Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta
Dear editorial team, I appreciate the urgency you took in publishing the article, entitled, " Ken Ofori-Atta Will Die In 2021" pontificated by Bishop / Prophet Elisha Salifu Amoako, the General Overseer of Alive Chapel which was published on your esteemed, Ghanaweb platform on January 01, 2021.
I am praying that you would also use the same urgency to publish this rebuttal to educate the masses in Africa.
Fellow Africans, I posit that there is not a single Biblical prophet in Ghana or anywhere else in in Africa. To be frank, the self-appointed characters who claim to be the spokespersons for God have insatiable appetite to intentionally create panic in the psyche of the vulnerable Ghanaians to only enrich themselves.
These ignoramuses do not have any power to move 10 grams of Matter to a distance of 10 centimeters. They do not have any power to even hurt an ant and all their evil intentions and pronouncements have been nullified by The Cosmic Powers in this Aquarian Age.
They have all been visited by the Potent Dreadful Curse of Tutakhamen and that is the reason they are all talking like insane people. The Flowering- Spirit attributes which are the hallmarks of authentic Spirituality has been voided out of them and that is the reason they are vainly seeking public acknowledgement and in so doing they have put themselves up for public ridicule.
These miserable homo sapiens do not have any sense of shame and that is the reason they can not see their Spiritual and Intellectual Nakedness.
Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta, by the Authority, invested in me by The Cosmic Powers you shall not die in 2021 and all the evil intentions and pronouncements shall fall on their heads and that includes Bishop Salifu Amoako and all the so-called Biblical prophets who have taken upon themselves to intentionally create terror in the psyche of Africans.