
RE: Yaw Boateng Gyan must speak wisely or…

Mon, 22 Jul 2013 Source: Gyan, Yaw Boateng

RE: Yaw Boateng Gyan must speak wisely or… - LMVCA

My attention has been drawn to a story ‘Yaw Boateng Gyan must speak wisely or….LMVCA’ dated July 20, 2013 citing your network as source.

The story attributed to Let My Vote Count Alliance (LMVCA ) among others, sought to create the impression that I have in an interview with an Accra –based radio station, Okay FM have said,

“the panel of nine Justices will effectively ignore all the evidence before it, and rule against the petitioners, adding that there should rather be electoral reforms.”

This allegation according to the LMVCA “has the potential to give his party supporters false hope albeit not based on evidence, but on what his party supporters want”.

I wish to state that not only is this allegation false but malicious with a hidden intent to tarnish my hard earned reputation and, dissuade the good intension behind the interview premised on advising the good people of Ghana to be circumspect and measured in our pronouncements ahead of the much anticipated Supreme Court ruling.

The interview with the Okay FM was harmless devoid of insults provocation and prejudicial elements to “setting the stage to pre-determine for the justices what decision they take or rule as far as the Presidential petition is concerned”, as claimed by the LMVCA.

That said, let me reiterate that like any ordinary Ghanaian, I am obviously aware of the petitioners reliefs, of which had been ostensibly adjudicated at the Supreme Court by all parties involved. But, that does not preclude me from making my position clear, that but for the New Patriotic Party’s disagreement with the decision of Electoral Commission to declare Candidate Mahama President after the 2012 elections this court issue though within the purview of the constitution as exercised by petitioners could have been avoided.

Very much aware of the provisions in the constitution that mandated the petitioners to go to court and the powers of the Supreme court as well as consequences emanating from any misguided statement relating to the issues debated at the court, it would be highly irresponsible on my part as national organizer of a political party with massive following such as the National Democratic Congress to make statements that contravene the Constitution, thereby putting the name and mandate of the courts into disrepute.

I, also want to emphasis that the NDC is a party that believes in the rule of law and respect for the judiciary, and would not indulge in acts that would undermine the authority and relevance of the impending ruling of the supreme court, oblivious of the impact the ruling is going to have on the nation and our fledgling democracy.

As I made it clear in the interview with Okay FM that the NDC will welcome the verdict of the Supreme Court, we will equally welcome any recommendation by the Supreme Court including electoral reforms.

For the avoidance of doubt, The NDC followers have always been in high spirit, and therefore my interview with Okay FM was to reassure them of the party’s position to encourage its followers to be civil and exercise decorum in their pronouncements, and should ignore any act of provocation that have the tendency to incite them to mutiny that would consequently culminate in chaos and confusion in our mother Ghana.

Signed 21/7/13

Yaw Boateng Gyan, National Organizer, NDC.

Columnist: Gyan, Yaw Boateng