
Re: What Is Ghanaian Culture: Gay Leaders Dangerous Perspective

Wed, 27 Sep 2006 Source: Ulzen, Manus T. P.

It is interesting how people could go to every extent to justify everything they do. Reading Mr. McDonald's comments about, Ghanaian culture, Biblical principles, colonial laws and what-have-you, I became scared that very soon all manner of anti-social characters like thieves, armed robbers, murderers and their kind could one day rise and ask for adjustments in the law books and questions the moral standards by which we judge such acts as vices.

I consider McDonalds ideas as very dangerous. For McDonald to ask that the whole nation should make an adjustment in its moral and legal standards to accommodate a few people who have a perversed craving for same-sex intercourse is very dangerous.

For McDonald to suggest that some of the laws in our law books are colonial so we should change them because the British have moved away from those laws is equally very dangerous.

Again for him to think of, much more say that the Bible is not Ghanaian so we can't base moral standards in Ghana on biblical principles is outrageous and blasphemous.

I hope this rejoinder would help McDonald and people like him reconsider their line of thinking.

Everywhere in the world moral and legal standards are generally based on sound religious principles. Even those (like Ghana) who did not have the bible from the start someway, somehow set their moral standards to run in accordance with the codified biblical principles. Take for instance the laws against killing, stealing, robbery and all those social vices, they are coded in the 10 commandments and several other biblical commandments, like thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal... and now they exist in our law books.

Even human rights laws and what have you, the world over, at all levels, national, global all have their roots in the coded age old principles like the bible.

It is funny reading how McDonald tried to water down the power of the bible and its principles. That efforts is futile because greater people of greater influence in the past have tried to kill the bible but the bible only became stronger the more they attempted.

Lets examine McDonalds suggestions and their dangers. Firsly he said the bible is not Ghanaian so we should not determine our moral standards by what the bible says. By implication, biblical laws like thou shall not kill, thou shall not steal, thou shall not fornicate and others are all not Ghanaian so we cannot base our moral standards on those.

Even more seriously, he is suggesting that murderers, rapists, thieves, armed robbers should all be let lose and allowed to flow freely in society because the standards by which we judge what they do as wrong were bible based and since the bible is not Ghanaian, what business do we have judging people and incarcerating them based on what the bible says.

He did not stop there, he went on to say that our laws were colonial and that the British who wrote some of those laws for us now allow gay marriages. Well the laws speak against killing, stealing and all that, so if we must make an adjustment to suit gay people, should we also make adjustment to suit murderers, rapist, robbers, and people involve in systemic corruption? Should we follow the British blindly?

So for instance, if one day in the name of freedom of association a group like Ghana Armed Robbers Association (GARA), or Rapist Association of Ghana (RAG) are formed, we should allow them to register and give them legal recognition and grant them adjustments in the laws anytime they ask for it.

Well, McDonald is telling us that the laws by which we judge, sentence and punish people are either biblical or colonial and not Ghanaian so we must change them to suit all groups of people like gay, murderers, rapists, robbers, thieves. Where do we put the breaks. Who determines how far we should go in this adjustment spree.

May be McDonald can tell us where we put the breaks in allowing all perversed characters room in society.

McDonald conveniently sites Britian as an example of a country where laws have been adjusted to suit some kinds of acts. Let me announce to him that in Brixton, London wee smoking has been legalised. So should we do same in say Tudu, Nima or any part of Ghana notorious for wee smoking? If not, why should we do it for gayism because the British have done it? Sounds stupid isn't it?

Such dangerous legal adjustments in the name of "political correctness" is not only limited to Britian but almost the whole of Europe. In some European countries, sexual intercourse in public is normal. In some other parts of Europe women are asking to be allowed to walk bear-chested (breast galore) in public like men do, but they have been refused. That is what you get when you liberalise morality the way McDonald is suggesting.

If McDonald has any understanding of what direction the world is moving in , he would have realised that Europe is gradually moving towards becoming the headquarters of sin and evil. Obviously he does not have any appreciation of such things so he thinks because evil has been legalised in an Europe country, Ghana should do the same.

I would suggest that McDonald and his colleagues continue to hide and practice their gayism but they should not even attempt to drag the whole nation into sin because a hand full of them have a preversed sexual craving.

Even animals stick to the age old biblical principle of male-female mating. Never would you see a male or female animal of any kind going after same sex for intercourse. Lets not condemn them, Lets pray for their souls that they would understand that your craving is a pervertion. That they dont have to live with it if they dont want to. That they can be delivered. The only reason they are living with it is because they have accepted it as normal and they have resigned to your fate.

The issue about our way of dressing, eating, monitoring time and all are just trivial because those have got to do with civilization and not morality. Like I said it is strange how McDonald have decided to go to every extent, even into the gutters so triviality just to justify his perversed sexual craving. He is really begging the issue and it is not helping him.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.

Columnist: Ulzen, Manus T. P.