
Open letter to honourable Members of Parliament

73202743 The flag of Ghana

Thu, 23 Mar 2023 Source: Ignatius Amponsah

As Ghana has celebrated her Independence Day, with all due respect, kindly permit me to make a passionate appeal to you for your consideration, reflection and action. It is an undeniable fact that Ghana is one of the most favoured countries in the world as far as favourable climatic conditions, human and natural resources are concerned.

Therefore, it is unacceptable for Ghanaians to stand by and allow Ghana to become a failed state. It is also an indisputable fact that Ghana today is bankrupt, and this bankruptcy is an unfortunate indication that Ghana is on the verge of becoming a failed state.

Such a tragedy does not augur well for Ghana, and Ghanaians do not deserve such a failure; simply because, by God's grace, Ghana has what it takes to avoid a total collapse of the Ghanaian economy, as well as what it takes to be a 'superpower'.

After all, America and Europe are what they are today because of what they managed to get from Ghana and continue to get from Ghana.

In order to make sure that the said bankruptcy is not repeated in our dear nation Ghana, I would like to appeal to our dear honourable Members of Parliament to do everything possible under the sun and, with all urgency, institute a national probe or call for a national probe into the major causes of our current bankruptcy, which is unprecedented in our fourth Republic, if not in the entire history of Ghana.

Anyone found to have caused financial loss to the state to the tune of GHC 5,000.00 or more should be prosecuted, and the money lost to the state, retrieved and paid into our public purse. Any financial loss to the state that is less than GHC 5,000.00 should be ignored because an unintentional mistake can cause the state to lose a small amount of money.

If Ghanaians are very much interested in making sure that Ghana is liberated from the hands of economic vampires, as well as excessive corruption, import-led economy and bad governance, then every Ghanaian, who is of age, should rise up immediately and demand national probe into our current bankruptcy, that has bedevilled Ghana today.

I humbly want to suggest that the commission or committee that would be established to embark on the said probe should be bipartisan and that it should not worry about the so-called COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine War impact on the Ghanaian economy.

It should not go there at all because the said impact cannot be considered as a major reason for our current bankruptcy, especially when one considers the amount of money that Ghana lost when we were hit by the COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War, as against the amount of money that Ghana received from Ghanaians and our foreign donors due to the advent of COVID-19.

Anyone, who tries to move heaven and earth to make Ghanaians believe that, COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine War, are reasons for Ghana's economic woes or Ghana's current bankruptcy is doing nothing but throwing dust in the eyes of Ghanaians and also taking Ghanaians for fools.

Let Ghanaians rise up and do everything possible to prove beyond every reasonable doubt that, Ghanaians cannot be taken for granted and for a fool.

Let's hold all those, who have been entrusted with our huge human and natural resources accountable and make sure that Ghanaians are not taken for a ride.

Columnist: Ignatius Amponsah