Though Otumfuo the Asantehene and his committee did the best to ensure peace in Dagbon, unless and until the people to whom these overtures are intended have the fortitude to swallow a bitter pill, then the problems will continue, as the Abudu have made quite clear above.
There is a Ghanaian aphorism, to wit: "If your jaw is falling off, and you lack the patience to allow someone to get the help needed to prevent the jaw from falling, who suffers?"
The so-called ‘road map’ upon which the Abudu base their rejection of the committee’s recommendation, was predicated upon a peaceful settlement between the ABUDU and ANDANI factions in Dagbon. That peaceful settlement has proven elusive, to say the least. As recently as a couple of weeks ago, a meeting was called at Manhyia by the Otumfuo committee to try and finalize a peaceful settlement. It ended up in mayhem because the two sides could not see eye to eye! Some of their supporters who had gathered at the gates to Manhyia Palace took the law into their own hands and caused irreparable damage. Innocent people were injured and several cars damaged. Is that the way to travel on a ROAD MAP?
The ABUDU and ANDANI factions pot-holed the road map. It is there fore absolutely disrespectful for the Abudu to use language against Otumfuo and the committee in the manner that they used in their press release, to quote:
"The Eminent Kings have demonstrated by the flip-flop on their position on such a crucial and sensitive issue in the Dagbon conflict that they have a credibility problem. The Abudu Royal Family no longer believes that the Eminent Kings have the moral clarity to be honest brokers in the conflict."
Well I got news for you ABUDUS, the only group that match the above sentiments are the ABUDU themselves, not Otumfuo and his committee who have toiled night and day to bring peace in Dagbon, only to be rejected by you.
It is just not possible, indeed not sensible to hold the funeral of the late Ya Na Naa Mahamadu Abudulai at a place convenient to the Abudus, without peace having been previously achieved between the feuding factions. Under current circumstances, the funeral will provoke further unrest and mayhem among the Dagombas, because the Andanis who are still fuming over the beheading of the late Yana Andani will most certainly contest.
Otumfuo Osei Tutu II who has often been ululated as King Solomon, and deservingly so, in reference to his wise judgements, did his best. His decision is the most sensible one because in order to have a funeral for any of the two departed Ya Na belonging to the Abudu and Andani Gates, absolute peace must exist between the two feuding factions before a large gathering of a funeral can be possible.
I urge both the Abudu and Andani Gates to think seriously about their failure to reach a peaceful workable accord; before they can think about funeral for the departed. You guys are cousins. Most of you went to the same schools in Tamale and Yendi; attended the same universities, etc. Kindly use some of the wisdom and friendships acquired therein to make peace.
Either we make sacrifices and agree; or we continue to behave like the unspeakable and sink together. I know some of you guys, and I know you are all reasonable thinking people. You must try to give in a little, to obtain a lot: PEACE!!
The Abudus ended their statement thus: "We are keeping all options open, and nothing will be taken off the table."
Well, I hope one of those options would be an unqualified apology to Otumfuo and his committee, for the Abudu’s unstatesmanlike and uncustomary language in reference to committee. The committee did as much as someone running to get help for an individual who is at the risk of losing his jaw. Patience, people, patience Dagbon. If anyone tells you there can be a funeral amenable to the Abudus, while the two sides are still feuding, take it with a pinch of salt!!