
Perhaps the news is real but is the President fake?

Donald Trump Speaks President Donald Trump

Wed, 2 Aug 2017 Source: Michael Addai

It's now an established fact t?hat the main stream media reports about The Donald is real while his bombastic assurances about draining the swamp are just fake and simply deceitful – a government filled with lobbyists, establishment figures and individuals with conflicting business interests i.e. worse than more of the same, so to speak.

What is political incorrectness in lying, being stupid and ignorant in your sayings/pronouncements? In other words, deceitfulness, stupidity, ignorance, insane bluntness and idiotic behaviour are politically incorrect and as such amount to political incorrectness.

The opportunistic conservative sycophants are now realizing the fakery of The Donald's words and actions and so, one by one, they're being let go with frustration and consternation.

Six months into the Trumpean administration, these high profile hot-headed loud mouths are falling on their own swords with disillusionment/disappointments without much fan fare. Indubitably, this is a house (or aptly in this case a White House) in chaos!!

It all began with Michael Flynn, the former National Security Adviser, who conveniently lied with blatant reckless abandon about his Russian collusion contacts so as to obtain security clearance.

Then there was Sean Spicer, the former press secretary, who infamously struggled to lie with dignity at his daily White House press briefings. Followed then by Reince Priebus, the ousted Chief of Staff, who despite the obvious chaos, shamelessly kept up the appearance.

Now it's the turn of? Anthony Scaramucci, the chatterbox, who tried to compete with his boss for news headlines and thus was pushed-out/removed before he even got the chance to formally take his position as White House Communications Director.

Who is next to go? Is it the 'beleaguered' Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, whose recusal from the Russian collusion/interference investigation has gotten him so embattled with The Donald such that he's desperately hanging by a thread onto his job to pursue his own hard-right ideologue policies? Or is it the Vice President, Mike Pence? The enabler of truth-challenged and transparency-lacking environment, whose sheepishly sycophantic loyalty to The Donald should've been a matter of concern to all those so-called noisy Evangelical Christians who claim to believe in social conservatism (one would've thought).

The right-wing Republican conservative establishment still thinks of using The Donald for their selfish hard-right policy agenda - the ‘raison d’être'’ for supporting and tolerating The Donald in the first place - but so far the hard-right policy project is seriously floundering and failing while the Russian-Trumpean collusion plot project is still holding on, and for the time being The Donald is ‘bigly’ using the presidency to enrich himself, family and of course his many business ventures.

The big question is: How long are these establishment conservative Republican figures? prepared to wait to allow Putin-Russia to run rings around the United States through The Donald before deciding to pull the plug on him and his administration? In other words, how much more can they continue to tolerate The Donald?

So far The Donald has proven to be a huge threat to democratic dispensation around the world and certainly, bad for human rights adherents. More so, he is clearly a bad influence and a terrible example for the free world.

The leaders who harbour dictatorial tendencies in countries with historically weak democratic institutions, particularly in Eastern Europe and other third world countries in Asia and Africa, are keenly watching whether he would be allowed to succeed or not in a big democracy such as United States of America.

And if he were to succeed in a country with such strong democratic institutions then that would be a license, a convenient excuse and ‘carte blanche’ for these ‘tin gods’ e.g. in Venezuela, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Hungary, Poland and elsewhere to flourish to continue doing their own horrible things to their people.

Thank God there's a conservative government in a country such as Ghana which truly believes in the rule of law, press freedom, religious freedom, multi-party democracy and genuine compassionate progressive conservatism but not the right-wing type that's full of hot air beliefs and hypocrisy. Six months into office the verdict on the Akufo-Addo’s government is; so far so good, no major controversies unlike their counterparts in United States. Keep it up Ghana!!

#FakePresident #USRussiaCyberSecurityUnit

"Facts Are Sacred But Opinions Are Free"

Columnist: Michael Addai