
President Mills Cannot Perform Miracles !!!

Fri, 6 Aug 2010 Source: Sam, Leo R.

Too Many Ghanaians Still Accept Corrupt Practices As Normal;

Many Ghanaians at home and abroad believe that there is nothing wrong in indulging in corrupt practices as long as you get convenient results ( Instant Gratification ). It is often stated ".everybody is doing it. Why should I NOT join the rest ? Why should I alone try to do the right thing and suffer whereas everyone else ACCEPTS the corrupt ways and ENJOYS the consequences. ? " Do they really enjoy? For how long?

Do most Ghanaians really prefer short term enjoyment and long term permanent suffering to short term suffering and long term permanent enjoyment?

Many Ghanaians, who have lived in England, France, United States, Canada, Australia and other developed countries know very well that the governments in these countries depend on taxes to run the programs, which we admire and enjoy. However, these same Ghanaians do everything possible to avoid paying taxes to the appropriate government authorities when they export goods through the ports and habours of Ghana. They see nothing wrong in dealing with corrupt custom officials to smuggle their goods through the ports by bribing unscrupulous officials. How do they expect the port authorities to maintain and run the ports efficiently for their next shipment?

As long as this attitude prevails, President Mills ( or any other President belonging to NDC or NPP or CPP ) CANNOT perform any miracles to bring about any developments and progress to change the standard of living of the 10 Million Ghanaians who still live on less than 1dollar a day.

If 50.23% of Ghanaians can be convinced to change their attitude towards corrupt practices, then there is some HOPE that progress and development will occur in Ghana.

Almost everyone will then be able to get at least one nutritious meal a day, have a decent bed in a safe environment to be able to have a sound sleep, have hygienic toilet facilities, have access to an acceptable basic educational system and a basic medical care privilege.

Politicians and their associates will then be forced or encouraged to improve our medical facilities in Ghana instead of rushing to South Africa, Britain, Israel and North America to seek medical treatments for themselves.

Can the president ALONE deal with the numerous economic problems of Ghana? Definitely he cannot. Can tough laws passed by parliament turn around the deplorable corrupt practices, which obviously have contributed significantly to the economic problems of Ghana? The answer is definitely NO.

Can harsh sentences given by courts help stop the despicably and pathologically GREEDY behaviour of people in responsible positions? Only to a very limited extent.

The EXECUTIVE BRANCH ( The President and Cabinet ),The JUDICIARY BRANCH ( the courts and Law enforcement agencies ) and the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH ( Parliament ) cannot control ALL the actions of the most important factor in governing a country successfully. I honestly believe that this important factor is the "INDIVIDUAL GHANAIAN".

The attitude of the Individual Ghanaian is the key to CERTAIN success or CERTAIN failure in developing Ghana.

If most Ghanaians ( 50.23%) can chant " Let there be no corruption in Ghana and let it begin with ME" , then the government will have a chance to turn around the horrible and unacceptable conditions of the 10 MILLION CITIZENS, who are still forced to live on less than ONE DOLLAR a day.

In the 1950's the title "Professor" was associated with "Magicians". Hopefully, Ghanaians are not expecting our President, Professor Mills to perform miracles like a magician to change the lot of the ordinary citizen. We have to change our attitude towards instant gratification brought about by indulging in corrupt practices.

We are often bombarded with statements like " .all the economic indicators suggest that Ghana's economy is on the right track ." The ministry of finance throws around figures and percentages which are MEANINGLESS to the average citizen.

Do we really see or feel that the standard of living of the ordinary Ghanaian has shown any significant improvement? Is it true that 70% of Homes in Ghana do NOT have hygienic toilet facilities? Is it not true that many of the gorgeous mansions, in the elite neighbourhoods, do not have adequate and reliable water supply to operate the toilet facilities hygienically?

There are pockets of extremely well to do citizens ( some acquired their wealth through hard work and genuine means; however, a significant number obtained their possessions through dubious "SAKAWA", "KALABU LE" and "GYINABU" activities. ( NOTE: The definitions of Sakawa, Kalabule and Gyinabu, according to the UNOFFICIAL GHANA DICTIONARY, are provided at the end of this article. )

Many honest respectable hard-working Ghanaians, who refuse to indulge in questionable activities, have been reduced to the status of beggars due to the corrupt practices of non-productive irresponsible and extremely GREEDY persons in the society.

When will individual Ghanaians stop to adore and sing the praises of public officials, who have acquired wealth through dubious means? Those who are concerned enough to point out the truth are often accused of being JEALOUS.

Ghanaians are often advised to form CONSULTANCIES, COMPANIES, or GROUPS for business. Normally, Consultancies, Companies, and Groups compete fairly for contracts. However, many consultancies, companies and Groups in Ghana do not appear to be competing for contracts. Apparently they are assured of fake but "LEGAL" contracts which just enable them to act as CONDUITS to SIPHON state funds into their bank accounts without performing any productive and meaningful service for the state. People involved in these bogus consultancies and companies keep on shouting that their actions are "LEGAL". Surely these actions are legal so they cannot be successfully prosecuted in the courts. Yes the actions are "legal". But these actions are IMMORAL UNETHICAL and definitely go against all the principles of SOCIAL JUSTICE.

