
RE: Committee to investigate unwholesome mmaize

Fri, 29 Aug 2008 Source: Gambila, Boniface A.

I am writing on an article I read under the subject RCC SETS UP COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE SALE OF UNWHOLESOME MAIZE. This relates to the Upper East Regional Coordinating Council of which I was the Regional Minister till July 2007. I find it socially responsible to bridge some details avoided that does not give a true reflection of the cause of the issue at stake. So my concerns and details are as follows.

Concern 1:

NORPRA at least is doing well in its research and advocasy for northern development. Their efforts I believe will reinforce the historical advocasy that has been in place since colonial rule on various policies since colonial rule that did not work well for the northern development as expected. The hope now, is the God sent Nana Akufo Addo, the next President of Ghana. It is expected that a lot will be achieved under his stewardship. His focus to pay attention to the north in particular and other under developed areas of the country Ghana is laudable and thanks to God.

In my view NORPRA did not go far with its Research facilities on the maize and wheelchairs, sources of and for facts before adventurist pronouncements were not exhausted. I think there has been some rush and hasty conclusions to the matter. When this is done the impression is one of fault finding and blame interest. NORPRA may have to build up capabilities for further search and probing skills to improve their contributions so as to be appreciated by all citizens interested in contributing to the northern development. NORPRA is quite a good team member of those of us who believe in the development principles and philosophy.

Concern 2:

The Food Aid, during the farming season of 2006/07 the RCC, govt realised the shortage of food in the region and the expected bad produce and therefore the RCC made a call for food aid. Three institutions provided significant support in response to my call at that time. These were the UNICEF-WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME(WFP), Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority and GOG-Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA).

UNICEF-WFP after a long period of field study in the entire region were satisfied with my request and provided several tons of food aid but sent the food directly to its food nutrition centres at the govt hospitals/clinics and school nutrition points in the districts. They later apologised when I enquired on why the aid did not pass through the RCC for public notification.

Ghana Ports responded to my call by making available several tons of bagged rice for free distribution. This was received at the RCC and allocations of all made to all 8 District Assemblies for distribution to individuals and groups in each district based on the data available on target groups hard hit by the famine at the time.

However, in anticipation of the govt maize to arrive, I directed the imposition of a token fee on each bag of the free rice that had a market price of not less than 200,000 at that time. I do not remember the token fee but it may have been around 10,000. Why did suggest this token fee. It was a business practice and in running an office or business one needed to apply some basic sensible skills for sustainability of busidness. So because the maize from MOFA was for sale.

Concern 3 The GOG-MOFA maize, the maize from MOFA was believed to have been imported and the MOFA price was 150,000 cedis at that time but as a result of the UNICEF-WFP and Ghana Ports intervention coupled with the sudden harvesting of naara - early millet in the region there was a bit of improvement of food in the market and the market price of maize 50kg was between 120,000-150,000 cedis at that time so it did not make sense to sell out MOFA maize at 150,000. We informed H. E. The President and Vice President about the situation; and MOFA was directed to reduce the price, which MOFA complied and directed price to be 100,000 cedis. This nevertheless, did not motivate buyers of the maize very much.

In the application of my business skills the token fee for the Ghana Port rice as stated above was to be used by the District Assemblies to procure the maize for free distribution to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged; because they could not have opportunity to purchase the MOFA maize at 100,000 cedis at that time. This worked and in each District maize went for free to the very poor and needy.

Also at that time secondary schools and colleges in the region needed food support to feed students. So I suggested and directed the sale of the maize to all secondary schools and colleges in the region. The schools and colleges dispatched their vehicles to load and this sustained academic activities over the period - multiple-problem solving with business sense achieved.

But I had to leave office in July 2007 so what followed subsequently about sales of unwholesome maize is very current and far from my link. Soon after followed the flood in 2007 and I am aware of NADMO strategic food I retained in the RCC stores against the wish of some officials of NADMO during my stewardship, for any eventuallity I believe this was the first food aid in hand that catered for the flood victims first in Builsa and Bawku areas. It is my view that if there was still 250 bags of maize (MOFA's) then one year round with flood and famine it may have been fallen upon as aid; but if it went mouldy and weaverry then its best for poultry; it makes sense in the food chain process - biodiverty principles....

Concern 4 Wheelchairs, these were not an official donation to the region. The wheel chairs were donated to me, Boniface, for sports promotion of Persons with disabilities PWDs, as a programme, my nephew who works with Pozzo (Mr. Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah) suggested and showed interest. Pozzo met with me at my in-law's house near his home in Koforidua where we discussed our venture. We even went further to arrange a visit for Oprah who hosts Pozzo alot on her programms in the USA. My nephew did propose the sporting issue between him and me as our philosophies matched in trying to do something for PWDs in our areas. However, I compiled a list of PWDs when I was Regional Minister and discussed with the President of the PWDs Mr. Tarzan on how we could team up to get our humanitarian interest accomplished. Tarzan has been calling me in USA from Bolga weeks before your publications sourced from GNA.

Because wheelchairs were not donated to govt or region certainly RCC would not have documents on what is not theirs. You will have documents over something that is yours. This is where I find the inadequate research for information by NORPRA and other stakeholders

I have taken time to present this article as a rejoinder to beef up the skeletal and rush publication of issues on maize and wheelchairs so as to draw attention for details when we are in public advocacy and to let us learn being careful in social activities not to discourage or spoil good intentions.

To also add as a follow up to radio FM call to me from Bolga while on business meetings in in Washington DC, New York and Ohio for my Nabdam community.

Exhausting potential and possible data and information sources before pronouncements is important for the media and advocacy.


Columnist: Gambila, Boniface A.