
RE: Beware! Cedi Notes Carry Bacteria

Tue, 4 Oct 2011 Source: Twumasi, Patrick

by the Daily Graphic on Wednesday, September 28, 2011, number, 18650, reported

by Mr. Kofi Yeboah with the headline; ‘Beware! Cedi notes carry bacteria’ is

news worthy, but has some Psychological consequences on the usage of the

Ghanaian currency and could turn many more citizens into washers.

The research which was

conducted by Mr. Patrick Feglo and Mr. Michael Nkansah of the Department of

Clinical Microbiology of the School of Medical Sciences and the Department of

Medical Laboratory Technology of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences,

respectively, both of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

(KNUST), is also relevant and purposeful. The study was academic and was duly

published in the African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 4(22) pp.

2375-2380, November 18, 2010. The publication in the Daily Graphic with its

accompanying headline raises the eyebrow and for that reason needed

Psychological advice.


the fact that currency notes of Ghana are being mishandled cannot be debated

with the Researchers. Again, the unkempt nature in which sometimes the cedi

note comes to you might not appeal to a fellow to slot it into the pocket

wallet. Most often one has to clean it thoroughly before placing a change into

the pocket. Hence, the factual conclusion that the cedi notes carry bacteria.

Besides, the researchers have made statements concerning basic hygiene of hand

washing, which is apt. This brings to the fore the brewing of

obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as OCD.


Disorder (OCD) is part of the generalised anxiety group which has debilitating

effect that goes with rituals to reduce anxiety. It is time consuming, mental

wrecking, holds back flow of thought and brings in its wake flashes of mental

pictures and images. This disorder emanated from the popular novel titled

“Macbeth”. The lead character in the novel Macbeth was prevailed upon by the

wife to kill the king. After slaying the King, Macbeth was stained of blood,

this caused him to wash the hands.

Later on repeated flashes

of mental pictures and thoughts of the image, made Macbeth to resort to washing

the hands, with the thought, he was still having blood stains on him. This

scenario took a major part of his life which affected his normal routine. It is

a thought intruding disorder that has the capacity to arrest and affect a

person to perform certain ritual, sometimes embarrassing, but reliefs the

affected fellow of anxiety.

The reasons, for which the

publication needed Psychological advice, had to do with the object of the

research, the Ghanaian cedi note which is used far and wide by citizens each

day. Therefore, the fear of contracting tuberculosis, leprosy and possibly

buruli ulcer might first lead to phobia – a fear about something that does not

actually exist. Again, the cedi notes are the medium of transaction in Ghana.

Consequently, to present

the findings which state the dirt associated with it and plausibility of

contracting these communicable diseases would require a user to wash the hand

right after handling the cedi note, or risk infection. Then, how many times in

a day should a handler of the cedi note wash the hands? This comes with the

anxiety of forgetting to wash the hand any time a person gets in contact with

the Ghanaian currency.

Imaging a trader washing

the hand after each transaction? Should the said trader forget to wash the

hands, and puts food in the mouth, can the anxiety and stress level be measured?

The issue of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is anxiety and stress based,

with intrusion of thought of anxious situations. It tends to affect the normal

flow of life and work of the individual. OCD has led many a happy going life to

be interrupted. Some bizarre and shameful rituals are performed to relief

persons who suffer this unfortunate disorder. Many can recite Psalm 23

countless times in a day, as well as the Lord’s Prayer, to relief themselves of

anxiety. These are called, washers.

The publication is without

scintilla of doubt useful, but, it has the capacity to generate anxiety, and

washers who would or could be affected psychologically.

Now let me throw the

searchlight briefly on the potency of the research. According to the research

publication, the researchers collected cedi notes at random from ready-to-eat

food sellers on the KNUST campus. Additionally, 70 currency notes were

collected at random. The currency notes studied were 30 one-cedi notes and 10

of the 10-cedi notes as well. Therefore, the sample population for the study

was the ready-to-eat food sellers on the KNUST campus, and not the entire

Kumasi Metropolis. Hence, to generalise the research findings to the entire

population and loads of currency notes in circulation is unacceptable.

The sample size is too small;

therefore, the error margin is great. The potency of the research would have

been strong or high if it was generalised or related to the community or

communities within and around the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

(KNUST) campus respectively. But to be extended to the entire country weakens

the strength of the research. Knowing that, the larger the sample size the

smaller the error margin and vice versa.

The researchers have

brought to the fore a very relevant aspect of our daily life under the auspices

of the Daily Graphic, a pat on their shoulders. The situation where studies of

this nature are related to the larger population, instead of the community or

communities among whom it is conducted, brings a lot of concern. The KNUST

community research findings cannot be attributed to even the entire Kumasi

Metropolis, not to consider the Ashanti Region, more so Ghana. Suffice, let’s

take a cue from the work and inculcate the culture of hand washing.

The Daily Graphic should

also seek psychologically advice on stories of this nature; in order not to generate

anxiety among the populace. Anyway, thank you for the education, which is one

of your roles.




Columnist: Twumasi, Patrick