Is it possible for our business people, politicians and their appointees to hold themselves to a little higher standard than our legal system prescribes?

I intend to ask CONCERNED and DEDICATED GHANAIAN PROFESSIONALS in various fields to discuss some of the corrupt practices we indulge in to withhold the progress of our beloved country. As a teacher, I know how my colleagues can help in the fight to uproot corruption. I will discuss this issue in a future article. Hopefully, this article will encourage members in the other professions and trades to point out some of the corrupt practices in their fields and convince their colleagues to put a stop to the unpatriotic and degrading corrupt practices.

This is the time for every Ghanaian to ask HERSELF / HIMSELF : What can I do to improve the standard of Living of the 10,000,000 fellow citizens, who are forced to live on less than one dollar a day???

Every Ghanaian has a ROLE to play. Unless you play your role honourably the whole system will fail. Blame YOURSELF if you don't play your role honestly. Do not blame the NDC or NPP or any POLITICAL PARTY. Just look in a mirror. You will see the person, who is responsible for causing TEN million Ghanaians to live on less than $1 a day.

1. How can CONSULTANTS help in the battle to uproot or reduce CORRUPTION ?

2. How can BUSINESS WOMEN / MEN help in the battle to reduce CORRUPTION ?

3. How can TEACHERS ( Educators) help in the battle to reduce Corruption?

4. How can BANK MANAGERS ( Public Banks )help to reduce CORRUPTION?

5. How can POLITICIANS ( Past, Present and Future) help to cut out CORRUPTION?.

6. How can PASTORS ( in Traditional as well as the New Wave Churches which are

Now springing up in every corner help to reduce or eliminate CORRUPTION

7. How can LAWYERS and JUDGES help in the battle against CORRUPTION?

8. How can CUSTOM OFFICERS help to uproot CORRUPTION in our ports ?

9. How can DOCTORS and NURSES help to reduce corruption in the medical


10. How can ENGINEERS help to curtail incidents of CORRUPTION ?

11. How can genuine FARMERS help to reduce CORRUPTION ?

12. How can the INDIVIDUAL Ghanaian help to weed out CORRUPTION ?

Is it possible to establish conditions which will enable a Ghanaian citizen to:

1. Claim his/her goods from a habour after paying the legitimate tax to the government without paying bribes to a corrupt official of some sort ?

2. Obtain a passport for a legitimate purposes without undue harassment and bribery ?

3. Be admitted to a public educational institution just on merit instead of contacting someone, who knows a person in an authoritative position?

4. Get a contract based simply on competency instead of considering ". who butters your bread ? Almost every simple transaction in Ghana now involves "WHOM YOU KNOW"

May the Good Lord help us all to realize that unless most of us ( at least 50.23% ) make a dedicated and conscious effort to do away with corrupt practices, our progress will be


Ghana has the potential to be as prosperous as Canada if we all do our respective jobs as efficiently and honestly as most Canadians do. We will then all choose to stay at home instead of immigrating to this apparent " GREEN PASTURE"

Let us all occasionally MEDITATE and REFLECT on these two quotations:

1. "When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily; but with honest, sensible leaders there is stability" ( Proverbs 28:2 )

2. "Better be poor and HONEST than rich and a CHEATER." ( Proverbs 28:6 )


L. R. Sam

Edmonton, Alberta




1. SAKAWA :- It is a currently coined and popularized Ghanaian word to express

The undue process by which one gets rich quicker. It could be

Some Ghanaians idling about in Internet cafes, with the evil

Intent of duping unsuspecting foreigners and or fellow Ghanaians

Resident abroad. These louts have taken what used to be the

"Nigerian 419" a step further into the domain of pure daylight

Robbery and murder.

2. KALABULE :- Unethical Business Practice. This word probably drew its roots

From the Hausa sentence, "Kari ka bunde" meaning: don't

Open?? This could have been the commercial jargon as well

As the understanding between the 'Border Guards' and the

Traders in general at our check points. The trader arrives with

His or her well sealed goods. The guard is officially obliged to

Search the goods for contrabands. The trader knows he or she

Is carrying contrabands. The trader tells the guard: DON'T

OPEN. Kari ka bunde.

Understanding prevails, and the trader rewards the mutual

Understanding in cash or kind. Both parties are satisfied, but

The government loses. Kari ka bunde gradually gains wide

Currency, but is eventually corrupted into 'KALABULE'.

3. GYINABU :- Daytime robbery from a trusted fellow.

Literally means breaking one's knees as one stands helplessly!!!

Columnist: Sam, Leo R.