
Our Government Leaders Must Stop Giving Bad Advice

Tue, 18 May 2004 Source: Folson, Ako

In reading the article, ?Minister tells artisans to venture into automobile manufacturing?, on Gnanaweb,I felt tortured. How could a leader give such bad advice, and create a false sense of hope amongst people, especially the youth, seeking a brighter future? Bad advice simply because the requirement of the automobile production industry cannot be met in Ghana.

What would be the reality of such a venture if any of the magazine folks followed through with this advice? In a nutshell, this is as bad as advice can come, and if this is the thinking of the leader, I am horrified to find out what other ideas he has. This is not a personal attack but an attack on the position taken by the leader.

What the ?magazine? needs is this:

? A link with the University of science and technology, to create a consultancy, which relies on both raw hands-on technical skills, and formal education, to create the kind of entity which can provide Ghanaian/local enterprise with technical solutions in their day to day business operations.

? This means that, with such a consultancy, local business can go to ?Tech?, define a problem in their business operation, be it mechanical or other. The consultancy then presents this problem to members from magazine. They in turn bring solutions to the table and bid to fix the problem for the local client. Whoever, wins, takes on the charge for the company, thus creating solutions for our local businesses, and sustaining their trade and business.

? Also with a structure as that above, it will be easier to attract capital, as an entity, which will not come to any one, especially entrepreneurs without a solid business plan and track-record.

This is an idea that could be put in place and can help the people of magazine continue to survive and practice their trade. It will also give them the exposure to the skills they may lack, which could include, contract bidding, project management etc.

Our leaders need to stop misdirecting the public, especially in creating false hope. It creates nothing but frustration and reduces self-confidence, especially where able bodied, ambitious youth, who aspire to grow, are concerned.

The minister could, have conceived the idea proposed above, if he had the true welfare of the people at heart. As opposed to going out on platforms and spewing out rubbish, let us think through what we say, and really put the necessary ideas in place to free our good young men and women from poverty.

On the political landscape there is an abundance of ill conceived ideas, and until such time that our democracy resorts to seeking politicians who deliver, and are chosen on the grounds of their measurable contributions to development, we will be led by smooth talking air heads.

If it were not for democracy, I would have suggested that in the future, before any official gives a speech, the draft should be sent to a central location, so the contents could be examined. This would stop some of the nonsense that comes down to the people. It is still worth a try if the government sincerely thinks about the welfare of the people. It cannot allow off-track advice, especially like that cited, which as we get close to the elections could become commonplace.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Folson, Ako