
Our Politics Is Mouth-Mouth Politics

Sat, 17 May 2014 Source: Tawiah, Francis

Fiifi Kwetey Is Wrong, Our Politics Is Mouth-Mouth Politics

Fifi Kwetey, a Minister at the Presidency, says Christians today practise what he calls "mouth-mouth Christianity", professing the name and not acting it,' and has urged the Church to lead the country onto a path of transformation, using self-discipline and fear of God as flagships.

Fiifi Kwetey, who is also the Member of Parliament (MP) for Ketu South, made the call at the Fifth Synod of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana, Southern Presbytery at Aflao.

But what Fiifi has totally forgotten is that, politics too in "Ghana Today" is also a truth and pure indication of not only mouth-mouth politics but to the largest extent "A (STOMACH) POLITICS OF LOOT AND SHARE."

Oh! Yes! the current economic challenges being faced by the country must be fully blamed on pervasive indiscipline in the Governance pertaining mostly to CORRUPTION, GREEDINESS AND SELFISHNESS.

"The God of Life, Lead Us to Justice, Peace and Dignity for Wholeness" as Fiifi Kwetey claims, but let me ask Fiifi Kwetey, why we have now found ourselves on a ONEWAY ROAD, heading towards the end of the road where there will be no possibility of getting back. "

Let me tell Fiifi Kwetey plainly that corruption and indiscipline in our country, with politicians, chiefs, officers and other sectors encourages the pastors to preach for water but they themselves drink the darkest and best red wine. While politicians Keep on changing colours like Cameleon, doing pen/mouth robbing politics and the pastors too are following some foot steps to rob in the name of Jesus and the Bible. In the end they are all doing what they are not supposed to do, the politician will loot, the Pastor will cheat (419), the Businessman will escape Tax, the officer will take bribe and hungry man will turn to an Armed robber and rob in a broad day-light. These are exactly the main reasons for the problems in the Country, and it can all be traced to the POLITICIANS because most of them are corrupt.

According to Fiifi Kwetey, "faith building in our people for the right thing and love for our country and people can be the vehicle for this transformation." BUT the wife of this same Kwetey according to Newspapers, not too long ago, took her share of a looted gargantuan amount of Money from the Bank where she works or worked as a head, (in the Administration) of that Bank and deposited that Money in the bank accounts of her hubby, Mr. Fiifi Kwetey.

You see! now, Kwetey is standing outside there preaching about Christianity, righteousness condemning pastors and Christianity in Ghana, while the politicians, officers and some government workers are busily dragging the economy to ground Zero through corruption.

It is the highest magnitude of hypocrisy for somebody like Fiifi Kwertey to come out with such a bogus political talk of accusations just to gain political points. Even the unborn children in the womb know very well that the height of corruption, greediness and selfishness of our politicians is killing Ghana.

Mr. Kwetey said if a nation "consumed all that it grows," without a reserve for re-investment, that country would surely collapse, noting Ghana was "doing exactly that, rather unfortunately Kwertey did or could not tell why a Nation would consume all of its products without reserving some for re-investment. But I will help the propagandising Minister (Fiifi Kwetey), the simply reason is that Ghana produces very less than what it needs for consumption. And it is all owing to bad governance like corruption, lack proper planning, lack of Investment by the government and lack of assistance from the government to the individual citizens, example to the farmers and general business sectors to enhance productivity.

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg - Germany)

Columnist: Tawiah, Francis