
Open letter to winner of Miss Ghana Pageant 2018

Nana Ama Benson Listowel Nana Ama Benson (middle) with first and second runner-ups, Miss Ghana 2018

Tue, 2 Oct 2018 Source: Listowell Acquaye

Dear Nana Ama Benson,

[Be responsible for your choices, actions and decisions]

I am confidently sure after admitting to reading the Miss Ghana Contract with your family prior to the final showdown, you fully understand the terms and conditions and won't come to social media or mainstream media to complain of not receiving what is due you.

Despite allegations from former winners concerning the ordeal they faced working with "organizers" to demand what they were promised, you(family) boldly entered the competition knowing all the risks involved.

Well, I hope you'll be bold and courageous enough to get your project executed though previous winners alleged it is almost unachievable after the pageant due to pressure from "organisers" to keep raising funds. However, reasons for raising funds were not made clear to Winners according to previous winner.

I don't know if the contract was clear on giving you a car as winner, but it will be quite surprising that after claiming the crown and bragging rights of the 2018 edition, you would still be using organisers office car only to return it after a year as was alleged by previous winners.

Don't mind me! Besides, it's not a crime to join a normal troski, Uber, or taxi as a Miss Ghana Winner, infact it gives you an amazing perspective of life in knowing different types of perfumes and the body "odours" they generate after a while.

I remember seeing the word "pimp or pimping" which appeared to be part of the duties of the "winner" in a long write-up the previous winner(2017) posted online for public consumption. Please I hope you perfectly understand the word and probably tried explaining it to your family as they read your contract to understand.

The former queen also painted in words a clear picture of what a "Money Monster" is and unfortunately likened it to one of the organisers. Well, I haven't been a pageant before and what at all do I know?

I hope you're also ready should the time come for you to turn into a money generating(diabolo) and counting machine for organisers as was claimed by the former winner. Please I personally won't want to see or hear your testimony on that.

I hope your family is readily prepared to help you contain(excuse the public) any future dealings or occurences that could have semblance with the allegations made by previous winners.

Please don't give room for your runner ups to be named Queen because you failed to abide by the same contract you read and understood with your family.

I wish you good luck in your journey as Ghana's current and finest queen, please make us proud on the world platform. Congratulations!!!


Listowell Acquaye

Columnist: Listowell Acquaye
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