
RE: A New Agenda For Ghana

Sun, 7 Jan 2007 Source: Okyere Bonna

I am writing this rejonder to General News of Monday, 1 January 2007,

The review attracted some interesting comments including these from one Ogya, Pupulampu and Zoobie-Zoobie and I am delighted to make them known here for discussion.


“You and your kind have been selling the same nonsense since independence as the Mate-meho and blown-up school-children gang, then as Busia and PP ethnocentric, inept and corrupt second-timers and as third-timers seen the bodies of the moron, the inept and visionless Kuffour and the corrupt, incompetent, philandering and drug-dealing NPP. I regretted buying Mr Bonna's other book. It was useless and over rated. Please do not waste your money on this book mentioned above. It is an attempt by a group to promote it members”(Zoobie-Zoobie).

Puplampu, Takoradi

“Next time Mr. Kennedy wishes to append his name to a cause, he would do well to assess the pedigree of its principal exponents. Vanity-published screeds just dont cut it with the sort of Ghanaian he wishes to entice/attract to his campaign. As for Mr. Bonna, he should return to school and get an education, or better still return to Ghana and learn from the wise old folks who, God being gracious, are still with us. I see he aims to mimic the Kwasi Yeboahs of our age by spewing polemics whenever this undiscriminating site grants him a platform, well he should at least learn the art of 'insulting by heart' properly, or better still save the money he wastes on vanity-publishing under obscure imprints” (Puplampu, Takoradi).


“POLITICAL VOMIT Your Forward is a crystal clear indication of your lack of critical understanding of the problems Ghana face. Even more annoying is your invocation of JFK's quote. In the 60s when he was in power, how were African Americans treated? Was he in charge of plans that will destabilize Africa, from Ghana to the Congo and all the way south to South Africa supporting Apartheid? Give us a quote from Nkrumah or Mandela and we will see you as in tune with Ghana and Africa. Do not come to sell a snake-oil bottled in America to us in Ghana.If you want to rule Ghana, come to us with an original vision, like something Nkrumah gave Ghana, Africa and the Black World.Otherwise, stay in America make as much money as you can and it remit to Ghana to support the failing policies of the NPP and retain your integrity. Do not come back with bankrupt and impracticable ideas and policies only to end-up enriching yourself, a typical modus operanda of politicians we have been experiencing for the last 50 years.I am not impressed at all in anyway. You sound worse than a used-car salesman but more like a junkyard”(Ogya).

Interesting comments. Wow! It makes one wonder why Ghanaian scholars would not write books.

With all due respect, please permit me to thank the likes of Ogya, Pupulampu and Zoobie-Zoobie who have taken time to look at my book. Hopefully they have read it and are giving their objective opinion. Or may be they just saw the cover in the website got irritated and have decided to write off this attempt. Whatever the case I respect your opinions. It is not about Okyere Bonna or Kennedy. It is all about Ghana.

It is only soothing to know that we are all educated adults and we can read and make our own informed conclusions.

I feel flattered however that my little effort is about to set the stage for some national discussion and debate. It may not be perfect but at least, "A New Agenda for Ghana" would now be a reference point for those who share similar need for the development of Ghana in ridding herself of all greedy politicians and officials for progressive candidates and vision.

It is very encouraging to know that the likes of Ogya Pupulampu and Zoobie-Zoobie have taken time to read my piece. It is not the embodiment of knowledge; far from that but I am glad many appreciate the effort. Although those greedy politicians and their cronies would like to have the book burnt as it exposes them and provide the ordinary Ghanaian with references and examples those who love knowledge and new ideas would appreciate it in spite of the fact that. Ogya and Pupulampu would not want anyone to read.

Let me state that my book is non partisan. It is only coincidental that Kennedy happened to read the book and agreed to write the foreword for the volume 2 now under attack even though no one apart from myself and Kennedy have read it.

I know Dr. Puplampu but I don’t know if it is the same Pupulampu whose comment I see here. .

I wonder because I know him to be a gentleman who would likely critique objectively.

Where objective means proposing alternative ideas and vision. I did not see this forthcoming. I guess not. However, let me assure the honorable gentlemen that my book is non-partisan, and none imposing. Therefore, they need not shake in their pants. It is only a compendium of views on what (I THINK) can be done to make Ghana self reliant and a middle income state. Please feel free to write an objective critique of the book rather than offering sweepy statements and using your hate for an innocent and well loving Ghanaian who has decided to give up his wealth in the United States to help Ghana in the person of Kennedy.

My book however is not about Kennedy but what we can offer to make Ghana a better place. Kennedy photo only suggest the needed change to embrace the youth WITH FRESH IDEAS in government especially the NPP. I am sure you can help so join in the debate and let us put Ghana First and our ego last.

Once again let me humbly put it that my book is not an imposition of ideas but an attempt to provide ideas for discussion and debate. Its unfortunate if the establishment and their cronies feel insecure with such revelations. Obviously not everyone will like it. So Ogya relax. In the interim I challenge you to come up with an alternative book Even a 10 page document will do for the kind of hate you show for those who intend to read this piece.

Zoobie-Zoobie, Ogya and Pupulampu, I hereby challenge you to give 10 or even 5 reasons why nobody should read this book. I KNOW YOU WON’T HIDE BUT COME OUT BOLDLY TO SUPPORT YOUR ALLEGATIONS.

Remember is Ghana First.

[NOTE:. The ideas and visions offered are to generate productive discussion and debate that will move Ghana forward.Scholarship is about disagreements and viable alternatives not blatant and discriminate rejections

Have a wonderful day and be blessed.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Okyere Bonna