
Petitioning President Mahama at Change.Org

Fri, 8 Jan 2016 Source: Lungu, Prof.

Petitioning President Mahama at Change.Org for "Fair-Trade Oil Share" for Ghana!

By: Fair-Trade Oil Share-Ghana/PSA Campaign

Asking all Ghanaians and Ghana supporters, by their millions, to log-on to the internet to sign "Fair-Trade Oil Share-Ghana (FTOS-Gh/PSA Petition" to Mr. Mahama and Parliament of Ghana:

1. Withdraw "Ghana Hybrid System" oil bill from Ghana Parliament

2. Approve Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) contract for Ghana's crude oil!

All Ghanaians and Ghana Supporters agree that 17% out of 100 (of crude oil revenues) is a terrible betrayal of Ghanaians and Africans!

This is a matter in the public interest of Ghana!

This is not a partisan issue!

Please log-on to the internet and sign the petition at:

Then send a personal email about this public matter asking President Mahama to "withdraw the E&P bill from Parliament", to:

Flagstaff House:


(Note: Because of potentially shady dealings, we regret that this is the only email address we have for the entire Parliament of Ghana. GOGIG should take note. If any reader has the correct business email addresses, please send to the FTOS-Gh/PSA petition organizers).

GHANA MUST ACT NOW FOR GHANA: We are asking you to lend your powerful collective voices to the "Fair Trade Oil Share-Ghana (FTOS-Gh/PSA)" campaign. Let us secure more oil revenues for Ghana's oil and gas. We are asking you to demand that President Mahama and Mr. Adjaho (the Speaker of Parliament), withdraw the oil bill called "Ghana Hybrid System" from Parliament immediately.

That Ghana Hybrid System bill has fraud written all over it!

SUCCESS: Our success is your success. Your effort has already stalled the Ghana Hybrid System law.

Our final success will be your success too.

Final success will mean the PSA is adopted and instead of Ghana losing $1 billion every years for the five more years, Ghana would rather receive about $1 billion more each one of the next 5 years for needed economic, social, and cultural development, for Ghana.

Final success will mean Ghana will receive better than 55% of all Oil and Gas revenues, as sovereign owner of those resources!

Let's to the bleeding!

Go sign the petition now!

Thank you so much for supporting Ghana.

Visit, for more information.

Columnist: Lungu, Prof.