
RE: Ghanaian Students in Cuba Threaten Demo

Wed, 13 Mar 2013 Source: Dzebu, Andrew Sefenu

I write to clear the air on the article with the above stated title published on on Monday 11th March, 2013.

I state boldly that I have nothing to do with the author of this publication, and that I haven’t spoken to this journalist by phone or by any other means, neither have I spoken to any other journalist at any other point in time. I do not know the motives of the author of this publication but the following information in the article clearly shows this is a cooked story:

1. There are only 2 Ghanaian students in the University of Medical Sciences in Pinar del Rio, Cuba. I don’t know how 2 people will do any meaningful demonstration.

2. This said University is a very small place, where a large number of students cannot gather for any such thing as demonstrations.

3. The laws of the Republic of Cuba frown on such things as demonstrations, and we respect the laws of the land.

4. I’m a not such a person to do such a thing as a demonstration. I’d prefer to think working solutions to problems than taking to the streets. As I’ve learnt from Mahatma Gandhi, peaceful solutions can be found for real problems.

5. We have been paid our stipends. What will anyone be demonstrating or taking any other actions for?

It is not surprising that the name of the journalist who authored that article is not seen on the webpage. If it’s any work worth being proud of, I’m sure he/she would proudly claim authorship.

Once again, I’d want to be dissociated from this piece, as I have had nothing to do with the author, nor the publisher. They know best what they are doing.

Andrew Sefenu Dzebu

Columnist: Dzebu, Andrew Sefenu