
Osu for sale by Ezanetor Rawlings

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Fri, 23 Oct 2015 Source: Boi, John

Ezanetor as part of her bid to contest for MP for Korley Klottey constituency has unveiled her plan to transform Osu into a modern city that would be attractive to tourist but the sad part is that most of the inhabitants will be relocated from Osu.

It is alleged that Ezanetor with her financier and alleged baby daddy and business tycoon are in talks with Chinese and South African estate developers, are looking at the creation of Malls, apartment buildings as well as beach front properties in Osu.

The beach front properties will affect the area known as “Ob3weku” which is located behind the castle in the Osu Anahor quarter will see the removal of the swam dwellings and fisherman from the area.

A plush tourist attraction will be developed and the klottey lagoon will be used for water sports as she described on radio. If this is created it will bring to an end the fishing business in Osu and will render a lot of people without job.

Also the mall could cover a perimeter that will begin from Osu Amantra by Shia Wulu and extend all the way to the Traffic light by the Briandts Garden then extend to five Junction to connect with the present day night market the continue along the one way to Kinkawe. In short it will run between the one way and the Accra Labadi road.

Families that will be affected will be relocated to Parkro, Boi and Abokobi where the families will be given homes just like the Chinese apartments that have been built in Kuku hill. The plan will be put in place immediately Ezinator wins the Parliamentary seat.

Columnist: Boi, John