlums are the ones leading us into the slaughter houses, and the international community in Ghana has been sounding that alarm for 6yrs now. We are at that crossroads where civil disobedience is eminently staring us in the face. Price control for goods and services is the fuel that would lead our nation into the abyss. Let us all embrace ourselves for what is to come, and hope that the window of opportunity that can avert the inevitable will not be missed by the managers of this country. Don’t be a spectator, be the citizen that sees something and says something. Ghana our motherland deserves our collective involvement in a time like this. The NPP Government has proven to us all that it is the most clueless and useless brady bunch to ever hold the highest office of the land. Ghana shall survive this, and our international stakeholders ought to be held accountable for the mess that they indirectly supervised by their inactions. Let’s rise together as a nation and change the narrative, let’s begin to dialogue on the very issues that can help us stand up as a nation against all the foreign influences that hold us hostage to the very development we need as a nation, if Kigali managed to rise we can rise higher than Kigali and it takes the right leadership and commitment aimed at addressing all the issues facing us head on to achieve that, enough is enough. This is our YES WE CAN moment. God bless our homeland Ghana. #GhanaWeDay #GhanaShallRiseAgain - Join us now !!

Fellow Ghanaians, It is with a heavy heart that l sit to write this. The state of the economy and the desperation that has hit our beloved country is one that generations before me can not even compare to that of 1983 and or the Kalabuley days, which occupants of the jubilee house know too well. Ghanaian mothers, many of whom are the real managers of Ghanaian homes are having to do the unthinkable in some cases to put food on the table for their families, all because an economic management team appointed by the NPP-led Government has failed woefully to help resolve the crisis our country faces. But let us all pause, and try to understand how we all got here as a country when economic indicators showed us all from the word get-go that excessive borrowing without us manufacturing anything would turn around and bite us in the back., and yet we had a corrupt media space that avoided these indicators and continued to propagate to Ghanaians that all was well, in fact, the stories they put out was all cooked by men who’s egos were measured by the cars they drove. Today, every sector of the Ghanaian economy is rotten, and the men and women that head these sectors have all sold their conscience to banks outside the country. As a Ghanaian, l ask myself the question, why do these foreign governments that receive or allow stolen monies to be laundered into their countries turn around and draw horrible pictures about us when it comes to our integrity and dignity as humans? The British Government, along with its French, German and American governments are all benefactors of stolen monies from Ghana, and with a few clicks of the mouse they can pull out raw data of all the illicit funds that come into their economics from Thieves clothed in public service jobs. The Ghanaian youth would have loved for these thieves to at least activate the Robin Hood Syndrome by using their ill-gotten wealth to set up Manufacturing firms that can employ them, strengthen the Ghanaian economy and add to the livelihood of our people as a whole, have not reached a tipping point where civil disobedience seems to the only door open for them. The Ghanaian security forces have themselves been compromised so much that it would take a complete purge to correct the wrongs that this NPP-led Administration meted on the people of Ghana. To end, Fellow Ghanaians, I dare say that our media houses filled with tribal bigots and political party hoodlums are the ones leading us into the slaughter houses, and the international community in Ghana has been sounding that alarm for 6yrs now. We are at that crossroads where civil disobedience is eminently staring us in the face. Price control for goods and services is the fuel that would lead our nation into the abyss. Let us all embrace ourselves for what is to come, and hope that the window of opportunity that can avert the inevitable will not be missed by the managers of this country. Don’t be a spectator, be the citizen that sees something and says something. Ghana our motherland deserves our collective involvement in a time like this. The NPP Government has proven to us all that it is the most clueless and useless brady bunch to ever hold the highest office of the land. Ghana shall survive this, and our international stakeholders ought to be held accountable for the mess that they indirectly supervised by their inactions. Let’s rise together as a nation and change the narrative, let’s begin to dialogue on the very issues that can help us stand up as a nation against all the foreign influences that hold us hostage to the very development we need as a nation, if Kigali managed to rise we can rise higher than Kigali and it takes the right leadership and commitment aimed at addressing all the issues facing us head on to achieve that, enough is enough. This is our YES WE CAN moment. God bless our homeland Ghana. #GhanaWeDay #GhanaShallRiseAgain - Join us now !!

Columnist: Nana Kwame Kwafo