
Osagyefo Ofori Panin: You were supposed to summon scores of individuals instead

Okyenhene  New.png Osagyefo Ofori Panin

Fri, 16 Aug 2024 Source: Prof. Dinkum

Dear Osagyefo Ofori Panin,

I am with ethereal glee to submit this piece to your estimable office about your step taken not to brook to anything which has the potential to sully your integrity. Your conviction resonates with what Zig Ziglar once averred some time ago that, " It is true that integrity alone won't make you a leader, but without integrity you will never be one ". You have demonstrated, as a King, that integrity must be the barometer of your reign. Not quite long ago, a book, which has been cooked up anonymously to blacken the selective names of individuals, of which you were part has surfaced with the sole intention for the citizenry to chew you out.

In effect, you have taken rigorous legal action against that book, which was meant to soil your reputation by summoning two entities to the law court, thus, TV3, Ghana and Mr. Hopeson Adorye. Of late, it has become as plain as a pikestaff that, the TV3 station, we knew a couple of years ago has been changed egregiously. One may not be wrong, when he/she emphasizes that, TV3 is being operated like a bordello: their cachet and reputational values have fallen into a gulf. We know how they have pitted their line of programs against the enhancement of the country and the rate of which they continue to bamboozle their viewers with conjectural and iffy accounts.

On the other hand, Hopeson Adorye is someone who clutches at straws in his usual peppery syndrome. His predilections to hyperbolize on title - tattles without having delved into the historicity of it as a self-proclaimed patriotic and esoteric person are galling and inflammatory sometimes. You have done a topping work when it is been evaluated from different dimensions. But, His Majesty, a lot could have been implicated in this muckraking case amid the writ issued. For lucidity sake, this book was projected against the president, Nana Akufo Addo ( the NPP ) and yourself chiefly. But in an extensive sense, you were the bull's eye, such that, the book in question emboldened your pictorial representation as its cover, hence gives that inkling.

Although, the writer/writer's name (s) was/were incognito, but regardless the/those person (s) can be bearded in Court. Hearsay evidences are insignificant in Court though, but the Court can apply what is called ' The Opinion Rule ' in the case of its judgement in this case. We were here and one prominent person a King vented in spades that, " Certain events have given credibility to the ' Agyapadie ' book ". For him to have underscored that distinctly means, he may know the genesis of this manufactured book. Another journalist, who is blaring but nervous Nelly continued to bat around on this same book as if it has been validated beyond all reasonable doubts on his morning shows.

Additionally, some of the characters within the opposition party, the NDC have displayed that, they may have a fair idea about the fount of that book. Their flagbearer, John Mahama, once stated that " the book's contents and the current happenings are too accurate to be just propaganda ". As if that was enough, another follower of the NDC Party, Dr. Apaak also highlighted that, " The NDC will continue talking about the ' Agyapadie ' blueprint and will not relent in pointing out the evidence confirming its implementation ". What these two aligned NDC members have enunciated tables that, they could be part of the publishers of that book coupled with other performers of their party, reckoning their commentaries on this book.

However, I was disconcerted when the above personalities weren't in your subpoena. I herein impetrate you to serve another writ to these blush-making creatures.

By: Prof. Dinkum.

(The Buzzing Rapine of Erudition)

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Columnist: Prof. Dinkum