
Prez. Mills turns ‘God,’ as he agitates to be worshiped!

Tue, 9 Nov 2010 Source: Sabbato, King

THE GHANAIAN CHILDREN’S overwhelming support for Nana Akufo Addo – the indelible

name on their minds – is nothing but a humble call for salvation, quality and

affordable education, as well as a better standard of living for them.

Regardless of the awful experience our vulnerable children are going through

lately, under the Mills’ led-government, they are and will remain cognoscenti,

and continue to loathe the president.

President Atta Mills was voted into power to fix the ‘Broken Economy’ his party

NDC alluded to, but not to engage in avocation and advertisement of his

parochial interest. The introduction of the president’s portrait picture to

school children to fight his bereft presidential status and make him popular is

quite callous and waste of the nation’s scarce resources. The production and

distribution of the cups embossed with his picture is an extreme misplacement of

the national priorities. What is the economic benefit of this baccarat?

He feels panic and paranoid; he feels that he cannot survivethe next

presidential election as he grows unpopular daily. This is flagrant. A fear

further bolstered by the internal wrangling and bickering within the NDC. His

current predicament is a payback for blanketing the nation’s education with a


When was the “Know your President” exercise officially added to the schools’

curriculum, when was this particular syllable officially introduced in the

curriculum? It is difficult to esteem a man as he desires to be esteemed. If

stringent measures are not taken it will burden the studies of the pupils and in

future they will be asked to write exams on the president. Our kids’ minds are

too soft for this. We pray that our president should find it within his heart

and be lenient on the kids and concentrate on his unrealistic and unachievable

“Better Ghana Agenda.” One will not waste precious energy in trying to

understand why he is already scoring below average in pursing this agenda.

It is an unprecedented fashion ever to happen in the history of our country.

How could the president carry a shameful and immoral gerrymander in the schools?

This is an obvious dictatorship rule, as he’s now turned himself into ‘God’ to

be worshiped. The rationale behind this campaign is very questionable. Why

should school children be coerced to by all means necessary know the president?

This is against the fundamental human rights of our young children. The

President and his NDC cohorts without any doubt are manipulating the minds of

these kids as to what is appropriate for the kids to know. Is President Atta

Mills now competing with God, as he prays to be worshiped? The move by the

president to buy support from the classrooms is quite unethical and condemnable.

The president should leave our young school children out of the political

equation. The highfalutin amount of money being used to sponsor these ‘Tea Cups’

exigently could have been used to acquire useful teaching materials for the

children. This is a ridiculous finagle. Teachers’ grievances have been relegated

for far too long resulting in an incessant sit-down and/or work-to-rude strike

actions by both POTAG and UTAG. But it is so strange that funds have been easily

found so quickly from God knows where to sponsor an irrelevant project which

will in no way aid the children in their formal studies.

There is a true conflict of interest inherent at the heart beat of this ‘Tea

Cups distribution. As president, his obligation is to provide the necessary

conditions for the kids to have quality education geared towards making them

better members of the society but not to embark on projects which the President

and his party hope to benefit politically. Why should the NDC government impose

the president’s interest on the kids, whiles indeed, the kids together with

their parents and teachers’ interests have been relegated? The hammering of the

president’s parochial interest on the kids should be vigorously condemned by

all. President Atta Mills should know that, if he goes expressly to look at the

moon, it will turn into tinsel. He should also be informed that, there are no

small steps in great affairs. Due to his profound passion, his government will

never be perfect. This project that the NDC government considers as a political

necessity is purely a political mistake. Indeed, this crass ‘Tea Cup’ project

throws more light on Atta Mills and his NDC’s extreme bravados.

This is an assault on reason; it would not be a surprise if it does not yield

the intended and expected results. A lazy hand is no argument of a contended

heart. The NDC government is now spending on an immature political campaign with

the taxpayers’ money. It is an obvious trait of dictatorship at its peak. This

manipulation by the NDC government is akin to the communist’s stratagem of brain

washing its citizens into forgetting the real failure by the leadership to honor

its social contract with the people. He will still remain a cassowary!

The viability of the project is highly questionable. As the NDC vigorously

promotes the ‘invisible achievements’ of its president, it should as well

embrace in shame the unpopularity of its president. This ‘DONKOMI’ promotion

will not wash, because what is written is surely written! If the NDC considers

president Atta Mills to be the best president Ghana has ever had, then why the

influence on the pupils’ judgment? There’s is a saying that, “ADEPA NA ETON NE

HO!”Why the struggle to sell your personality if you claim to do wonders? There

is no precedence of any past Ghanaian President wondering about who should know

who was the President. It comes naturally after legitimately being put at the

helm of affairs.

The life span of Mill’s tea cups is very SLIM. One would recall that the “Better

Ghana Agenda” elections campaign did not involve the distribution of ‘Tea Cups’.

Don’t politicize our kids. As concerned leaders of a country, we need not to

commingle the pupils’ education with politics. They need quality and affordable

education but not ‘Tea Cups.’ This is the same government that said, it had NO

resources to push forward our educational system for the kids, it could not

finance one additional year of high school, yet has got enough amount of money

to sponsor its selfish interest with such a great speed. There isnothing that

man can do to hinder the children’s call for salvation.

Resources for operation ‘Tea Cups’ could have been channeled to relievethe

people of Buipe, the central Gonja district, which has been hit by a heavy

rainstorm resulting in a severe flooding in the area and thus rendering several

thousands of vulnerable people homeless.

Majority of Ghanaians cannot comprehend why a person would undertake this

project. It is not virtuous.

The president, who campaigned to fight corruption, is in the face of his own

words using the taxpayers’ money to finance his selfish deeds, which will not

benefit the entire country.

If the need be that we instill in these kids patriotism and nationalism, which

government agency should under take this project? What is the constitutional

mandate of the National Commission of Civic Education?

Is the Ministry of Education not already overwhelmed with the challenges of the

collapsing educational system? Why is the ministry of education channeling human

and material resources into areas it has no business in handling? Does this mean

the ministry of information has woefully failed to inform the pupils who they

should ask when they need furniture in the classroom and books in the libraries?

Presidents Atta Mills and his NDC government should ponder over these questions

as they drink tea in their cups.

As he has become obsessed with autarchy, he should make his way to India on his

future trip to the Asia. This is where he will be honoured a bahadur.

Ghana, our milquetoast president is fighting vehemently to be panjandrum.

Heavenly Father, save our children!

King Sabbato

Communications’ Group,

NPP, New York.

Columnist: Sabbato, King