
RE- Amnesty International Decry Gay Comments

Thu, 11 Aug 2011 Source: Tutu, Prince Osei

By Ghana’s Western Regional Minister

The debate for the legalization of homosexuality in Ghana has certainly reached its summit. It has gained the highest of momentum as if it is a do or die affair.

Homosexuality unfortunately has been placed above the countless problems and challenges confronting Ghana. The danger is how the international community has directly stepped into the debate. My fear and trepidation is not the international community’s – involvement but the susceptibility and gullibility of African leaders particularly those of my motherland – (Ghana). A bold and courageous Minister, Paul Evans Aidoo maybe on his way out of office for talking like a man who respects God and law. He recently charged that homosexuals (gays and lesbians) be arrested and made to face the law. I cannot fathom the exact reason for his statement. But I believe for sure that it’s due to his love for nature and respect for the laws of Ghana. Despite the historical fact that the Bible was brought to the African and I believe to the Asians and even the Islamic countries by the Europeans; they have turn to tell us to disrespect it. It is worthy to note that even before our introduction to the Bible and Christianity; The African had a culture, traditions, norms, values, virtues, rules and regulations which constituted a religion. With exception of few, we did everything normal and perfect.

Africans were not living in a chaotic state. We practiced democracy and upheld human rights. The only problem I see is that the African did not have proper way of documentation. This nevertheless made or makes the African a sub- human. However the on- going debate seem to tell that the African is incapable of reasoning. The so called human right group amnesty international in a statement on 28 of July, 2011 sort to create enmity for the Western Regional Minister and all those against gayism and lesbianism. The statement called on the Minister to retract his statement. The group asked the Ghanaian authorities to remove legislations which incriminate homosexuals. The group analyzed that section 104

(1) {a} and {b} of the 1960 criminal code which unambiguously incriminate same – sex is in contravention of the following laws.

(2) Universal declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

(3) International Covenant on Civil and Political rights (ICCPR)

(4) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). The group predominantly premised its argument on Article 28 of the African Charter on Human and People Rights ratified by Ghana in 1989.

The article provides that; every individual shall have the duty to respect and consider his fellow being without discrimination, and maintain relations aimed at promoting, safe guarding and reinforcing mutual respect and tolerance. But the question here is, is the so called amnesty international group seeking the welfare of individuals homosexual or promoting any positive rights internationally? If yes, why will the group quote an iota of much important legislation? What is crucial is that it is not the United Nations, America, Britain or amnesty international that brought the world into existence. It is no secret that over 99% of global citizens belongs to one religion or the other. This proves that humans give recognition to a Supreme Being under whose care the world exists. So therefore in promulgation and promotion of any man made law, the divine laws must reign. Part of the book of Genesis, Romans 1: 21 – 28, 1 Corinthians 6 : 9, 1 Thessalonians’ 4 : 3, James 1 : 15, Corinthians 7 : 1 – 2 all strongly prohibits homosexuality. Now the mischief of amnesty international will be exposed here. In the groups statement it dwelt the need to allow homosexuals on article 28 of the African charter on human and people’s right. But many articles by the same charter extensively take into consideration people’s right and the well-being of society before granting of any individuals right. But many articles by the same charter extensively takes into consideration people rights and the well being of society before granting of individual rights.

Articles 2, 6, 11, 17(3), 18(1)(2), 22 (1)(2), 24, (27)(1)(2)

Last but not the least 29 gives attention to the mental and physical health, safety, and respect for morality, culture and tradition before rights are granted. For instance chapter 2 of the African charter on Human and Peoples Right partly states that eradicate all forms of colonialism from Africa, to coordinate and intensity their cooperation and efforts to achieve better live for the people of Africa and promote international cooperation having due regard to the charter of the U N and the Universal declaration on Human Rights. It further goes to say that consideration must be given to virtues of the historical traditions and values of the African civilization which should inspire and characterize their reflection on the concept of human and people’s right.

The text above clearly contravenes the opinion of the amnesty group.

(1) Why is the group trying to homosexually colonize Africa? Is the group aware that ‘homosexualisation’ of Africa cannot achieve better live for the African people as the article 2 stated? This is because the physical, mental, spiritual, medical, psychological, economic consequences of homosexuality are too deadly. Why didn’t the group make analysis of all these but only dwelt on the legal aspect of the argument?

Is law the epitome of society? Why is the group frowning on the historical traditions and values of the African civilizations as well as that of other people whose laws frowns on gayism? Now let’s go into details some of the provisions of the Africans charter on Human and people’s right.

Article 6 states every individual shall have the right to liberty and to the security of his person. No one maybe deprived of his freedoms except for reasons and conditions previously laid down by law. The reason for our opposition to homosexuality is that it has previously been laid as illegal by both divine and man-made laws.

Article 11 – every individual shall have the right to assemble freely with others. The exercise of this right shall be subject only to necessary restrictions provided for by law in particular those enacted in the interest of national security, the safety, health, ethics, rights and freedoms of others. (if article 11 is anything to go by then a greater majority of us are saying is not in our interest and against our national security,safety,health,rights,ethics and freedoms)

Article 17- promotion and protection of morals and traditional values recognized by the community shall be the duty of the state

Article 18 (1) the family shall be the natural unit and basis of society. It shall be protected by the states which shall take care of its physical health and moral. (2) The states shall have the duty to assist the family which is the custodian of morals and traditions values recognized by the community. (homosexual legal rights advocates knows clearly that homosexuals cannot procreate, so how will they raise families that is, should and must be the natural unit and basis of society?

Article 24 - All peoples shall have the right to a general satisfaction environment favorable to their development.

Article 27 (1) every individual shall have duties towards his family and society, the state and other legally recognized communities and international community (2) the rights and freedoms of each individual shall be exercised with due regard to the rights of others collective security, morality and common interest. In the opinion and legal recognition of the African charter on human and peoples right the interest of morality, traditions, culture, norms, health, security, safety and the interest of the family is supreme. The exercise of an individual’s right comes second to that of the general community or society (people right). With all these articles provided, I can then confidently state that the so – called amnesty international is only a mischievous organization pushing down our throat an act that is alien. The group has exposed its mischievous intentions to destroy the African culture, traditions and values, as well as the family unit by refusing to recognize the many legal provisions that uphold them. I pray these organizations to use their vast resources to champion Godly and positive courses for the African society that is saddled and bedeviled with too many problems and not to homosexually colonize our people who are already in distress. It is also important to recapitulate that in the effort of any individual or group of persons to pursue the homosexual agenda, they should not close the doors to the other very crucial aspects of the arguments such as health, spiritual, psychological, economic etc.

To my fellow Africans who might have found themselves in darkness, we do not hate you but cannot live with your act. Note that there is huge differences between the African and the European, even weather. It is therefore crucial not to in imbibe just anything one hear or given. The poverty in our land is due to lack of strong will to be on our own. Lets come together to fight for common interest that will ultimately secure our future development. In summary homosexuality is a sin, crime against humanity, nature and God.

Prince Osei Tutu

Executive secretary,

International Movement

Against Same – Sex


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Columnist: Tutu, Prince Osei