
Prof Mills a man of peace , intelligence and vision

Sat, 26 Jul 2014 Source: Tamakloe, Kojo

May I start by apologizing to you for the way your second memorial went . We used to call you prefect as some of us first knew you as such . For the kind of person you are, your passing away memorial should have been peaceful, dignified and full of respect. But your detractors as usual would rather detract from the solemnity the day deserved . But, Asomdwehene , you were a winner and I am sure from your “ heavenly’ abode , you are smiling as usual . Prof I am just wondering how people can go so low in their attempt to draw attention away from you .

Prof , you were always selfless and humble which is why God Almighty raised you to the highest office in the land . It is said “ those who raise themselves shall be humbled” . I know you will forgive them . Forgiveness has always been your strength . But what do they desire by the uncouth behavior they exhibited ?. The same people who would want to use, death to come to power , shall be laid low . We will not forget your dignifying manner and sense of duty

Ibn Chambass had this to say “In their conversation, he recounted the late president saying: “I know I have won the elections God willing. My victory, however, is not worth a drop of blood of any Ghanaian. If the price for peace is my victory, I am prepared to forgo it.”

About 2,000 votes separated Prof. Mills from Nana Addo, in that keenly contested presidential election.

The late president, he maintained was determined not to take Ghana into the volatile situation, which erupted in Kenya.”

We will leave judgment to God . May you continue to rest in perfect peace and be a guiding light to us mortals To the rest of the Mills family , take solace , you are loved . Prof would have turned the other cheek

Forward ever , backward never

The write Kojo tamakloe is a Pan African , Nkrumaist, who believes African unity is the solution to her underdevelopment

Columnist: Tamakloe, Kojo