Prof. Kenneth Attafuah is the Executive Secretary of the National Identification Authority
H.E. NANA ADDO DANKWA AKUFFO-ADDO (President of the Republic)
PROF. KENNETH ATTAFUAH (Executive Secretary National Identification Authority)
On behalf of the youth, I say thank you for the great initiative to open district offices across the country, which came after my earlier letter I wrote to the above personalities.
On that note, something baffles our mind and needs good explanation.
From April 2018, if my memory serve me right, a number of youth were contracted by NIA for its mass registration exercise.
Professor Attafuah has said it on several platforms that he contracted over seventy thousand youth. Key ones were District Registration Officers(DROs), Technical men, Mobile Registration Workstation Operators(MRWOs), Card Verification Officers(CVOs), Commissioner for oaths(CFOs), and other support officers.
These key officials offered their all, time and energy to execute mandates given to them. Lest I forget, the minimum qualification to become a DRO was a first degree. DROs were carefully selected by Party executives within the various districts, interviewed by NIA officials and later another selections were made, for them to represent NIA at the district level.
In fact, with exception of few ones, all DROs worked tirelessly, diligently and executed the Authority's mission awesomely. Not forgetting about them using first degree. These DROs were also had residential training in elite hotels in the country. The cost on each of these DROs daily, the least said about it the better.
On 31st March, 2021, NIA opened a vacancy. To the surprise of the entire nation, only for NIA to peg their minimum qualification for both Regional and District Registration Officers at Masters degree. Who will supervise who?
There is no doubt that, Regional Registration officials did not exist during the mass registration, so making the minimum qualification even a PhD for this new role doesn't matter. What about the District Registration Officers whom you (Prof. Attafuah and NIA) have worked with for over two years now. One might try to justify that their contract did not exceed even six months but, it must be noted that, as at now, NIA printed cards and some registration materials are still with these DROs which they are taking much care of them.
Listening to Prof. Attafuah's last answer to a question a caller asked, why are you sacking your DROs with first degrees?; he said Masters degree holders are better managers of offices than first degree holders. Very unfortunate though. But, let's be realistic enough, district offices of Youth Empowerment Agency (YEA), National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), NADMO, National Service Scheme (NSS), etc are all managed by first degree holders, with some few exceptions.
Let us also not forget that, some twenty one NIA offices were piloted across the country for two months. These offices were managed very well by the existing DROs.
Why is Prof. Attafuah and his NIA doing this to our grassroot members? Is it because he disclosed on his radio station that he has no ambitions to become Member of Parliament? But at least the party has done enough for you. It is about time you listened to the cry of the grassroots and the Party executives as a whole.
I plead on behalf of all two hundred and seventy-six DROs for Prof Attafuah to maintain those who worked diligently for the nation. It will be very bad on the side of the party and NIA for these experienced hard working people to be replaced by unknown NDC members with Masters degrees.
Bringing all to a close, the MMDCEs, Regional Ministers, Ministers, Party hierarchy must call Prof. Attafuah to order. We are on the verge of going into opposition in 2024, due to actions and inactions of some of these Executive Secretaries. Prof. Attafuah must peharps retire. He's doing more harm than good to our beloved NPP.
I'm sure this letter will be taken into consideration and action taken with immediate effect.
Thank you.