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President Nana Akufo-Addo, fulfill your promises before you go

Potholes  Afife To Aborlove Nolopi Road.png The current state of the road

Fri, 7 Jun 2024 Source: Awadzi Yaw Simon

In a surprising turn of events, big manholes have emerged in Afife from Aborlove Nolopi, and Anyako Kpota, bearing the names of President Nana Addo and Vice President Dr. Bawumia.

These potholes have been named after the president and his vice president due to

how these towns and communities have been living with these predicaments for a very long time and the Nana Addo-Bawumia Government for not living up to their promises to the people in these areas or towns mentioned above.

In the heart of Afife, Aborlove Nolopi, a remarkable phenomenon has occurred, and the community is calling out for attention. These big manholes, situated along the stretch from Afife to Aborlove Nolopi, have been created as a result of the deplorable state of the road during rainy seasons, causing difficulties in transportation, economic constraints, and health concerns for the community.

It is a sad thing that these manholes have caused more harm to people using these roads, which resulted in pregnancy losses, motorcycle burn marks or wounds on people, and high fare charges, especially during rainy seasons, making it expensive for people to transport goods from various farming communities, such as fried fish, etc., to the markets.

For now, tomorrow, and forever, the road remains our problem, and the cost of

applying it during rainy seasons is far worse than ever. The constant flooding and erosion have made the road almost impassable, causing hardship for the people of Afife through Aborlove Nolopi, especially in Anyako Kpota and other surrounding towns. The once-thriving Gold Coast Road, the only remaining link to the past, is now a shadow of its former self.

The neglected roads have resulted in huge craters and potholes, making travel and transportation challenging. Motorcycles and vehicles are frequently damaged, and the cost of repairs is staggering—enough to bring tears to your eyes. Passengers are also affected, as they are forced to endure the discomfort and danger of traveling on this dilapidated road.

Attached are pictures that reflect the true state of the roads, a testament to the community's struggles. We urge President Nana Addo to take action and fulfill his promises before his tenure ends, or he will be remembered for not putting these roads in good shape before leaving office.

The community's plight is exacerbated by the unfulfilled promises of development projects made by the President and his Vice during their campaign visit to the area in the presence of regional and constituency executives of the New Patriotic Party. In addition to that, Mr. Pius Hadzide, a son of the soil, has been criticized for his perceived abandonment of the area, contesting in Asuogyaman instead.

I recall a personal experience where I had to transport a patient to Akatsi Hospital in my car because motorcycles couldn’t navigate the treacherous road. It’s disheartening to see a community that has been promised development by the President himself, yet remains neglected. I implore the President to fulfill his promises and restore the road to its former glory.

I write as a concerned Assembly Member from the area to only remind the government to fulfill it’s promises by graveling the road better, putting a smile on the faces of the people around towns and communities. The people of Afife, Aborlove Nolopi, and surrounding areas deserve better.

They deserve development, progress, and leaders who honor their commitments.

In conclusion, the emergence of the big manholes is a reminder of the community's struggles and the government's unfulfilled promises.


The community of Afife, Aborlove Nolopi, is calling for attention to their neglected roads and unfulfilled promises, despite the emergence of big manholes named after the President and Vice President. We urge the government to take responsibility, fulfill their promises, and work together towards development and progress.

Columnist: Awadzi Yaw Simon